وزارة الداخلية البحرينية: انفجار سيارة مفخخة قرب الديوان الملكي
Read this story in Englishذكرت وزارة الداخلية البحرينية وشهود عيان ان سيارة مفخخة انفجرت ليل الاربعاء الخميس في مكان غير بعيد من مقر الديوان الملكي في البحرين.
وقالت الوزارة في بيان ان "تفجيرا ارهابيا مدبرا ناجما عن تفجير سيارة بواسطة اسطوانة غاز وقع داخل موقف أحد المساجد بمنطقة الرفاع"، موضحة ان "الانفجار لم يسفر عن وقوع إصابات".
وقال شهود عيان ان الانفجار وقع بالقرب من مقر الديوان الملكي في منطقة الرفاع ذات الغالبية السنية والتي تبعد بضعة كيلومترات جنوب العاصمة المنامة.
واوضحت الوزارة ان الانفجار وقع "اثناء اداء الصلاة في المسجد".
وصرح الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة بحسب وكالة انباء البحرين ان "اهل البحرين طفح بهم الكيل ونفد صبرهم على تلك الاعمال التي لا تمت لأهل البحرين واخلاقهم بصلة".
ودانت المعارضة الشيعية التي تقودها جمعية الوفاق التفجير واكدت في بيان "رفضها اي عمل يهدف الى ترهيب المدنيين" وارادته في التوصل الى حل سلمي للازمة السياسية.
والبحرين المملكة الخليجية الصغيرة التي تحكمها سلالة ال خليفة تشهد منذ شباط/فبراير 2011 حركة احتجاجات يقودها الشيعة الذين يشكلون غالبية السكان.
ورغم سحق حركة الاحتجاجات التي استمرت شهرا بين شباط واذار 2011، ما زال الشيعة يتظاهرون في القرى المحيطة بالمنامة.
ويتعثر حوار وطني بدأت جلساته في العاشر من شباط الماضي بين ممثلين عن السلطات والمعارضة من اجل اخراج البحرين من ازمتها السياسية.
وتم تعليق الجلسات في 27 حزيران الماضي لعطلة الصيف على ان تستانف في 28 اب.
God Bless the Bahraini Shia "Peaceful" revolution against the tyrannical rulers of the GCC. May the Lord strengthen their "Gandhi-Style" uprising to achieve freedom and independence and establish a truly "Iranian-Style" democratic State in Bahrain.
God bless the bahraini democratic king against his ungrateful people of vilains. These explosions are the very proof that three years of peaceful demonstrations were merely a cover, hiding much more vicious intentions. Today we can all see that the great democratic king and his imported pakistani police were absolutely right to kill, maim, torture and arrest political dissenters.
God bless the Syrian democratic prez against his ungrateful people of vilains. Those carrying arms are the very proof that years of peaceful demonstrations were merely a cover, hiding much more vicious intentions. Today we can all see that the great democratic prez and his imported Iranian and HA police were absolutely right to kill, maim, torture and arrest political dissenters.
nice copy paste arzak, shows a lot of creativity :)
slight difference though, in syria the takfiris and mercenaries infiltrated the protests from the start and shot at security forces to force them to retaliate.
also, in syria, the army is 80% sunni, reflecting the country, whereas in bahrain they imported pakistanis to incorporate them in the police, making the police 90% sunni when the country is 90% shia.
Again we will go into this convo. There might have individual cases of violence in the beginning. But if you believe that weapons were imported into Syria in preparation for the uprising you are dead wrong. Syria was ruled by the mukhabarat. One could not mention the word Assad without being brought in for "questioning" and a few electric shocks. If you passed gas they would know what time and the consistency of the air. So to tell me massive shipments of weapons were brought in under their nose is ridiculous. Sure you had countries that them supported with weapons later. But at first it was 99% peaceful and YouTube is loaded with videos showing peaceful protestors being attacked.
80% of the army is Sunni. If you are talking about regular soldiers I agree. I hope you are not referring to the real men in charge because that is laughable. 80% of those 80% were locked in bases. And largely the elite alawi troops are the ones fighting. Therefore now the Syrian army (fighting force) is largely from the minority alawis. And have been importing Iranian and HA troops to cover the difference.
@arzak: ask this paid mouthpiece of iran why he focused on the army % in syria. It is obvious the syrian army would be 80% Sunni, coz there is NOT enough Alwai and Chia to join the army. However, does the same % he mentioned, apply to government jobs, privileged positions, army top brass, licenses for businesses such as telecom, gold, money exchangers, hotel owners, oil exploration etc.
arzak i think you fantasize a lot about the moukhabarat, all that has been going on is proof that they werent that much in control. also in deraa it was right next to jordan with hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of border in the desert. if you think smuggling some weapons to shoot at protesters and security forces to ignite the situation is beyond possible than you are very naive. (dont forget that many other secret services were likely involved, and any security measures can be circumvented.
anonyme: more fantasy, i think you should look into the reality of the situation in bahrain if you want to be credible.
liberty: yes absolutely, just look at key government figures for instance, it is open information
Mowaten. Ask any Syrian about the mukhabarat and they will tell you that it is far from fantasy. The Syrian people have a legitimate right in rising up against Assad and the Ba'ath. After all the majority of Syrians lived in appalling poverty. Again I will say that I agree there might have been the odd trouble makers but in the beginning was largely peaceful. And was met by the iron fist of Assad. Riddle me this. Why are ALL Arab springs legit in the eyes of HA EXCEPT Syria? Why did they want the direct overthrow of every leader but propose a political solution in Syria? Why are all top positions monopolized by Assad and the alawites? Why were there never true elections if Assad "knows" he has popular support.
There was no conspiracy my friend. This was a true uprising. That later got taken advantage of because of assad's viciousness. And the only thing holding him in place is Russian. Iranian. And HA support. If the battle was on more of a level playing field Assad would have been gone ages ago.
Were you with the Syrian revolution on day one before it was infiltrated by outside Islamists? The answer is NO.
The fact that 80% od the Syrian army is made up of Sunnis is an indication that the Sunnis are less Sectarian than the Bahraini Shiites who are either unwilling to serve or can not be trusted to Serve.
I am not defending the Bahraini regime, all our Middle-Eastern regimes are backward including your Iranian and Syrian regimes.
The Bahraini Shia are not allowed to enlist in the army, or police force. Sure, the king throws caviar crumbs at the, but they are still second class citizens. What happens if the money dries up?... @texas, sometimes no amount of money is worth your dignity.
Where was the outrage when Saudi, a different country, sent in its army to crush the protesters. And don't forget, not one gun was fired by them! They deserve to have their demands met. If not, I don't blame them for what happens next.
In Syria, Assad has to go, and even if he somehow stays, his absolute power is gone. The protests in Syria quickly turned into an armed uprising. In Bahrain, after three years, they still condemned the use of violence! U have to respect that.
Texas... I didn't say it was bad living there, and why are u comparing bashar to Bahrain? Why can't the majority in Syria get their demands, and the majority in Bahrain get theirs??
So if bashar is a dictator on his way out, what does that have to do with a population in Bahrain, that feel wronged by their government!
Common distructive,
About the child in the Republic of Cong, it was fathered by a Zionist (ask HA officials if you do not believe me).
Common distructive,
About the child in the Republic of Cong, it was fathered by a Zionist (ask HA officials if you do not believe me).
No the Zionist didnt father the baby, he just owns the gold and diamond mines that will in salve it :)
Lol you people are hilarious.
The same arguments are being said on Bahrain and Syria, except with people on opposite sides.
M14 supporter: - The Syrian opposition is legitimate, and all problems are the fault of the Syrian regime. The Bahrain opposition is funded by foreigners, and most Bahrainis live perfectly fine!
M8 supporter: The Bahrain opposition is legitimate, and all problems are the fault of the Bahrain regime. The Syrian opposition is funded by foreigners, and most Syrians live fine!