14 قتيلا و31 جريحا في تفجيرين انتحاريين بوسط دمشق والحكومة: هذا على انتصارات الجيش
Read this story in Englishاعتبرت الحكومة السورية، أن التفجيرين اللذين وقعا صباح اليوم الثلاثاء
بالقرب من مركز للشرطة في وسط دمشق واسفرا عن مقتل 14 شخصا وجرح 31 اخرين، جاءا ردا على "الانتصارات التي يحققها الجيش".
وذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية "سانا"، أن "مجلس الوزراء يدين التفجيرين الارهابيين الانتحاريين اللذين وقعا في ساحة المرجة بدمشق، ويؤكد انهما يمثلان افلاس المجموعات الارهابية المسلحة ومن يقف خلفها بسبب ما يحققه جيشنا الباسل من انتصارات".
وكان التلفزيون السوري نقل في وقت سابق اليوم عن مصدر في شرطة دمشق، أن تفجيرين ارهابيين انتحاريين أسفرا عن مقتل " 14 شهيدا و31 جريحا"، موضحا أن التفجيرين "وقعا بالقرب من قسم شرطة الانضباط في المرجة".
وافاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان من جهته، عن مقتل 15 شخصا، موضحا ان احد التفجيرين نتج عن "تفجير رجل نفسه داخل قسم شرطة الانضباط".
واوضح المرصد ان "غالبية الخسائر البشرية هم من عناصر الشرطة".
وبثت قناة "الاخبارية" صورا لمكان التفجيرين اظهرت اثار دماء امام احد المحال التجارية، واضرارا في عدد من المتاجر في الساحة التي تشتهر بمحال الحلويات الدمشقية، فيما كان اصحابها يهمون بالتنظيف وازالة اثار الحطام.
وقال احد المواطنين في المكان للتلفزيون السوري الرسمي "الله ينتقم من الجميع، من كل من قام بهذا الشيء"، مشيرا الى ان "الناس ابرياء، كانوا يمشون بالطرق او جالسين في بيوتهم وفي محلاتهم".
وذكر مواطن اخر كان في المكان اثناء حدوث الانفجار "سمعنا طلقين ناريين ودخلنا الى متجرنا خوفا، ثم سمعنا الانفجار ثم انفجارا ثانيا تفصل بينهما عشرون ثانية"، لافتا الى ان الانفجارين وقعا قرابة الساعة 8.45 (5.45 ت غ).
وقال اخر "كله في كفة والقتلى في كفة اخرى، حرام... الله ينتقم من كل من يخرب هذا البلد لانه ليس بني ادم، ولا يمس الى العروبة بشيء وليست لديه ذرة اخلاق".
وشهدت مناطق عدة في العاصمة منذ بدء النزاع في سوريا قبل اكثر من سنتين، تفجيرات انتحارية بمعظمها استهدفت مراكز حكومية او امنية، او من دون هدف محدد، واوقعت عشرات القتلى والجرحى.
ويأتي تفجيرا اليوم بعد ايام من سيطرة الجيش السوري بمشاركة حزب الله على منطقة القصير في محافظة حمص (وسط) اثر معارك دامية.
و لقد انسحب مقاتلو المعارضة من المنطقة. واعتبرت السيطرة على القصير مكسبا مهما للنظام السوري.
is dat true lebanon became 185180sqm n syria became 10452sqm ? i bet that one day syria will demand UN the withdrawal of lebanese invaders ;)
Qaeda is now pulling out all the stops after the recent defeats ... eating soldiers hearts ... beheadings ... car bombs will be back soon I fear ...
This is why it is so important the the Lebanese Army take control now otherwise Lebanon will be subject to these Takfiri tactics ... Tripoli must be secured.
Agreed 100%...Army should take control of Tripoli and arrest every single armed man! where you will disagree with me that the army should take control of every inch of Lebanon including Dahyeh, beirut and south...Yes I support any armed groups. This is the only reasonable solution because Lebanon is heading to the abyss!
I feel for all the innocent bystanders and heartbreaking loss of life all over Syria. I keep hearing people lay blame on this and that. Ultimately the people of Syria are suffering just like we did a couple of decades ago. Do you remember how that felt? I hope that we don't have to go through all that again. I truly do.
Josh. What is nukah? If your referring to nikah then that is the arabic word for marriage. So "sunnis" are sons of marriage? wow you really insulted us by this statement ya ebn el met3a. Your regime and its supporters are even more brutal than these fake islamists. At least, with muslims they are an extreme minority with no support among mainstream muslims, on the contrary they are condemned and accused of being fake muslims hired to tarnish the image of islam while as in your shia shabbi7a case, they torture, rape, massacre, hack chidren with knifes and axes and the likes and still have a popular support and shias are constantly bragging about the hezballah, sadr, badr, amal, basij and other filthy terrorist militias. Support for alqaida among muslims is not even 1% while most shiites are loyal supporters of their various terrorists who are like alqaida. Both of you murder civilians left and right, but at least the alqaida thugs dont rape women nor humiliate naked bodies.
Centurion ... Millad was spot on... and NO!!! you F.... O... You arrogant narrow minded sheep...
Josh centurion or whatever you wanna call yourself, go make met3a with your cousin, perhaps then you will stop being so angry and you will get 1 million rewards written for you as hajj, as your shia religion teaches you.
You lost it my friend...there was a time when you were able to be a bit objective but lately all your comments are 1 colour...lil2assaf!
Setting off bombs among civilians is the work of cowards and lowlives regardless of the side that that did it. If you calls yourselves men then fight militant-to-militant and leave those defenseless civilians alone.
hate is oozing from these words.....you remind me of the shabiha and the hezbies in the video i saw 2 nights ago.....desecrating dead bodies of elderly men.
type what ever you want but god willing......GOD WILLING ....we will see you all marched into hell fire for eternity. you know im right...you know your gonna burn.
Centurion... Patients, we all good people, Muslims and Non muslims suffer at the hands of people like you (ie ASSad and Zionist, Al-Nussra and Hizbshitan... etc.) Patients my friend... my God Guide you to the right path.
Al assad regime are the masters of killing civilians with all their might using car bombs, guns, axes, planes, grenades, rifles, hands, suicide missions, you name it.
Isent itironic that while israel bombed syria, then syrian army and "air force" were bombing syrians!!
There must be a special place in hell for baathists and their supporters.
The baathist extremists are losing their minds. Read centurions comments and laugh :) Even maronites are muslim fanatics to these terrorist bashar a$$ lickers.
Pathetic centurion. Just pathetic. Now go report for baathist duty. Disgusting baathist extremist. The cross will destroy you for betraying jesus. Perhaps if you tried to love more than you hate then you wouldnt have destroyed your country like this. Stupid baathists.
Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Al Hezb, Al Mullahs.... Al Asaads, Al Baath, Al Shabeeha are all masters of violence and intolerance. The first 4 also excel in religious backwardness.
hell fire awaits you too. you know it. make any comment you want....but your support of this wicked regime will not go unpunished in the hereafter.
just close your eyes and imagine your skin melting.........deep down inside you know im right.
Hahahahahaha, stupid baathist can not even comprehend what is written. Im surprised baath even taught you to read at all :) Moron, try to comprehend this time: in the minds of stupid brainwashed baathists, even the maronites are muslim fanatics. Did you get it now stupid? Let me be more clear, you are accusing several maronites on naharnet of being muslim fanatics simply because we dont buy in to your bullshit and crap. Nobody in lebanon has been more anti-baath and anti-al assad family than us. We spat on you long before the fanatics even discovered they hated you. Stupid baathist. Dont you dare mention jesus christ, you are a child of satan, a baathist needs to wash ten million times before even thinking about saying christ.
Listen to this liar, you are indeed a baathist, stop lying. And being maronite and christian has nothing to do with capitalizing the name of jesus, only a lying baathist coward such as yourself would try to portray being christian is about writing the name of christ with capitalized letters. But hey, lets rape women and slaughter children like you baathists do, that is real christianity according to you filthy baathists who hate God. We indeed spat on you, just watch old youtube clips. It was like spitting on the devil. Coward baathist hiding behind the shia so he can feel like a man when they attack civilians. Tfeh 3alayk we kell wei7ad metlak. By the way, did you enjoy working as a shoe polisher in lebanon? Thats how low the baath terrorists took you and your people :) if lebanon is a failed state then what the hell is baathist syria? Stop making me laugh so much.
Well said keseroun... as we muslims say about Jesus, May the Peace and Blessing of God be upon him. and When Jesus returns ... the end of the Anti-Christ and its Minions on Earth will be close... Inshallah Sooner than Later.
Hahaha suicide bombers, stupid muslims. Im sure they r playing with 72 virgins now. How narrow minded and useless do u have to be?
no, with the inflation the number of virgins has increased.... that is why there are more and more suicide bombers!
Please!!! there is no such thing as 72 Virgins in Islam... Plus Suicide is a Direct line to Hell fire if one commits it...
The Muslims who go to blow them selves up are committing a great Sin... even If the Enemy needs to be attached they MUST NOT use the Suicide Option...
Those who do truly were brainwashed and/or on Drugs...
but just do not generalize by saying M14 are salafis because you know it is not the truth! salafis and hezbis for me are the same bunch of muslim fanatics...
the difference is that hezbis are disciplined because they obey to iran and need to be if they want to be accepted in lebanon as a political force otherwise they'd disappear whereas elqaeda are just here to sow chaos on which they feed! and many countries manipulate them for their interests usa, saudis and even your beloved bashar...!
muslim extremists flourish in countries where the state fails to rule like in lebanon. unfortunately in a country where everyone now believes he will go unpunished because there is no proper state, it encourages extremism. the state cannot go against hezbis because they have the power so mathematically it has triggered sunni extremism and if it continues sunnis will get more and more radical... then may God protect lebanon!
Am i supposed to be hurt now by your typical baathist comment? This is all you baath dogs are good for. Even your politicians speak in this way.
Who are you trying to fool? cursing baath to pretend your not a baathist. #Fail If bashar and his mukhabaret could hear you, you would be tortured to death.
Wow, you go as far as to accuse others of the exact things you were just accused of. Must be a new baathist propaganda tactic. No thanks, i dont wanna meet with a baathist and his army of torturers. Typical baathist to act tough by threatning with violence, thats how you guys were raised. I find it hilarious that in the recent hour, all of a sudden you wanna portray yourself as anti-baathist to gain credibility. #FAIL
Brainwashed baath fool. The dark side of you? We have already seen it and thats what caused millions of christians and muslims to hate you and your baath. I am a coward, while you are a brave man, who wants to fight people :) smallah shou brave enta ya bheem :) Did they teach you psychological analysis in baath school before or after teaching you how to torture?
this reply was to centurion, not to peace. Some of his filthy explicit typical baathist comments were removed.
were you suspended sissy boy for belonging to M8? no you are still here so please spare us your lamentations like a jew in front of his sacred wall... your talks are BS but you are still here...
and centurion deserves respect unlike you because he is sincere even if i disagree with him and his way of speaking unlike your hypocrit FPM whimsical posts...
Cunturion albaath is the crown that used to grace lebanon. Look what happened after mas3oud alhariri started to open his mouth for reasons besides sucking cock. The country is in complete disarray.
Filthy baathist shoe polisher. Your not a member, your a propagandist only. A stupid one. Yalla keep pretending you hate the baath even though you previously defended it. Typical stupid baathist syrian. A donkey has more worth than you. You cant even keep track of your propaganda.
Rou7 ndabb instead of making a fool out of yourself. How sad that i even argued with a moron like you. A baathist hiding his political affiliation all of a sudden bass yalla its good that you guys started feeling ashamed of who you are. The foot of a lebanese is a million times better than a baathist shoe polisher. Baathist thug.
1% and Less support the Extremest Element of some Islamic groups... The Shia on the other hand support there extremest ... lets be fair and say over 50%.
When one criminal commits an act then the whole community is stereotyped with that act... Unfortunately the Media and People fall inline and carry that stereotype.
the First Casualty of any war is Truth.
Bloody fanatics/Canibals look go blow yourselves up in the deserts of KSA/ GCC you brainwashed demented fools .