الخطيب يطرح مبادرة لحل الازمة تتضمن خروجا آمنا للاسد من سوريا

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اطلق الرئيس السابق للائتلاف الوطني لقوى المعارضة والثورة السورية احمد معاذ الخطيب الخميس مبادرة "مقيدة بجدول زمني" لحل الازمة في سوريا تتضمن السماح للرئيس السوري بشار الاسد بمغادرة البلاد، داعيا "السلطة وفصائل الثورة والمعارضة" الى تبنيها.

وتاتي المبادرة في حين يعقد الائتلاف اليوم في اسطنبول اجتماعا يستمر ثلاثة ايام لبحث امكانية مشاركته في مؤتمر "جنيف 2" الدولي لتسوية النزاع في سوريا.

وتنص المبادرة التي نشرها الخطيب على صفحته على موقع "فيسبوك" على ان "يعلن رئيس الجمهورية الحالي، وخلال عشرين يوماً من تاريخ صدور المبادرة قبوله بانتقال سلمي للسلطة، وتسليم صلاحياته كاملة الى نائبه السيد فاروق الشرع أو رئيس الوزراء الحالي السيد وائل الحلقي".

كما تتضمن السماح للاسد بان "يغادر البلاد، ومعه خمسمئة شخص ممن يختارهم مع عائلاتهم وأطفالهم الى اي بلد يرغب باستضافتهم".

وذكر الخطيب انه طرح هذه المبادرة "منعاً لاضمحلال سورية شعبا وأرضا واقتصادا وتفكيكها انسانيا واجتماعيا" و"استجابة عملية لحل سياسي يضمن انتقالا سلميا للسلطة".

ووصف مبادرته بانها "سورية المنبع والهدف، وهي وحدة متكاملة، ومقيدة بجدول زمني واضح".

ودعا الخطيب "السلطة في سورية وجميع فصائل الثوار والمعارضة الى تبنيها مخرجا من الكارثة الوطنية". كما دعا المجتمع الدولي الى "رعايتها وضمان تنفيذها".

وتمهل المبادرة رئيس الجمهورية "بعد قبوله الانتقال السلمي للسلطة مدة شهر لإنهاء عملية تسليم كامل صلاحياته"، على ان "تستمر الحكومة الحالية بعملها بصفة مؤقتة مدة (مئة يوم) من تاريخ تسلم الشخص المكلف صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية الحالي".

وتمنح المبادرة الشخص المكلف "كامل الصلاحيات التنفيذية لإدارة سورية"، فيما تقوم الحكومة بصفتها المؤقتة وخلال (المئة يوم) بإعادة هيكلة الأجهزة الأمنية والعسكرية".

ويكلِف الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة وسيطا دوليا للإشراف على المرحلة الموقتة في سوريا ورعاية عملية انتقال السلطات.

وتشمل المبادرة اطلاق سراح جميع المعتقلين السياسيين وفتح الأراضي السورية امام جميع أنواع الإغاثة الإنسانية المحلية والدولية.

وتطالب "جميع الأطراف الالتزام بوقف استخدام الأسلحة الثقيلة، وتحت الرقابة الدولية".

وبعد مرور فترة المئة يوم، تلحظ مبادرة الخطيب انتقال جميع صلاحيات الحكم الى حكومة انتقالية يتم الاتفاق والتفاوض عليها في اطار ضمانات دولية، على ان تتولى هذه الحكومة "مهام التحضير والتأسيس لسورية الجديدة".

وكان احمد معاذ الخطيب اقترح في كانون الثاني خلال ترؤسه الائتلاف المعارض اجراء حوار مع ممثلين عن النظام، معتبرا ان هذه هي الوسيلة الوحيدة لايجاد مخرج للازمة في ظل تمنع الدول الداعمة للمعارضة عن تسليحها بسلاح نوعي.

ولقي اقتراحه رفضا داخل المعارضة التي عادت واكدت ان اي حوار مع النظام يجب ان يكون على رحيل الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد واركان نظامه.

التعليقات 25
Thumb geha 17:02 ,2013 أيار 23

if assad does not accept this offer, he will end up like Ghadafi or saddam.
last chance for this murderer.

Thumb geha 20:23 ,2013 أيار 23

you must have looking in the mirror when you wrote this....

Thumb primesuspect 20:34 ,2013 أيار 23

Absolumente Geha. He can pick, either bin Ali or Gaddhafi..... In other words, dead or alive.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:34 ,2013 أيار 23

Mowaten - How many Syrian will you want dead before this monster accept to leave? All for what? At least the political opposition is proposing a rational roadmap for the transition to a democratic and pluralistic Syria. What are you offering?

Thumb mckinl 20:35 ,2013 أيار 23

US Willing to Keep Assad to Avoid Regional War

"Though the “official” US position on Syria seems to change wildly by the hour and is based primarily on who is talking and who is standing near them at the time, new reports suggest the Obama Administration is ready to ditch their demands for regime change."


Thumb mckinl 22:23 ,2013 أيار 23

Nothing to confuse ...

It is obvious that the conditions on Assad are going away rapidly so that the US-NATO-GCC cabal can exit this Pandora's Box pronto without too much egg on the face.

Missing phillipo 20:46 ,2013 أيار 23

Has anyone asked the question - Which country will accept him?

Missing mfawaz 23:57 ,2013 أيار 23

wake up and look around, things are not going well for you so called FSA.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:08 ,2013 أيار 24

FT - You really make no sense in your response to my posting. As I have stated in previous posting, the Nusra are as dangerous and if not more than the current regime. The Nusra is not the Syrian revolution and is the direct results of MANY massacres committed by this monstrous regime you support.

Default-user-icon Bartosh Kizavello (ضيف) 03:26 ,2013 أيار 24

NostraGeha, what do you prefer? That Assad leave or end up like the two you mention? Even better, since you and the other Nostras have correctly??? predicted Assad's fall a little over 7,419 times already and you Nostras are still at it, what do you say WILL happen to Assad? Let me tell you one thing NostraGeha, if you fail another 7,419 times I will get very angry!

Default-user-icon Abu Quahafa (ضيف) 09:05 ,2013 أيار 24

This traitor must first celebrate his victory over Assad then he may show his magnanimous offer to defeated Assad to leave in peace.

Thumb ado.australia 18:19 ,2013 أيار 23

Maybe Assad will give him a "safe exit"!

Geha, for 3 years you have been saying Assad has a few weeks left!... Yet Salafist, extremist terrorist from all around the world will not force him out! I never thought I would ever be defending the Assad family and the Syrian Ba'ath party, but I also never thought that I would have to choose between them and evil demons that have hijacked the Syrian revoloution. This is not about a Syrian civil revouloution but it's about civilization as we know it against demonic salafists. (look at London attacks for example)

Good luck Syria against these animals!

Thumb primesuspect 20:35 ,2013 أيار 23

Please naharnet webmaster. Ban this IP address tambien. He's spreading hatred and encourages criminal behavior. Gracias.

Thumb primesuspect 20:49 ,2013 أيار 23

I'm not here to educate you, it isn't my job, nor anybody's on naharnet. Don't blame us, but blame your folks for the values they taught you. You're immoral and this cannot be Cautioned by a naharnet webmaster.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:38 ,2013 أيار 23

Keep supporting these monsters Josh. In Hama, thousands of women and children were massacred. I guess in your sectarian bigoted world, they do not count because they are Sunnis. When Khatib propose a pluralistic democratic civil state, you want to hang him. But when the Assads slaughter in the tens of thousands, you cheer them on. You are worse than the Takfiris you purport to oppose.

Thumb primesuspect 20:51 ,2013 أيار 23

Don't waste your energy on him. Soon you'll miss him anyway. Yet he'll return under a new alias.... Because he's a masochist.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:12 ,2013 أيار 24

FT - That idiot who ate the heart of the dead soldier and Assad should be put on trial. One is a criminal and the other is a mass criminal. I support none. You support the mass criminal.

Missing idris_gray 21:17 ,2013 أيار 23

rot in hell josh...you are not a christian or even a decent human being

Missing siyeseh 21:58 ,2013 أيار 23

Josh the schizo who one day say he isent actually against sunnis and the next day he posts such stupidity. May you get all the evil you accuse muslims of ya wosikh. People like you contribute nothing to humanity, all you do is spread extremism and hatred. May you recieve eternal punishment while the image of the chief terrorist bashar el assad taunt you. Your a disgrace to christianity and a living proof that terrorists, extremists and evil people exist within all religions. Had a muslim written this about christianity then the comments wouöd have been filled with insults against islam and muslims.

Thumb benzona 01:26 ,2013 أيار 24

I offer an exit in a body bag from the morgue. who's with me?

Default-user-icon Laughs (ضيف) 04:31 ,2013 أيار 24

Right when Hizb Allah joins the fight and takes part of a tiny town of 20 thousand people all the Assad supporters start talking very big. This revolution was supposed to be over 2 years ago according to Aoun. Good luck trying to take back Aleppo when a small village like Qusayr takes the whole Hizb Allah and Syrian military to deal with...

Default-user-icon Karin Rougeau (ضيف) 06:35 ,2013 أيار 24

This puppet of NATO and israHELL has no right to even speak Assad's name

Who the hell does he think he is? Responsible for 70,000 deaths of innocent people in Syria. He is the very scum of zionism agenda to take Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan land to push Palestainisns off whatever land they have left.

And YOU , fellow homeland people allow this. Shame on you Much Shame on you!

Long Live Palesine with NO zionist entity

Long Live the Republic of Syria

It saddens me to see the once proud people of the Middle East succumb to the zionists.

Default-user-icon dd (ضيف) 08:47 ,2013 أيار 24

Mr Khatib you propose a safe exit to someone when u have the upper hand,
Qusayr is going down, and Assad is marking a progress, in this case your run for your life.

Default-user-icon Gildevar Peshanti (ضيف) 10:03 ,2013 أيار 24

With this long-awaited offer by the biggie nobody to Assad, Assad will definitely take it before it expires! Where do these people come from, really?

Thumb thepatriot 11:22 ,2013 أيار 24

LOOOL... same score Bashar gets at the elections! ;)