وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي: سوف نرد اذا سلمت روسيا صواريخ اس-300 الى سوريا
Read this story in Englishحذر وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي موشيه يعالون الثلاثاء من ان اسرائيل "تعرف ما ستفعله" اذا سلمت روسيا انظمة دفاع جوي الى سوريا.
وقال يعالون ان "الشحن (الاسلحة) لم يتم وآمل الا يتم. لكن اذا وصلت (صواريخ اس-300) الى سوريا، فسنعرف ما علينا ان نفعله".
وتأتي تصريحات يعالون بعدما قال نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي ريابكوف الثلاثاء ان الصواريخ تشكل عامل "استقرار" هدفه ردع اي مخطط لتدخل خارجي في النزاع في هذا البلد.
وقالت اذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي ان يعالون يلمح بذلك الى غارات جوية جديدة يمكن ان تشنها اسرائيل، كما فعلت مطلع الشهر الجاري قرب دمشق.
وقال مسؤولون اسرائيليون ان القصف هدف الى منع عمليات نقل اسلحة الى حزب الله.
وصرح نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي ريابكوف الثلاثاء ان الصواريخ ارض جو المتطورة من طراز اس-300 المقرر تسليمها الى سوريا تشكل عامل "استقرار" هدفه ردع اي مخطط لتدخل خارجي في النزاع في هذا البلد.
وقال ريابكوف للصحافيين "نعتبر عملية التسليم هذه عامل استقرار ونرى ان اجراءات كهذه تردع الى حد كبير بعض العقول المحتدة من التفكير بسيناريوهات يتخذ فيها النزاع منحى دوليا بمشاركة قوات اجنبية".
وادلى المسؤول الروسي بهذه التعليقات غداة رفع الاتحاد الاوروبي الحظر على تسليم اسلحة للمعارضين السوريين وهو ما انتقدته موسكو معتبرة انه يضر بجهود تنظيم مؤتمر دولي للوصول الى تسوية سلمية.
واكد ريابكوف ان العقد المتعلق بصواريخ اس-300 وقع "قبل سنوات" مع الحكومة السورية.
The mini Zionist state is defying Russia beside the fact that they defy anything else that does not suit their targets. Any defiance they go on talking about holocaust. They have the right to procure any kind of weapons, no questions asked, but when someone else tries "we know what to do"
hizbushaitan is going to pay a dear price for their involvement in Syria, and their end is near.
this time round, no one will harbor shia from south Lebanon and bekaa when the war with Israel will start.
hizbushaitan has alienated everyone along the years, and perception of Lebanese has dramatically changed: they will find no support from the Lebanese people.
Well at least in his kibbutz he has freedom of speech and they don't tell him go back to his undeveloped country that has no electricity or water.
if ever there is an Israeli agent on this site, it would be ft for spreading sectarian hatred.
Farsi, and I guess you would go to Iran. Is going to Iran better than going to some crappy kibbutz?
Dream on mr waleed. If Damascus attacks Israel the first thing israel will do is destroying the air force of syria n by doing that assad will stand weak in front of the rebels.assad is a butcher not an idiot.
Surely they do know what to do. We, too, know what they will do: go to the wailing wall and cry like little girls.
The Russians today issued diplomatic condemnations of the EU for lifting the Arms Embargo on the FSA. They said that lifting the ban would be destabilizing. And yet, they continue arming the Assad Regime without abatement. Is this not destabilizing?? Maybe their position rests on just who is being destabilized -- Assad, Syria or the region. One does not equal the other. If all parties sought a peaceful resolution, then none would be arming any of the parties.
Do the world a favor....please don't just stop at Syria, clean Lebanon of it's sewage aka HA as well!
Sunnis will do whatever the oil rich clans want them to do. If their political and financial survival is contingent on going to bed with the West, Russia, China, India... and open the door for Israel, they will do so. So, it is not a far fetched conclusion. Likewise the Shiites, as evident by their handing over Lebanon's interest, running her affairs to Farsi filth. If this would clean up the Palestinian camps and move their arms out of Lebanon, I may consider going to bed with the Farsi and take my chances. Wake up! Arab/Muslims you are being played. Why? Because they have divided you. Why were they able to do so? Because you are greedy and hate each other. Israel fears of the Christians and the Persians. They do not fear oil rich Clans sitting in the desert and picking their toes.