الاسد يحذر أوروبا من انها ستدفع ثمن تسليح المعارضين السوريين
Read this story in English
أكد الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، أن اوروبا ستدفع الثمن في حال قامت بامداد مقاتلي المعارضة السورية باسلحة فيما يحضر الملف السوري في قمة مجموعة الثماني في ايرلندا الشمالية.
وقال الاسد في مقابلة مع صحيفة "فرانكفورتر الغيميني تسايتونغ" الالمانية التي اجريت معه في دمشق وبثت مقتطفات منها الاثنين وتنشر الثلاثاء: "اذا قام الاوروبيون بارسال اسلحة، فان العمق الاوروبي سيصبح (ارضا) للارهاب وستدفع اوروبا ثمن ذلك".
وأوضح الاسد أن نتيجة تسليم اسلحة للمعارضة سيكون تصدير الارهاب. واضاف "سيعود ارهابيون الى اوروبا مع خبرة قتالية وايديولوجية متطرفة".
واضاف ان "الارهاب يعني هنا الفوضى والفوضى تقود الى الفقر. والفقر يعني ان اوروبا تخسر سوقا مهمة"، مؤكدا ان "اوروبا سواء رضيت بذلك او لم ترض لا خيار امامها سوى التعاون مع الدولة السورية".
ورفض ايضا اتهام الغربيين للجيش السوري باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية ضد مقاتلي المعارضة.
وقال "لو كان لدى باريس ولندن وواشنطن دليل واحد على هذه الاتهامات لكانوا عرضوه امام العالم".
واضاف "كل ما يقال عن استخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية هو اكاذيب مستمرة عن سوريا. انها محاولة لتبرير تدخل عسكري اكبر".
واعلنت واشنطن ان ما بين مئة و150 شخصا على الاقل قتلوا في هجمات كيميائية في سوريا خلال عام، ورد الاسد على ذلك قائلا "من وجهة نظر عسكرية، فان الاسلحة التقليدية يمكنها ان تقتل في يوم واحد عددا اكبر بكثير".
وراى أنه "من غير المنطقي استخدام اسلحة كيميائية لقتل عدد من الاشخاص يمكن (قتلهم) بواسطة اسلحة تقليدية".
وشدد البيت الابيض موقفه من النظام السوري الاسبوع الماضي متهما اياه بوضوح للمرة الاولى باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية وخصوصا غاز السارين، في حربه ضد مقاتلي المعارضة.
وهاجم الاسد خصوصا فرنسا وبريطانيا اللتين "تبحثان مع الامم المتحدة عن دمى تحقق لهما مصالحهما".
وقال ايضا "كنا دائما مستقلين واحرارا. ان فرنسا وبريطانيا هما تاريخيا قوتان استعماريتان والارجح انهما لم تنسيا هذا الامر".
وفي قمة مجموعة الثماني التي افتتحت الاثنين، تريد الدول الغربية انتزاع تنازلات حول سوريا من الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين المصمم اكثر من اي وقت مضى على دعم نظام دمشق.

Pay the price
1) No more torture of 15 year old boys
2) no more rapes of females of ALL ages by shia extremist lebanese & iraqis
3) Freedoom for all
4) hezbshaytan being weakend & a knock on effect would be a stronger Lebanese state

mowaten don't be so proud of your bashar regime... coz the one you support is no better, so stop picturing him as a saint and the other side as the evils just for the sake of your inconditional support of hezbis and bashar...
"In March of this year, the United Nations human rights chief, Navi Pillay, stated in an interview that security forces in Syria are systematically detaining and torturing children with the approval or complicity of President Bashar Assad. “They’ve gone for the children, for whatever purpose, in large numbers, hundreds detained and tortured,” she said. “It’s just horrendous, children shot in the knees, held together with adults, in really inhumane conditions, denied medical treatment for their injuries, either held as hostages, or held as sources of information” (BBC).

"a political statement, unsupported by any material evidence"
funny because it comes from the same article from an NGO denouncing young girls being married, political statement too? biased article them dammit!
you are too ridiculous mowaten in your rage to defend bashar....

"a political statement, unsupported by any material evidence"
funny because it comes from the same article from an NGO denouncing young girls being married, political statement too? biased article them dammit!
you are too ridiculous mowaten in your rage to defend bashar....

Especially your type older men in their 40s - to 70year old pedophiles marrying the vulnerable under age Syrian refugee girls as young as 13 yrs of age , lak tfeh ! Type in " Syrian refugee / under age marriage " .

unlike you apparently.....unlike you apparently. ....unlike you apparently. ... What a lame comeback from the head conditioned sheep.

happy you are part of the 70% and proud of it... i let you with your figures and carry on your baathist propaganda on this site... enjoy your dictatorship!

well, can you deny the fact that abu huraryra bandits with weapons are no danger for Europe, and Turkey??

I thought Europe did not exist as far as this thug is concerned?

Wow, we are all getting worried. Ha,ha.
What does he have that can make us "pay the price"? Long range missile?
Submarines with ICBM's?
Or perhaps he is going to send us a few boats loaded with Hizaballah fighters?

go and read about what iranian priests say about the iranian regime....

mowaten just read CHRISTIAN iranian sites dealing with this problem but you won't read them, bad for your master's image....

"terrorists in iraq came mostly from saudi"
so what? stating the obvious? but you hezbis believe that as long as we are agaisnt you and iran means we support saudis... typical binary minds.
when it comes to telling you what iranians do you just turn your eyes and label it as propaganda, political statements, sionist lies... see the difference baby boy?
prove how brainwash you are... we keep telling you that iranians are no better than saudis but you won't listen to that coz it makes your brain bug!
"how can they be against saudis and iranians? impossible" LOL...
so please spare us your saudi qatari facts coz we know them and concentrate on the lies and crimes of your beloved iranian regime that you keep denying it'll open your shallow mind....

"why defend mahdi who was saying they were sent by bashar?"
as if you didn't know that islamists are manipulated by both bashar and saudis according to their respective interests... who harboured islamists groups in syria? who trained sunni islamists in the bekaa?
"give me the links peace, "
you are big enough to google them no? i already posted links about that but you keep denying the obvious so just educate yourself alone if you are really keen on knowing what is going on in iran then come and talk....

as you claim to be the most intelligent here and smarter than anyone else it seems that you are UNABLE to search alone...
or you do not want to learn about iranian truths...
so you should go and play elsewhere... seems you are just an idiot refusing to learn about both sides of the iranian coin... typical from brainwashed fanatics...

i have sources but no need to feed a pig with jam... so educate yourself alone baby boy, you will always deny those sites so what the need to give them?
just for the fun of contradicting but substance? zero.... you will always be in denial, all fanatics are in denial till it s too late, you are no exception so go and play the strong hezbi guy elsewhere poor loser....

LOL mowaten... and you call yourself intelligent? one who is would go and do research by himself ... if i give you anything you would deny everything... as usual... so why waste my time.
you are just proving you refuse to do any research that would go against your iranian friends... but objective? LOL no way! you wouldn't admit the christian persecutions in iran saying it is a western campaign against the regime!
so just go and see for yourself, but you wouldn't do that prefering to appear smart here by saying i have nothing, so convenient, so easy for a brainless mind....
if you don't want to then continue your childish game, as for me end of discussion unless you come up with articles dealing with christian persecutions in iran...

israel has been hitting rebal ammunition in syria......not assads or hezb weapons.
wake up.