سماع دوي انفجار قوي في مطار بكين

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سمع دوي انفجار قوي السبت في محطة الركاب الثالثة في مطار بكين الدولي، كما نقلت وكالة انباء الصين الجديدة الرسمية عن شهود عيان.

وقال هؤلاء الشهود ان الانفجار وقع عند الساعة 18,24 (10,24 ت غ). ولم يصدر اي توضيح حول احتمال سقوط ضحايا.

ويدل مضمون الصور التي بثتها وكالة انباء الصين الجديدة الى شهود يؤكدون ان شخصا معوقا فجر قنبلة كان يحملها.

وتشير الصور الى عناصر في جهاز طبي يعالجون شخصا واشخاص اخرين يركضون في محطة الركاب.

التعليقات 4
Missing mrelhage 17:40 ,2013 تموز 20

ofcourse, not a shia style,A shiite majosi imamite would of detained 2 families, cut the kids necks off infront of the parents, then raped the females infront of the males, then slit the throat of the husband in-front of the wife, then put a bullet in the mothers head, then blamed forign terrorists for protesting

Thumb benzona 20:51 ,2013 تموز 20

Israel did it according to Nasrallah the terrorist.

Default-user-icon Aria (ضيف) 22:41 ,2013 تموز 20

Furthermore, Last week “Irancell” a mobile phone operator in Iran which is mainly operated by The Revolutionary Guard ”Sepah” sent a SMS as a part of competition to all of its users in which the `Umar ibn Al-Khattāb” one of the Muslim Sunni’s influential Caliphs were insulted. There was a campaign in social media in Iran against this company and it is interesting that most of those who participated and put very nice comment against them and boycotted the operator were Shiites Iranian. I believe we all are human and fruit of the same tree with no difference between us. The only thing that can distinguish us is our knowledge and attitude. The scenario that you describe on your comment was done many times during history by people who wrongfully have faith do different religions and sects but not humanity.

Thumb Maxx 00:31 ,2013 تموز 21

Probably. Because a Chinese Mitwélé would have ended up killing innocent people.