نصرالله سيلقي كلمة بمناسبة عيد "المقاومة والتحرير" في 25 أيار
Read this story in English"يطل الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله في الخامس والعشرين من الجاري في ذكرى عيد "المقاومة والتحرير"، بحسب ما افادت تقارير إعلامية.
وفي هذا السياق، أفادت العلاقات الاعلامية في "حزب الله"، الإثنين، ان "الامين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله سيطل في الخامسة والنصف عصر السبت 25 ايار الجاري، في مهرجان يقيمه الحزب في ذكرى عيد "المقاومة والتحرير" في "مدينة الشهيد القائد الحاج عماد مغنية الشبابية" في مشغرة – البقاع الغربي".
يُذكر ان نصرالله، اعلن في كلمة له، عصر الخميس، في ذكرى تأسيس" إذاعة النور" انه يريد "حكومة مصلحة وطنية"، مضيفاً ان "المصلحة تكمن في تشكيل حكومة شراكة حقيقية، ويجب عدم تضييع الوقت في هذا الموضوع وفريقنا متمسك بتمثيله حسب الاحجام النيابية".
laww bi rou7 ynem ba2a .... tawwalet el nekteh ou saret beykha!
enno ma32oul wahad 3ala hal tarz yethakkam bel bilad wel 3ibad??!
Another Speech of crap coming up ..what i would like to hear is when is he moving to Iran or Syria and let the Lebanese live in peace.
Condor... the fact is, what bothered you in Phoenix comment was not the drama but the anti Nasrallah tone. I am sure you love drama which is why you love the king of drama Mr. Nasrallah. Nasrallah is the supreme drama king uncontested. This is how he is able to bypass the brain department and weasel straight into the hearts of the intellectually challenged. Just listen to his invoking of choice words such as "ashraf elnas, jabhat almoqawama, wa ba3da ba3da haifa...." and so on.
Lastly I would rather listen to what you call phoenix's dramtic comment 1000 times than some of the vulgar and insult-filled comments that populate this site. Thanks for listening to my dramatic comment.
the1phoenix ...i don't why you would have waited for his speeches in the past ..nothing has changed ..if my memory is correct Bashear (RIP) was warning about the Iranian agenda over 30 years ago.
"Resistance and liberation" Very peculiar names to be used in the same sentence with Hassan Hasrallah. When it comes to resisting foreign hegemony over Lebanon, Hezbollah is the epitome of the opposite of resistance. Nasrallah has bowed and kissed the ring of Khomeini, sworn allegiance to him and to the Iranian agenda. He has sworn his party's allegence as well.
As for liberation, ask the Lebanese Shiites if they are free. They are not. They are captives and Hezbollah has made captive all Lebanon by the overt threat to "go to the street" if their will cannot be worked in the halls of the people's government. This is not liberation.
"Resistance and liberation" Very peculiar names to be used in the same sentence with Hassan Hasrallah. When it comes to resisting foreign hegemony over Lebanon, Hezbollah is the epitome of the opposite of resistance. Nasrallah has bowed and kissed the ring of Khomeini, sworn allegiance to him and to the Iranian agenda. He has sworn his party's allegence as well.
Keep mentioning Nusra fanatics. Assad is just as bad.
What is this here, a debate about which radical side we are on? The regime or the Jihadists? Isn't it possible to oppose both the regime and the radical elements of the Syrian opposition?
"I even went as far as comparing you to the greatest man ever to live in Lebanon, Sheikh Bachir Gemayel"
Phoenix, you're such a tool. Good riddance to the foul!
"I even went as far as comparing you to the greatest man ever to live in Lebanon, Sheikh Bachir Gemayel"
Phoenix, you're such a tool. Good riddance to the foul!
Benzona, Nothing new going on. Same plotical leeches in goverment. I'm waiting for the liberation of Syria, bombing of Iran and the downfall og the filthy militia.
Oh, I'm as impatient as you are. I'm wondering if we'll get to vote soon. I haven't registered in my local embassy... Have you?
Who cares, why not stop announcing it each time as if it <was some brilliant event? you give him more importance than he has. Poor nahar , i will read you no more if you think that Nasrallah giving a speeche one day is that important that you make a headline with it. leave us alone with this kind of news
Yes he did @mowaten your opinion notwithstanding. I second the sentiments expressed by @the1phoenix as myself and several of my friends felt the same way long LNG time ago.
Also, someone else on this site, who I believe was a HA supporter, suggested it would have way easier and better to move those 30k inhabitants of those villages into Lebanon and out of harms way. After all, we already are harboring about 500k+ Syrian refugees.
Many more solutions could also have been conjured up but HA at the behest of Iran saw fit to interfere militarily and drag Lebanon with it. To people like me this is the epitome of actions that not only erode but completely destroy Nasrallah's image as a Lebanese patriot which he never was by any stretch of the imagination.
believe what you want to believe--I have relatives in Syria (pro-regime, mind you) who were saying that HA was already in Damascus since the beginning of the conflict. Also, they mentioned that there were a lot of soldiers talking in Farsi, so you take that for what it means. Fact is, Iran has used its soldiers, resources and its proxies in the region to save the regime of ASSad--it knows that it cannot lose.
To be broadcast simultaneously on Iranian TV under the title, "Today's Funnies: 'The Liberation of Lebanon'. Tune in for a heap of barefaced lies, and laugh as hard as you can.
I wonder if you can understand that people here in America do not care if everyone offs each other in that region. we suffer here from a bad economic situation of our own and have very little to offer anyone else in the world. Your best bet would be to disarm everyone in Lebanon and turn it into a tourist attraction, as you have a vast quantity of natural and historical attractions which would boost your economic situation.
I love it when you post--it makes for great comedy and the realization that stupidity in the world is alive and well.
Hint: If you want to be a shill for your regime, you may want to use actual facts instead of your opinion, I mean insistence.
the funny this is that I spend more time reading comments than I spend reading the article. and to be honest, it never fails to entertain me. good job guys. I like it when most people talk about " propaganda" when they have to listen to every word politicians say...I know nothing but that is the propaganda. care not what they say, just look around you. we are living in a joke of a country
Don't you get fed up with your wild and stupid claims that all Arab Leaders (probably excepting your dear friend Assad) are puppets of Zionist (????) America (a country that has a President whose middle name id Mohammed).