بوتين: اي محاولة للتدخل العسكري الخارجي في سوريا "مصيرها الفشل"
Read this story in Englishاعلن الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الثلاثاء في ختام قمة بين روسيا والاتحاد الاوروبي ان، موسكو تعتبر أن اية محاولة للتدخل العسكري في سوريا "مصيرها الفشل".
وقال بوتين خلال مؤتمر صحافي في ايكاتيريبورغ على بعد 1500 كلم شرق موسكو: "اؤكد مرة جديدة ان اية محاولة للتاثير على الوضع في سوريا بالقوة عبر تدخل عسكري مصيرها الفشل وستؤدي الى عواقب انسانية كبرى".
وأفاد أن روسيا "لم تسلم بعد" صواريخ ارض-جو اس 300 الى سوريا، مؤكدا ان موسكو لا تريد "الاخلال بميزان القوى" في المنطقة.
وقال بوتين "العقد وقع قبل عدة سنوات، ولم يطبق حتى الان" مضيفا "انه بالتاكيد سلاح خطير. لا نريد ان نخل بميزان القوى في المنطقة".
كما تناول بوتين امام الصحافيين وقادة الاتحاد الاوروبي، بتهكم سلامة المشاركين الروس في مؤتمر حول سوريا وهم يجلسون امام مسلحين سوريين معارضين "يذبحون وياكلون" اعداءهم.
وقال بوتين ان "شبكات التلفزة اظهرت عناصر في المعارضة المسلحة يذبحون اعداءهم القتلى وياكلون اعضاءهم.
وأردف: "آمل أن لا يحضر مثل هؤلاء الى جنيف-2 لانه ان حصل سيصعب علي تأمين سلامة المشاركين الروس وسيكون من الصعب المشاركة في العمل معهم".
Assad proved a liar again...what a muppet. Even if the system was delivered it will need a couple of years before it becomes operational. So this all bull talk anyway!
Uncle Vlad betrayed his best customer in the region. Yet, Bachar will keep eating in his hand.... He has no dignity whatsoever.
even if the s 300 will be delivered It will be essential for Israel to destroy them befor they become operational, even if Russian technicians get in the way.i think putin n ASSad know this fact..ASSad is a dreamer,dreams from far away
"ASSad" has not confirmed that SUCH shipments of the S-300s have been made. But then I might have misunderstood "ASSad" because my knowledge of the Arabic language is as good as March 14's and Lebanon First and Always Getting the Thick End of the Stick's knowledge of the Chinese language, in that "ASSad' said the S-300s are part of a whole agreement/deal PART OF WHICH (i.e. the deal/agreement) has already been fulfilled. But then again forgive my knowledge of the Arabic language even though, unlike the geniuses of March 14 and Lebanon First Fakes, I make an effort to read and not have others read on my behalf, think on my behalf and then do nothing but BS on their BS. You go, Pathetic Future of Lebanon.
Russian must deliver the system and upset the balance that's the only way how the British,Americans,Israel,and France, Germany will back off.Us has sell weapons to Israel to destroy Iran plus to the rebels to destroy Syrian. why should Putin buy face with them.
When the Americans and the Europeans want to test their weapons their accused Alqaida but whenever their want to remove a regime which oppose their ideas then ALqaida become a important tool.
The Americans still owes the Russian trillions for the break up of Soviet union and still believe that the Russians are stupit.Mr. Putin stop pleasing the Americans and the European imperials while the ARABS are dying. All your allies will destroy while you are sitting on the pavilion until you remain alone and get kill by Sakasvillie of Georgia.
All the Russian allies like Iran,Syria,North Korea,VenenZuela and Cuba are under American and European sanctions while all American and European allies are free from sanctions.