الرئيس السوري يصدر عفوا عاما عن الجرائم المرتكبة حتى امس الاثنين
Read this story in Englishصدر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اليوم الثلاثاء، عفوا عاما عن الجرائم المرتكبة قبل تاريخ 20 حزيران/يونيو الجاري، أي أمس الاثنين، كما ذكر التلفزيون السوري.
وهو العفو الثاني الذي يصدره الأسد منذ بدء الاحتجاجات، والثالث منذ بداية العام الجاري.
فقد أصدر الاسد في 31 ايار عفوا عاما شمل الاخوان المسلمين والمعتقلين السياسيين حتى تاريخ صدوره.
لكن المعارضة السورية التي كانت تعقد اجتماعا في أنطاليا شككت فيه، معتبرة أنه "غير كاف، وجاء متأخرا".
كما أصدر الاسد في السابع من آذار، عفوا عن مرتكبي الجنح والمخالفات التي وقعت قبل هذا التاريخ، يشمل أيضا بعض مرتكبي الجرائم من المرضى أو كبار السن.
وجاء هذا العفو عشية الذكرى ال48 لتولي حزب البعث الحكم في سوريا في 8 اذار 1963.
lol you know his desperate when he has to order another general amnesty....its over for you buddy its just a matter of time before you get dragged out of your bed in the middle of the night.Thank you
The Lebanese should expect a flood of criminals from Syria into Lebanon where they will join Osama Bin Kabbara and Saad ZawaHariri.
yes marc and mansour tell that to the biggest pro assad gathering in syria for the countless time now, its a win win situation, and i think the only people who are going to be dragged form their beds would be those in lebanon who have supported this so called hypocritical uprising.
why dont you guys have a look at the syrian tv and see what the syrian people want, im sure you will be negetive about it and say its not real, but you will only be fulling your selfs
lol Adam are you serious in telling us to watch Syria news hehehhehehe im freakin laughing at you so much and if you were here in-front of me id laugh in your face cause Syrian news is so free and open and not controlled by the government lol.
The only supporters he has there right now are the Hezbollah fighters and the Iranian gaurd.Thank you
Do not the Israelis sing the same song as Assad in dealing with their adversaries, the Palestinians? Do not the Israelis demand that first the Palestinians end the "chaos" they create as a precondition to "dialogue"? That is, the Israelis demand that the other side take the pressure off of them first, and then, unpressured, they will not change their position.
So Assad follows the tactic of his mentor, the Israelis. He demands that the Opposition first end the reason why he is engaged in dialogue, before he will enter dialogue that he does not wish to engage in the first place. It is a tactic for maintaining the status quo, not for effecting real change.
When the nobles got King John to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 at Runnymede, they did not first surrender the pressure of their defiance, but under the pressure of their defiance, the king relented and signed the Charter which is the cornerstone of Western democracy.
Assad is playing for time that is running out.
poor blind assad and his lebanese supporters....
by the way when you have the choice between being arrested and go demonstrate in favor of assad wht would you choose? hehehe