تكليف البرادعي رسميا رئاسة وزراء مصر
Read this story in Englishعين المدير العام السابق للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية محمد البرادعي رئيسا لوزراء مصر، وذلك بعد تظاهرات شهدتها مصر أدت الى عزل الرئيس محمد مرسي من قبل االجيش.
وأعلنت حركة تمرد على موقعها الرسمي على فيسبوك السبت، أن المدير العام السابق للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية محمد البرادعي سيتولى رئاسة الحكومة المصرية، الجديدة خلال المرحلة الانتقالية التي سيجري خلالها التحضير لانتخابات رئاسية.
وقالت الحركة عقب مشاركتها في اجتماع مع الرئيس المصري المؤقت عدلي منصور "يؤدي محمد البرادعي اليمين كرئيس للوزراء اليوم" امام الرئيس.
واكد مصدر عسكري لوكالة "فرانس برس" صحة هذة المعلومات.
وكانت جبهة الانقاذ الوطني، الائتلاف الرئيسي للمعارضة، اعلنت قبيل تظاهرات الثلاثين من حزيران الحاشدة انها فوضت البرادعي التحدث باسمها في اي مشاورات بشأن المستقبل السياسي للبلاد.
ويعد البرادعي احد ايقونات ثورة 25 كانون الثاني 2011 التي اطاحت حسني مبارك اذ كان رمزا لحملة شعبية تطالب باسقاط نظام مبارك الاستبدادي.
واعلن وزير الدفاع الفريق اول عبد الفتاح السيسي الاربعاء وضع "خارطة مستقبل" تتضمن تعطيل الدستور وتشكيل لجنة لتعديله وتشكيل حكومة "كفاءات بصلاحيات كاملة" تتولى المسؤولية التنفيذية حتى يتم اقرار التعديلات الدستورية ثم اجراء انتخابات رئاسية جديدة.
One cannot help but feel apprehension when power is transferred in such a manner. The silver lining in all of this is the fact that it was backed by millions of Egyptians that gathered in Tahrir square. One may infer that since previous to these latest secular demonstrations the opposition was not capable of mobilizing that many Egyptians then it is likely that many that voted for Morsi have since had a serious change of heart. Admittedly the foregoing is speculation but seems reasonable.
Moving forward in Egypt one hopes that the secular leadership will prove much more effective than the previous Islamist one in tackling Egypt's many problems at the head of which is the economy and postal freedoms.
Cant agree with you on this one lebpat, Elbaradei is too desperate to become leader and he is nothing more than a stooge of the west and saudis. You're right though, there is a smell of consparicy, seems like they want the MB to be disgruntled and create civil war between morsi supporters and those against him while the army, allies of israel and america, continues to control the real power. There will never be true democracy in Egypt until a leader is elected that will cut ties with Israel and shows open support for the Palestinians, anything less than that is all show, including Morsi and his MB. Egypt is a proud nation that has been suppressed since the camp david accord. A real revolution is needed.
U guys are talking as if the mb did anything against Israel. The Egyptian army does not get 1.6 billion a year to attack Israel.
Arabs are worried about jobs. Palestine is lost, not even a 2 state solution.
Beirutbastandard. Arabs are worried about many things, not only jobs. And if you think palestine is lost then you have no sence of reality. Every demonstration from the arab spring carried palestinian flags. Arabs want israel out of the middle east and they want unity and real leaders who work for the people, not corrupt dictators run from the white house who are told what to do and to keep their countries backward.
Amazing, you're worried about Israel while Egyptians are starving and have blackouts several times a day! Political stability is good for Egypt, Israel, Saudi and the rest of the region -- that became apparent to Morsi as well. A successful president and PM is one who will be able to address the needs of the Egyptian ppl not one who will serve the needs of Hamas at the expense of the Egyptian ppl.
In two years Syria was flooded with weapons and fighters.
What have they done in over 60 years to help Palestine! If they were going to do anything they would already have.
Israel continues to build settlements right in front of our faces, and we just watch n wave flags. I can only pray ur right, but what I see, is that we hate each other more than we hate Israel.
But you must promise that if the Egyptian people decided he is the one, then you do not accuse the people of being KSA and USA and Zionist puppets.
Why does it not occur to you and cityboy that some people would rather live at peace and focus on fixing their internal problems first until they are strong enough to tackle bigger external problem. Look what you guys got Lebanon into and now the Lebanese people feel like refugees in their own country.