حكومة الفيليبين تخطو خطوة اضافية نحو السلام مع حركة التمرد الاسلامية
Read this story in Englishابرمت الحكومة الفيليبينية اتفاقا مع حركة التمرد الاسلامية على تقاسم الثروات الطبيعية في جنوب الارخبيل، مزيلة بذلك عقبة اخرى على طريق اعادة السلام في المنطقة، على ما اعلنت الحكومة الاحد على موقع تويتر.
وبعد ستة ايام من التفاوض في ماليزيا اتفقت مانيلا وجبهة تحرير مورو الاسلامية على تفاصيل تقاسم العائدات الضريبية واستغلال الموارد الطبيعية.
ومن شان هذه المفاوضات ان تؤدي بالنهاية الى انشاء منطقة حكم شبه ذاتي تديرها جبهة تحرير مورو الاسلامية التي تعد 12 الف عنصر والتي تخوض مقاومة مسلحة دامية منذ سبعينيات القرن الماضي مطالبة بالحكم الذاتي في جزيرة ميندناو.
واسفر النزاع عن سقوط 150 الف قتيل ونزوح مئات الاف الاخرين غير ان حدة اعمال العنف تراجعت منذ التوقيع على وقف اطلاق النار في 2003.
ووقع الرئيس بنينو ايكينو وجبهة تحرير مورو في تشرين الاول معاهدة سلام موقتة تنص على تسوية نهائية بحلول 2016، اي قبل نهاية ولايته التي تدوم ست سنوات غير قابلة للتجديد.
Ashrafieh. Judging from your foul language your parents must be proud of the way raising you. So you as a christian dont want freedom and justice for the oppressed and deprived muslims of the Philippines. You must be very happy that the christian government of the Philippines are perpetrating the most inhumane and horrific terrorist crimes against the weak, poor and innocent muslim population of the Philippines. You must be very happy when you see muslim burned in Burma!
Ashrafieh. Judging from your foul language your parents must be proud of the way raising you. So you as a christian dont want freedom and justice for the oppressed and deprived muslims of the Philippines. You must be very happy that the christian government of the Philippines are perpetrating the most inhumane and horrific terrorist crimes against the weak, poor and innocent muslim population of the Philippines. You must be very happy when you see muslim burned in Burma!
Ashrafieh. Judging from your foul language your parents must be proud of the way raising you. So you as a christian dont want freedom and justice for the oppressed and deprived muslims of the Philippines. You must be very happy that the christian government of the Philippines are perpetrating the most inhumane and horrific terrorist crimes against the weak, poor and innocent muslim population of the Philippines. You must be very happy when you see muslim burned in Burma!
MILF vice chairman for political affairs Ghazali Jaafar said the group expected a "more contentious" round of negotiations ahead.............
Ghazali JAafar (from Hermel)
The MILF fighters will not disarm unless clear conditions and terms for their safety are met," Jaafar told AFP. "There must also be an assurance the fighters will be free from harassment from troops once they are disarmed, if ever
The MILF fighters ................... perfect name for them
once they are disarmed, if ever............ the if ever is more like it(it reminds me of our resistance)
Ashrafieh. Judging from your foul language your parents must be proud of the way raising you. So you as a christian dont want freedom and justice for the oppressed and deprived muslims of the Philippines. You must be very happy that the christian government of the Philippines are perpetrating the most inhumane and horrific terrorist crimes against the weak, poor and innocent muslim population of the Philippines. You must be very happy when you see muslim burned in Burma!
Ashrafieh. Judging from your foul language your parents must be proud of the way raising you. So you as a christian dont want freedom and justice for the oppressed and deprived muslims of the Philippines. You must be very happy that the christian government of the Philippines are perpetrating the most inhumane and horrific terrorist crimes against the weak, poor and innocent muslim population of the Philippines. You must be very happy when you see muslim burned in Burma!