الشرطة التركية تنسحب من ساحة في اسطنبول بعد اعتراف أردوغان بتدخلها "المبالغ به" ضد المتظاهرين

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اكد رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان السبت ان الشرطة بالغت في رد فعلها في بعض الحالات عندما تدخلت لتفريق المتظاهرين المحتجين على مشروع بناء في متنزه في اسطنبول، لتنسحب بعدها الشرطة من الساحة.

وقال اردوغان في اليوم الثاني من الاحتجاجات "حقيقة كانت هناك بعض الاخطاء، وتصرفات مبالغ بها اثناء رد الشرطة". وقالت وزارة الداخلية في بيان انه سيتم اتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية بحق رجال الشرطة الذين تصرفوا بشكل "غير متناسب".

وكان قد دعا الرئيس التركي عبد الله غول الى تغليب "المنطق" فيما وصلت الاحتجاجات برأيه الى "حد مقلق".

وقال غول في بيان نشره مكتبه "يتعين علينا جميعا ان نتحلى بالنضج حتى يمكن للاحتجاجات ... التي وصلت الى حد مقلق ان تهدأ" ودعا الشرطة الى "التصرف بشكل متناسب" مع حجم الاحتجاج.

وفي وقت سابق دعا اردوغان المتظاهرين الى أن يوقفوا "فورا" تحركهم واكد ان الشرطة ستبقى في الساحة للحفاظ على النظام فيها، وذلك في اليوم الثاني من تحرك احتجاجي عنيف ضد حكومته.

وقال اردوغان في كلمة القاها في اسطنبول "اطلب من المحتجين ان يوقفوا على الفور تظاهراتهم ... للحؤول دون الحاق مزيد من الاضرار بالزائرين والمشاة والتجار"، مؤكدا انه سيتخذ كل التدابير الضرورية ل"لتأمين سلامة الناس وممتلكاتهم".

واكد اردوغان ايضا انه لن يسحب مشروع بناء ثكنة عسكرية من العهد العثماني في ساحة تقسيم الذي تسبب في اندلاع التظاهرات.

وقال اردوغان "سنبني الثكنة االعسكرية" المنصوص عنها في المشروع.

واندلعت مواجهات جديدة السبت في وسط اسطنبول بين الشرطة والمتظاهرين في اليوم الثاني من واحدة من اهم حركات الاحتجاج ضد الحكومة التركية الاسلامية المحافظة منذ وصولها الى الحكم في 2002.

التعليقات 14
Thumb fero 16:24 ,2013 حزيران 01

id like to see now how captain democracy handles this, it is just so funny when guys like this preach about human rights and listenieng to the people and here he is telling people to stop protesting loool this will be interesting to watch

Thumb benzona 16:32 ,2013 حزيران 01

What's the difference between Erdogan, Aoun, or Nasrallah?

Just the sect on their ID and the fact that the “Lebanese„ ones have blood on their hands. They're good at manipulating the weak and uneducated. Otherwise, they're all pro in theft and corruption.

Thumb sajad 16:45 ,2013 حزيران 01

Time to call friends of turkey conference in Damascus next week.

Thumb condor 17:37 ,2013 حزيران 01

you wish:)

Default-user-icon el turco (ضيف) 21:50 ,2013 حزيران 01

generally, turks doesnt support the asad and his dictatorial system. because;assad supported the PKK for many years. these demonstrations, stupid policies of the government is the answer. (espacially; democracy, laik system, a few stupid ban alcohol vs.)

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 17:39 ,2013 حزيران 01

The differences between Turkey (democracy) and Syria (dictatorship: Turkey they use water cannons against protesters, Syria they use machine guns. Turkey police that use too much force are prosecuted, Syria the military uses jets to wipe out its own towns. Turkey, how many dead protesters? Syria: 100 thousand dead soon and president still says he's going to run in another fake election in 2014.

Missing -karim_m2 19:01 ,2013 حزيران 01

Who wants to bet that Erdogan will be overthrown before Assad ever will?

Thumb ado.australia 20:12 ,2013 حزيران 01

karim_m2... i am willing to bet. Erdogon apparently survived a military coup a few years ago, but now after these ridicules laws, the secular military that love and have sworn to protect the secular beliefs of the founder Ataturk, will be regrouping for another attempt and this time they will be shore not to fail!

Missing -karim_m2 20:38 ,2013 حزيران 01

The Turkish people demand and deserve freedom! Down with the Wahabi, Al-Qaeda sympathizing dictatorship of Erdogan! Down with terrorism!

Missing VINCENT 20:38 ,2013 حزيران 01

These are Turks, Ottoman or present day, does not matter same barbaric people who slaughtered 1.5 million innocent people. Shame on the U.S. and the British government for going to bed with them and not willing to officially recognize one of the worst crimes. Oh by the way, what happened? Are they now cozy, cozy with the Zionist enemy? Huh?

Default-user-icon el turco (ضيف) 21:57 ,2013 حزيران 01

as always, armo people crying.

Missing spritelemon 01:39 ,2013 حزيران 02

To people like vincent, it is not killing when the strong white man does it, it is only killing when the eastern olive skinned man who does it - if he isent one of those olive skinned criminals that have a special relationship white the US government of course, because then he is like the white man, he never kills, when he kills, he is actually saving lives because he is a hero :) Havent you heard? The US saved iraq and the iraqis are ungrateful. After all, they came and risked their lives to give them democracy, they never slaughtered, destroyed, caused civil war, raped women nor comitted a bunch of war crimes and if they did, it doesnt matter since olive skinned soldiers also harmed so that means the white man can do it against the olive skinned people and nobody should say anything about it.

Default-user-icon elturco (ضيف) 11:09 ,2013 حزيران 02

- 3-4 million circissian people living in turkey, know. because they are muslim, was exiled in 1864. (ortodox genocide)

- 3 milyon crimean turks living turkey and they exiled in 1944 by stalin. more than 200,000 died on the way. (ortodox genocide)

- 2 milyon bosnian people living turkey. (40,000 women were raped in a conscious way.) (serbian ortodox genocide)

- hundreds of thousands, ahıska and the chechens living in turkey. because, they deported by soviet russia and under the occupation of their lands.

I could mention dozens more.

not only the collapse of the ottoman armenians unharmed. We are seeing the brunt.

Missing VINCENT 23:32 ,2013 حزيران 01

OK, so what is your point? We get it already. Read between the lines. Do not interfere right? OK, Saddam should have been left alone to kill his own people, invade Kuwait, etc., and H.A. should not interfere in Syria, correct too?! The U.S. should have not interfered with Slobodan Milošević? Is that correct too? Again what is your point? As to Japan, they should not have attached Pearl Harbor whose nation has nuclear capabilities which I am against all.