قوات النظام تسيطر على بلدة الضبعة شمال القصير

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اقتحمت قوات النظام السوري الخميس بلدة الضبعة شمال القصير التي كان مقاتلون معارضون لا يزالون يسيطرون على اجزاء كبيرة منها، بحسب ما ذكر التلفزيون السوري الرسمي.

وقال التلفزيون في شريط اخباري "قواتنا المسلحة الباسلة تعيد الامن والاستقرار الى بلدة الضبعة في ريف القصير".

واكد تلفزيون "المنار" التابع لحزب الله سيطرة الجيش السوري على البلدة القريبة جدا من القصير والتي كان انسحب اليها، بحسب المنار، عدد كبير من السلحين الذين كانوا في القصير قبل سقوطها الاربعاء في ايدي قوات النظام وحزب الله.

واجرى مراسل المنار من البلدة مقابلة مع ضابط في الجيش السوري تحدث عن "هجوم مباغت" قام به الجيش "ادى الى مفاجاة المسلحين وتحرير الضبعة".

واشار الى مبنى خال قال انه "مدرسة الضبعة الحكومية".

واوضح المراسل ان مسلحي المعارضة انسحبوا من البلدة قبل دخول الجيش.

واشار المنار الى استمرار وجود "مجموعات مسلحة" في مزرعتي المسعودية والصالحية شمال شرق القصير، الا ان "حجر الدومينو الذي تتجه الانظار اليه" هو البويضة الشرقية الواقعة على بعد خمسة كيلومترات من الضبعة.

وتعرضت البويضة الشرقية صباح الخميس لقصف بالطيران من القوات النظامية. ويقول المرصد وناشطون ان الاف المقاتلين والجرحى والمدنيين لجاوا الى البويضة قبل سقوط القصير امس الاربعاء وان الاوضاع الانسانية فيها سيئة للغاية.

والبويضة الشرقية هي النقطة الاخيرة في ريف القصير الجنوبي التي لا تزال في ايدي المعارضة المسلحة.

التعليقات 18
Thumb Senescence 20:48 ,2013 حزيران 06

'"I am very concerned about what will happen to the people who were evacuated to Eastern Bweida," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman, who had earlier called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to evacuate the wounded.'

They're hostages. May their fate be life.

Missing lebcan 21:51 ,2013 حزيران 06

OOOkay 'endless' sure they are buddy, sure.

Thumb Senescence 22:00 ,2013 حزيران 06

I didn't mean those taken by the Red Cross, they're lucky.

But the supposed "Thousands of civilians and rebels" that have fled Qusayr, while factoring in reports of civilians being committed as collateral damage/human-shields by rebels, makes me thing some civilians had been taken hostage.

Why is it that the lot of the population that hadn't left before the onslaught remained as the Syrian Army arrived, while some of them fled with the rebels? Or did the article didn't imply they left together? If it did, then what were the civilians afraid of? Were they coerced to leave with the rebels? More information is needed to rule out the notion that they haven't been taken hostage, given rebels reportedly, deliberately, and intentionally using civilians as collateral damage.

Thumb Senescence 22:02 ,2013 حزيران 06

Actually, lebcan, I retract my previous post.

Rebels taking thousands of civilians hostage is quite unlikely. Apologies.

Missing idris_gray 22:13 ,2013 حزيران 06

Obviously they didn't want to end up like the sunnis in houla, qubeir and banias.....

Thumb bigsami 21:27 ,2013 حزيران 06

Time for the West to come in and blast away! No place in this world for evil forces like HA and Assad to remain alive!

Thumb benzona 21:56 ,2013 حزيران 06

Watch France.... They're the only hope for the free Syrians. The US won't budge.

Missing -karim_m2 21:43 ,2013 حزيران 06

FSA-Al Qaeda is falling apart.

Thumb bigsami 21:46 ,2013 حزيران 06

Good point peace....meanwhile the people suffer.

Missing lebcan 22:10 ,2013 حزيران 06

Russia needs Assad's Syria as their Mediterranean base and customer and the Americans need Assad to protect Israel from any attack from the Golen... (please, who ever wants to dispute this just remember for 30+ years not a single shot was fired towards Israel from the Golen under the rule of the Israeli friends the Assad and Hizbshitan).
On another note, should people really still believe that in 2000 and 2006 Israel and HA really really fought each other or did they merely fool everyone and both conspired to play the war game to increase the Zionist Agenda...

TRULY it is!!! HA and Zion that are true friends to one another.
and the Russia and the USA are in agreement... in secret.

Thumb Senescence 22:13 ,2013 حزيران 06

Israel and Iran conspiring together to [idk what you're implying here] is preposterous.

Missing peace 23:08 ,2013 حزيران 06

endless it all a game and we are the pawns! they all agree to leave assad in power, everyone for different reasons of interests and that is what assad is playing on!

Thumb Senescence 22:10 ,2013 حزيران 06

I wish that were a probable event, peacelover, but a greater amount of our politicians are corrupt, fighting vendettas of the past, unable to perceive the future generation of the country, concerned with and able to perceive only the immediate future. What should be done is encouraging the youth to participate in political life and teach objectivity, in order for them to overthrow the current political giants robbing the country blind, as they've done for decades.

Missing incorruptible 22:49 ,2013 حزيران 06

I find Jumblatt's silence over the events of the past few weeks quite interesting...

Missing peace 23:06 ,2013 حزيران 06

it takes brave men to do that... in lebanon they are all cowards and mafiosi working for their own power and interests....

Missing commando 23:45 ,2013 حزيران 06

To the coward Syrian army .When are you going to get the Golan Heights back ? next life time perhaps .

Default-user-icon Oliverdio Moustakand (ضيف) 03:01 ,2013 حزيران 07

My friend and compatriot NostraGabbyMarch14, once again you are right!!! With every town and city that falls into the hands of the "ASSad" regime, the regime gets one step closer to... well... umm... duh... collapsing? What then should we say when these falling towns SUDDENLY became UNIMPORTANT AND INSIGNIFICANT? Last Thursday I watched NostraNouhadAlMachnouq (as of this past Tuesday, he became NostraNouhadAlMaftou2) confirm to Marcel al-Manfoush that these SIGNIFICANT towns and cities shall never fall! I think the High Council of NostraDamsels should kick al-Maftou2 out. The Nostras do not tolerate members who are always wrong.

Thumb LebCynic 09:38 ,2013 حزيران 07

Town by town, village by village and street by street Syria will be cleansed from the terrorists that have dirtied its soil with their blood. May god protect the Arabic Syrian Army.