المركزي السوري يفتتح حساباً في المركزي اللبناني

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كشف مصدر مطّلع أن المصرف المركزي السوري فتح حساباً في المصرف المركزي اللبناني قبل أقل من عشرة أيام، لافتاً إلى أن هذا الاجراء "وإن كان متعارفاً عليه في العلاقة بين المصارف المركزية حول العالم، ويعد اجراء طبيعياً من الناحية القانونية، الا انه يثير مجموعة من الأسئلة حول توقيته ارتباطاً بتفاقم الأزمة في سوريا وتوجه أعضاء المجتمع الدولي إلى فرض المزيد من العقوبات الاقتصادية عليها".

وأضاف المصدر لصحيفة "اللواء" أن "جهات دولية ناقشت مع مسؤولين اقتصاديين لبنانيين مسألة احتمال استخدام افرع المصارف اللبنانية الموجودة في سوريا من قبل النظام والأفراد الخاضعة والتي ستخضع لعقوبات اقتصادية كواجهة من أجل تجويف هذه العقوبات وتفريغها من مضمونها".

ولفت المصدر إلى أن النقاشات الدولية مع لبنان تمحورت حول عرض مسهب للتشريعات الأممية وتشريعات بعض الدول الفاعلة والتي قد تعرّض القطاع المصرفي اللبناني إلى ضغوط كبيرة ما لم يحاذر من السقوط في فخ استخدامه لنقل ثروات تقع ضمن التفويض القانوني للعقوبات كما حصل في فترة الحرب لإسقاط نظام صدام حسين".

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon xen (ضيف) 08:34 ,2011 حزيران 23

as long as we benefit from those deposites who cares from where the money is coming

Missing toivas 11:00 ,2011 حزيران 23

Xen: your comment is typical of lebanese short-sightedness

Default-user-icon Reply_toXen (ضيف) 11:20 ,2011 حزيران 23

Xen - with all due respect, what you said is the most dangerous thing for a Lebanese to be convinced with. The source of the money can trace you to terrorism, money laundering etc...In Europe, US, and Asia, if you ahve used this money (even if you are not the original source), you will be sentenced exactly the same way the source will be sentence. Can you imagine the harm that lebanese banks will get due to the Syrian regime? Lebanese will definitely not profit from it (guaranteed!) and I hope that the rest of the Lebanese do not think like you.

Default-user-icon tub (ضيف) 12:42 ,2011 حزيران 23

The world banking system is one network that applies unique law & procedures. If Syria endures sanctions and Lebanon do not comply. We get cornered and face severe consequences. I was told that Iranians tried to circumvene their restrictions by using Lebanese banks as a way out; it did not work. Syrian may try too...but Lebanese central bank will have to monitor. will present governor be re elected?

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 15:38 ,2011 حزيران 23

loook Xen
- We have been sanctionnned because of a guy's money loundring and drugs that was allied to Hezbollah, the Lebanese Canadian bank was screwed because of that. It is a fact and we ourselves had to transfer our money to other truthworthy bank because this one has lost all confidence with the other worldwide banks and transfers were becoming very hard .

- Now Syria wants to invest in all lebanese banks, because it wants to undermine Lebanese sovereignety if they ban them, causing loss of confidence for Lebanese banks and we will all pay the price trust me, peoplee should wake up and stop this syrian interference, specially our central bank governor if he sees any threat, he should immediately stop it regardless of March 14th or March 8th , this is people's money here, politicians dont care their stolen money is in Switzerland in safe accounts.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 15:45 ,2011 حزيران 23

That is a big sign telling us the syrian regime is falling. what do you do before running away? you secure your money and make sure its safe so you can have it available once you flee . I think the lebanese bank should take the money and keep it . That money belongs to the Lebanese people stolen by the syrians.
hmmmmmmmmmm i wonder why didnt he put his money in Iran? because he does not trust iran. any way . that is a big sign that the regime is falling and getting ready to run.

Missing petersdemocracy 17:39 ,2011 حزيران 23

the international community is the illuminati zionist nazi regime.
we are sick and tired of them telling us what to do, we wanna make money as a state and those deposits will definately help the banks..
if syria was to put the money in a US back per say, the US will not say anything about it, or they might just pocket it for the federal reserve.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 18:57 ,2011 حزيران 23

i agree with you petersdemocracy that we should not be dictated what to do, but their is something called a world order, and it is against Syria and Iran right now, Lebanon is nothing but a tiny country with no natural ressources and we cannot put up right now with Giants, so if you wanna do your superman you and your aounies without having the proper requirements to do it, go ahead, you will burn the country down and make everybody transfer its money abroad, enno what do you think ? we can go against them unprepared like that with all our debts and our country divided? remember there are 13 million Lebanese abroad and many of them their businesses too, they send money to the people in Lebanon so they can show off and live la vida loca, once this ends and we are banned to operate with other banks world wide, you will see the true reality of the lebanese situation...

Missing undefined 20:25 ,2011 حزيران 23

let them put their money here! so it can be frozen and given back to the rightful owners later.

that would be the case if we had independent politicians and a country led by honest people. or at least semi-honest.