عدلي منصور يؤدي اليمين الدستورية رئيسا مؤقتا لمصر وتوقيف قيادات الاخوان المسلمين

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اوقفت ابرز قيادات جماعة الاخوان المسلمين غداة عزل الجيش المصري الاسلامي محمد مرسي، اول رئيس منتخب ديموقراطيا لمصر فيما ادى رئيس المحكمة الدستورية العليا عدلي منصور الخميس اليمين الدستورية كرئيس موقت لمصر.

وفي هذا الوقت نددت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين ب"دولة بوليسية" في مصر داعية الى تظاهرات حاشدة الجمعة احتجاجا على "الانقلاب العسكري".

واشاد منصور بتصحيح الشعب المصري لمسار ثورة كانون الثاني غداة اطاحة الجيش لمحمد مرسي و"احتجازه بصورة احترازية" اثر تظاهرات شعبية حاشدة.

وادى منصور القسم في مبنى المحكمة الدستورية العليا في ضاحية المعادي، جنوب القاهرة، امام اعضاء الجمعية العمومية للمحكمة الدستورية.

ونشرت السلطات المصرية قوات من الشرطة العسكرية وقوات خاصة من الشرطة حول مقر المحكمة لكن ذلك لم يمنع مؤيدين لمرسي من التظاهر بالقرب من المحكمة في تجمع محدود فرقته الشرطة دون استخدام القوة، بحسب مصور لفرانس برس.

وفي كلمة قصيرة مكتوبة تلاها عقب ادائه اليمين، اشاد منصور بتصحيح الشعب المصري لمسار ثورة يناير 2011. كما اشاد بمؤسسات الدولة المختلفة وعلى رأسها الجيش والقضاء والاعلام. وهو ما قابله الحضور بالتصفيق.

ووجه منصور "تحية للشعب المصري بعد ان قام في الثلاثين من يونيو بتصحيح مسار ثورته المجيدة التي قامت في يناير 2011"، وتابع ان "افضل ما تم في 30 يونيو انه جمع الشعب كله بلا تفرقة او تمييز".

واضاف "تحية للشعب المصري الثائر الصامد الصابر الذي اثبت للدنيا كلها انه لا يلين ولا ينحني ولا ينكسر"،

ووجه منصور تحية للشباب المصري قائلا "كان للشباب فضل المبادرة والريادة والقيادة وانبل ما في هذا الحدث انه جاء تعبيرا عن ضمير الامة".

وحيا منصور "القوات المسلحة الباسلة التي كانت دوما ضمير امتها وحصن امنه وحمايته والتي لم تتردد لحظة في تلبية نداء الوطن والاستجابة لنداء الوطن"، كما حيا "القضاء الوطني الشامخ العادل الحر المستقل الذي تحمل كل محاولات العدوان على سلطته فارتدت سهام المعتدين الي نحورهم"، في اشارة منه الى قيام جماعة الاخوان المسلمين بمحاصرة المحكمة في في كانون الاول الماضي لمنعها من البت في الطعن على دستورية الجمعية التأسيسية لوضع الدستور التي كان الاسلاميون يهيمنون عليها.

ووصف منصور الاعلام المصري ب"الحر الشجاع الذي كان مشعلا اضاء الطريق امام الشعب وكشف النقاب عن سوءات النظام السابق".

ودخل الرئيس المعزول مرسي في صدام مع عدد من مؤسسات الدولة وعلى رأسها القضاء كما انتقد الاعلام المستقل مرارا، وطالب انصاره الاسلاميين بتطهير مختلف المؤسسات وعلى راسها القضاء والاعلام.

وحاز عدلي منصور المولود في 23 كانون الاول 1945 على شهادة الحقوق من جامعة القاهرة العام 1967، وتابع دراساته العليا في مصر قبل ان يحصل على منحة للدراسة في معهد الادارة العامة المرموق في باريس. ثم اكمل مسيرته المهنية في سلك القضاء في عهد حسني مبارك.

ولم يكن منصور معروفا على الساحة السياسية حتى الان وهي اول مرة يراه فيها الغالبية العظمى من المصريين.

وربما اثار القاضي غير المعروف اهتمام الجيش الراغب في تنصيب شخصية محايدة لا تثير جدلا في اطار سعيه للتهدئة.

الى ذلك، القت الشرطة العسكرية القبض على المرشد العام لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين محمد بديع في مرسى مطروح بعد ان اصدرت النيابة امرا بتوقيفه بتهمة التحريض على القتل، بحسب ما قال مصدر امني الخميس.

واوضح المصدر انه تم توقيف بديع في محافظة مرسي مطروح (شمال غرب) حيث وقعت اعمال عنف مساء الاربعاء بعد اطاحة محمد مرسي اوقعت ستة قتلى جميعهم من انصار محمد مرسي.

وتتهم النيابة العامة مرشد الاخوان المسلمين بالتحريض على قتل المتظاهرين امام المقر الرئيسي للجماعة. وكان ثمانية اشخاص قتلوا في صدامات امام هذا المقر في 30 حزيران.

واعلن مصدر قضائي الخميس انه سيتم التحقيق اعتبارا من الاثنين المقبل مع الرئيس المصري المعزول محمد مرسي وثمانية متهمين اخرين معظمهم من قيادات جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في الاتهامات الموجهة اليهم "باهانة القضاء".

واوضح المصدر ان قاضي التحقيق في هذه القضية اصدر قرارا بمنع سفر مرسي والمتهمين الاخرين وهم رئيس حزب الحرية والعدالة المنبثق عن جماعة الاخوان المسلمين سعد الكتاتني والقياديون في الجماعة محمد البلتاجي ومهدي عاكف وصبحي صالح اضافة الى عضوي مجلس الشورى جمال جبريل وطاهر عبد المجسن وعضوي مجلس الشعب السابقين عصام سلطان ومحمد العمدة.

ويحقق القاضي ثروت حماد في بلاغات تتهم مرسي والمتهمين الاخرين باهانة القضاء في وسائل الاعلام المختلفة.

واعلن مصدر عسكري بعد اطاحة مرسي ان الرئيس المصري المعزول "محتجز احترازيا".

وفي الوقت نفسه دعا مؤيدو القوى الاسلامية الى التظاهر باعداد كبيرة الجمعة احتجاجا على "الانقلاب العسكري". ودعت "الجبهة الوطنية للدفاع عن الشرعية" التي تضم ابرز القوى الاسلامية في البلاد مناصريها الى التجمع "سلميا" خلال "جمعة الرفض".

وقالت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في بيان "يرفض الاخوان ارهاب الدولة البوليسية باعتقال رموز الجماعة والحزب واغلاق القنوات الفضائية واقتحام القنوات الفضائية" في اشارة الى حزب الحرية والعدالة الذي يمثل "الاخوان المسلمين" سياسيا.

واضافت في البيان "نقف ضد الانقلاب العسكري ضد الشرعية والدستور"، مؤكدة "عدم التعامل مع السلطة المغتصبة".

كما اعلن الاخوان "رفضهم القاطع لكل صور العنف ضد المظاهرات ويؤكدون التزامهم بالتظاهر السلمي".

واضاف البيان "يحمل الاخوان كافة مؤسسات الدولة" مسؤولية "حماية المظاهرات السلمية".

واشادت الصحف المصرية الحكومية والمستقلة صباح الخميس بالاجماع باطاحة الجيش بمرسي، معتبرة ان عملية اقصائه نابعة من "الشرعية الثورية" للشعب.

وعنونت صحيفة الاهرام الرسمية المملوكة للدولة صفحتها الاول بخط احمر بارز "عزل الرئيس بالشرعية الثورية" واوردت في صفحتها الاولى تفاصيل الساعات الاخيرة من حكم اول رئيس اسلامي في تاريخ البلاد.

وفي ردود الفعل الدولية، اكدت عدة دول ضرورة العودة بسرعة الى العملية الديموقراطية في مصر بعد ازاحة الجيش لمرسي تحت ضغط شعبي، بينما رحب عدد من البلدان العربية بهذه الخطوة وقدم تهانيه للرئيس الانتقالي عدلي منصور.

التعليقات 30
Missing --karim_m2 14:25 ,2013 تموز 04

Congratulations to the people of Egypt. 3a2bel the overthrow of the GCC terrorist leaders.

Default-user-icon Mohamed (ضيف) 14:55 ,2013 تموز 04

'karim' Its your people that are the terrorists... its interesting to note how both Saudi Arabia and Syria welcomed the overthrow of a DEMOCRATICALLY !!!!! elected government... its interesting to know how MILDLY the west shied away from from the coup, All are ZIONISTS or their facilitators.
By FAR FAR FAR the ASSad is the king of slautering his own people by the help of the Shia, Russians and the Silence of the WEST... (NOPE the West is NOT helping, maybe with some bebe guns and WORDS!!!)
The Shia, Christians, Secular, the Extremists including the Alqaida(Hypocrites) and the Zionist are Competitors but all are in agreement on one goal and that is to eliminate true Islam... the true religion of peace, harmony respect, love and Justice.
karim you support evil but you are blind thinking you support good???... don't worry most people in the world are brain washed like you... Good luck in your life man. Good bye.

Missing VINCENT 00:49 ,2013 تموز 05

I don't think the others you mention are eliminating true Islam. Most Arabs have been doing a great job at it. Religion does not belong in government and the running of its business affairs. I guess there is a lot to be said about learning from past mistakes. If Islam had legs, it would walk away from modern Middle East. May be now the true teachings of Islam can survive and prosper in Egypt and everyone can live peacefully.

Missing helicopter 21:31 ,2013 تموز 04

Congratulations to the people of Egypt. 3a2bel Lebnan where the army can do away with all armed groups (including resistance) and not having it upside as it is now with resistance having the upper hand. Enough mashkara, we need a country with constitution enforced on all, not mullahs ruling us from 5000 miles away.

Default-user-icon Free Thinker (ضيف) 14:42 ,2013 تموز 04

Bravo Karim ... I congratulate your "democratic values" and promotion of tyranny, military states and replacement of "terrorists" by other "terrorists.

This is how unlegitimate people come to power ... coups. This is what you wish for Lebanon, you and your M8 mentality ... ? Aren't Iranians also terrorist leaders ? Hassan Nassrallah which basically rules lebanon through his military coup of Lebanon is not a terrorist ? Don't you want to overthrow him too ?

Of course not because you are a blind hating and racist sheep that cannot see that there is no difference between a salafist movement and a militia like hezbollah ...

Both should be exterminated and rendered obsolete, not by military coup, but by the people.

The egyptian people themselves will not accept the new president because they believe in true democracy (unlike you) and refuse the rule of weapons.

Missing lebcan 14:58 ,2013 تموز 04

Well said free thinker, very true...

Default-user-icon Free Thinker (ضيف) 16:33 ,2013 تموز 04

FlameThrower ... typical jewish behavior ... Answer a question by another question because you're incapable of addressing the question.

Yes Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation because they threaten the very freedom of thinking, speech and movement of Lebanese, do not comply with any laws, carry illegal weapons and kill and murder people. Basically, the same thing you accuse Salafist terrorists of doing.

If you're not convinced, then prove me wrong. Don't divert the subject to something completely irrelevant. A 5 year old child can see things more clearly than your little narrow and ultra biased thingy you call a brain.

Missing helicopter 21:34 ,2013 تموز 04

F.T., maturity is not measured by age, please do not ask rhetorical questions... that is childish.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 15:26 ,2013 تموز 04

I think you need to check the definition of salafist/Wahhabi. Let us review your list of countries, shall we:
Turkey: alcohol, clubs, non obligation to cover up the women.
Tunisia: ditto.
Libya: backward tribal mentality that I will give you as salafist.
KSA: yes. Another one that rules with same repression as Iran. So is Iran Wahhabi? But yes. Wahhabi.
Kuwait: one of the most liberal countries in the gcc. True no alcohol. But that does not make them Wahhabi.
Qatar: a booming country with a lively night life that does not force women to cover up or obstructs other rights.
The gcc is composed of 6 countries. Only ONE of them is a theocracy (KSA, just like Iran) Kuwait is the only other country that bans alcohol. While the other FOUR are open westernized societies that rival Beirut in the alcohol and clubbing department. So please don't lump them all together.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16:32 ,2013 تموز 04

Erdogan and his party have been in power for a while now and have shown nothing for you to say he wants to change it. That's just speculation. While facts prove that the tourism industry is booming in turkey thanks to said clubs booze and beaches.
In regards to Iran that's a load of garbage. Just because they have a Jew and a few Christians. You can read it anywhere that non-Shias are discriminated against. Especially Sunnis in areas around blushistan. Iran is JUST as bad as saudi in every way. And yes I can post links if you insist.
Yes I know it is the Lebanese and Europeans that make the night life. My point is they HAVE one. They allow it. As opposed to the backwardness of KSA AND Iran.
Just want to point out that if a gcc country is open it is thanks to the locals. Who allow and tolerate and even join. So your last comment is just a vent in frustration.

Missing helicopter 21:40 ,2013 تموز 04

- Forbids Alchohol and night clubs
- Forbids democratic procedures, they will cut the hand that threatens their weapon or communication Network (regardless if that hand is the Government or the Army).
- Expanding according to a Master plan paid for by the Mullahs in preparation for Welayat Elfaqih in Lebanon.
- Do not force women to cover up, but they pay those who do.
I probably prefer someone like Erdogan even over HA ...... but I am hopeful and determined that Lebanon deserves better than either one of them.

Missing helicopter 21:40 ,2013 تموز 04

arzak-ya-libnan ...... ana ma3ak

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 15:27 ,2013 تموز 04

Finally at least mursi who I dispose was elected. If that is what the people want who are you to deny them? Just like erdogan. Elected with overwhelming majority. I am glad the Egyptians realized their first choice was wrong. But let us see the next elections. If they choose the mb again? Are the people wrong? It's their choice. And that's the beauty of democracy. You can change your mind in 4 years.

Default-user-icon FlameCatcher (ضيف) 16:51 ,2013 تموز 04

So you admit FlameThrower that when you claim Aoun MPs were elected by more than 50% of Christians, then more than 50% of Christians are stupid imbeciles ? Christians shot themselves in the foot when electing Aoun ?

Of course, you're going to say this logic only applies to people against Aoun / HA :)

Missing helicopter 21:48 ,2013 تموز 04

The big problem with Middle East Democracy is that it is not built on strong foundations and conviction that grants equal rights and liberty for all its people (regardless if they are minorities or majority). In absence of such, a bad president uses his powers to benefit his majority and terrorize the minorities. I believe Egypt is moving in the right direction, make errors and adjust (as long as the army does not grab power). I think they are light years ahead of us in Lebanon now. I am proud to see the Sunni majority remove an MB president. Can you imagine our Shi3a doing that to Nasrallah if he was the President. We can not even get rid of Berri or Jumblat .... civil peace will be the price for doinng so.

Missing lebcan 22:04 ,2013 تموز 04

It happened in just a Year !!! do you think it was fair ... by my understanding of democracy they should've let them completed their fairly elected term!!!

Thumb thepatriot 15:29 ,2013 تموز 04

This is not a coup... this was triggered by the Egyptian people, and peacefully applied by the army who acted as a mediator to implement the people's choice. Morsi was braught to power because of the division and lack of organisation of his couter parts. Moreover, he did not carry his promisses such as having a mutli colored governemnt, respect minorities,and braught economical chaos. What comes around goes around. Only the people will prevail!

Missing lebcan 22:10 ,2013 تموز 04

let see 85 Million people... 52 Million eligible voters and Last election 54% Voted for Morsi... thats 28 000 000 Votes!!! for Morsi... IT WAS A COUP!!!
WAIT four years and elect someone else if you think you made a mistake the first time!
Only the Liars would shut down satellite stations... to silence the Majority...

Thumb thepatriot 15:30 ,2013 تموز 04

I hope the Egyptian people learn from their mistakes...

Missing idris_gray 17:25 ,2013 تموز 04

This was nothing short of a coup. There is no way around it. Whether you hate Morsi or not, what kind of democracy, or civilized nation allows the military to kick out every president they don't like? If Egypt is trying to be a democracy, and if they were stupid enough to elect morsi, than they should have to deal with him until the next election like the rest of us do. It's not like he was unelected autocrat imposed against the will of the people who murders their children. No that describes the piece of garbage in damascus who some evil hypocrites on here still amazingly support.

Missing idris_gray 17:27 ,2013 تموز 04

Morsi had a set term where he could be voted out. Bashar has no set term so there is no way to get him out except by force. Yet people still want to impose this killer on the syrians. Unbelieveable.

Missing helicopter 21:58 ,2013 تموز 04

Just because Asaad is a monster, does not mean the people of Egypt must accept the fox as their president. He already did enough damage writing a constitution that violates all rules of a Democratic system. The longer he was allowed to stay the bigger the damage, and it could get to the point where he paralyzes the judiciary/military/press by autocratically firing and appointing his cronies (in addition to his armed thugs).... it gets to the point where it become like Lebanon (where the resistance is the Government and the army and the ISF and the constitution).

Missing lebcan 22:12 ,2013 تموز 04

Your right Unbelievable!!!

Missing helicopter 21:54 ,2013 تموز 04

Morsi started the coup by promising one thing and then delivering the opposite. He betrayed the revolution. So a coup supported by 20 million voters is preferred to a single color coup promoting Islam Sharia as a constitution.

Missing lebcan 22:14 ,2013 تموز 04

let me repeat... 85 Million people... 52 Million eligible voters and Last election 54% Voted for Morsi... thats 28 000 000 Votes!!! for Morsi... IT WAS A COUP!!!
WAIT four years and elect someone else if you think you made a mistake the first time!
Only Liars would shut down satellite stations... to silence the Majority... Thats what the Army Did...
and In Lebanon back in 2008 another group kind of did the same thing and burnt some tv stations to silence the other opinion ...

Thumb Senescence 00:58 ,2013 تموز 05

lebcan, no. There's no doubt that many of his supporters changed their minds if the opposition was to amass support in such numbers.

When the people no longer will you to stay as president as you have failed them, out you go. Should Assad also stay in power because the constitution says a reconsideration for presidency is to be conceived only every 4 years or what not ? I don't think so.

Missing roxtox 19:34 ,2013 تموز 04

Idris, I agree with you on some level. I think it is too early for me to take sides on this thing but I too am weary of a military ousting a freely elected president who only served one year of his term. I mean can the Egyptian ppl really believe that anyone is capable of turning the economy around in one year. Now Morsi, wanting to give himself more powers was one stupid move that I hope is the sole reason for this. Again wait and see.
Now to your second point which I completely agree with. The ppl on here that are so ready to support the ousting of Morsi and yet support the Assad's 40+ yrs of dictatorship and terrorism are the most hypocritical idiots I have ever seen in my life, no offence to them.

Missing lebcan 22:16 ,2013 تموز 04

WELL said roxtox!!!

Missing helicopter 21:52 ,2013 تموز 04

banima3roof ..... as someone who shares your views on most things politically, I wish you stop the persisent and intentional personal attack against phoenix. It is not becoming of what we want to see in this forum. Thank you

Thumb daytime 05:45 ,2013 تموز 05

Why in the hell they call it Arab spring? it only brought shockingly high crime rates, economies free fall and more radical Politicians...It's a joke!