دبوماسيون وخبراء: بوتين رفض اقتراح الأمير بندر بالتخلي عن الاسد مقابل شراء اسلحة واستثمارات
Read this story in Englishرفض الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين اقتراحا سعوديا بالتخلي عن الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في مقابل صفقة تسلح كبيرة ودور اكبر في العالم العربي، كما ذكرت مصادر دبلوماسية في الشرق الاوسط.
وقد استقبل بوتين، احد كبار الداعمين للرئيس السوري، في 31 تموز في الكرملين، الامير بندر بن سلطان رئيس المخابرات السعودية العامة الواسع النفوذ والذي تعد بلاده داعما رئيسيا للتمرد السوري.
وتعذر الحصول على تعليق رسمي في موسكو كما في الرياض على ذلك اللقاء.
واكد دبلوماسي اوروبي يتنقل بين بيروت ودمشق ان "بندر بن سلطان يلتقي كل سنتين نظراءه الروس، لكنه اراد هذه المرة ان يلتقي رئيس الدولة".
واكد الامير بندر للرئيس بوتين "استعداد الرياض لمساعدة موسكو على الاضطلاع بدور اكبر في الشرق الاوسط في وقت تبتعد الولايات المتحدة عن المنطقة"، كما اضاف هذا الدبلوماسي.
واقترح ايضا شراء اسلحة من موسكو ب 15 مليار دولار و"القيام باستثمارات كبيرة" في روسيا، كما قال المصدر نفسه.
واكد الامير بندر من جهة اخرى لبوتين انه "ايا يكن النظام" الذي سيخلف نظام الاسد، سيكون بين ايدي السعوديين "كليا" وانه لن يسمح لأي بلد خليجي بنقل الغاز عبر سوريا لمنافسة الغاز الروسي في اوروبا.
ورفض الاسد في 2009 ان يوقع مع قطر مشروعا لاقامة خط بري لنقل الغاز يربط الخليج بأوروبا يمر عبر سوريا، مراعاة لمصالح حليفه الروسي، المزود الاول لاوروبا بالغاز.
وقال دبلوماسي عربي يجري اتصالات بموسكو ان "الرئيس بوتين استمع بلياقة لمحدثه وابلغه ان بلاده لن تغير استراتيجيتها على رغم هذه المقترحات".
واضاف ان "بندر ابلغ عندئذ الروس ان الخيار الوحيد هو عسكري اذن في سوريا ولا بد من نسيان مؤتمر جنيف لان المعارضة لن تحضره".
ويؤيد الروس والاميركيون منذ اشهر فكرة عقد مؤتمر دولي للسلام بين النظام والمعارضة في جنيف، لكنهم لم يحققوا اي نتيجة حتى الان.
وردا على اسئلة وكالة فرانس برس حول هذا اللقاء، اجاب سياسي سوري "كما فعلت من قبل قطر مع لافروف، تعتبر السعودية ان السياسة تقضي بشراء اشخاص او بلدان. وهي لا تفهم ان روسيا قوة عظمى لا تحدد سياستها بهذه الطريقة".
واضاف ان "سوريا وروسيا تقيمان علاقات وثيقة منذ اكثر من نصف قرن في كل المجالات وليست الريالات السعودية هي التي ستغير الوضع".
وتوترت العلاقات بين موسكو والرياض من جراء النزاع السوري، لأن موسكو تتهم الرياض ب "تمويل وتسليح الارهابيين" في هذا النزاع الذي اسفر عن اكثر من 100 الف قتيل، كما تقول الامم المتحدة.
واعتبر خبراء روس ايضا ان بوتين رفض العرض السعودي.
وقال الكسندر غولتز الخبير العسكري في صحيفة "ايجيدنفني" الالكترونية الناطقة باسم المعارضة ان "هذا الاتفاق يبدو غير محتمل ابدا"، مذكرا بأن دعم الاسد في نظر بوتين "مسألة مبدئية".
واضاف "حتى ال15 مليار دولار، وهو مبلغ كبير يشكل رقم اعمال لمدة سنتين لشركة روسوبورونيكسبورت (الوكالة الروسية لتصدير الاسلحة) لن يكون له اي تاثير".
واعتبر الخبير الامني الآخر المستقل اندريه سولداتوف الذي يتولى ادارة موقع اجينتورا.رو ان "الهدف من هذا التشويه الاعلامي هو اضعاف الاسد والمحيطين به".
واكد ان "موقف الاسد يزداد قوة والكرملين على معرفة بذلك، والتخلي عنه في هذا الوضع سيكون امرا غبيا". وخلص الى القول "علينا ان لا ننسى ايضا ان السعوديين لا يوفون عموما بوعودهم الا بعد سنوات".
Well at least now it is clear that Russia's interest overrides that of the Syrian people. Russia is doing everything to secure its gas monopoly in Europe and using Syria not to allow a pipeline from Qatar to Europe. Yet this pipeline is a source of wealth for all arabs and would benefit Lebanon. Who cares if Syria gets destroyed as long as Russian interests are secured.
Russia's interest overrides the Syrian people's fasharrrr! You mean Turkey's interest over the Syrian people (failed).... Qatar's interest overriding the Syrian people's (super epic fail).... Or Saudi's interest overrides the Syrian people (soon to be fail). The Saudis have been given some time from their masters to turn the tide for the opposition in Syria. I would bet on the Russian's intelligence over the ape Prince Bandar. He will fail like the rest before him.
Do you think Russia by supporting Bashar rather than pushing him towards a negotiable solution with the opposition is doing a favor to the Syrian people. Syria is destroyed, millions of Syrian are refugees. This could have been avoided had the despotic and tyrannic regime of Assad has reacted like the Tunisian, Egyptian or Yemenis presidents rather than mass killing the demonstrators.
greatpierro Your claim of "mass killing of the demonstrators" is exaggerated an unsubstantiated. Close to half (40%) of the deaths in Syria are of police, army, and security forces working for the government. And the only people targeting and systematically mass killing civilians are Jubhat al-Nusra, foreign mercenaries, and other Jihadi brigades working under the politically-correct banner of the "Free Syrian Army". Take a second to think about the fact that Bashar al-Assad, even as a dictator, has withstood two and a half years, surely that would suggest that it couldn’t be just Russia holding him up because the USA supported Mubarak and he was out in 2 weeks.
russia is going to find out now that they made a major mistake.
they will lose any future influence in the Middle Eat.
I personally appreciate relations based on solid commitments even though it does not suite my desired outcome. Would it not be nice for Lebanon to have a solid advocate in the form of a superpower (whether it is Russia or USA)?
Pray for our salvation as a nation
Perhaps he's trying to get a bigger deal. What's 15 billion compared to Russia's annual almost 2 trillion? Tissue paper for its behind. Unfazed devotion (as is the case for Bashar) is rather irreplaceable, or at least, worth much, much more than 15 billion.
Texas. Excellent comparison. I dont like too much Bandar's heavy hand. However i prefer lebanon to be in teh sphere of influence of saudi than under the influence of a terrorist state such as iran.
I agree Bigjohn. Per capita income and such although high, is not a sane factor to foretell a certain country's long-term stability. Some could be gaining millions a year and some less than 10K, and such averages do no justice. Perhaps the median.
Anyway, poverty is worse in some gulf countries compared to Lebanon.
southern. Just out of curiosity. DO you think that assad is good for lebanon? Do you think for example that michel samaha, sent by assad to wreak havoc here was doing good for lebanon?
Or are you not lebanese?
Ya southern. Lebanese sunnites are very tolerant. Those who are not tolerant are a very minute minority in tripoli.
Extrimist sunnites in lebanon (nahr el bared) were financed by assad, but were defeated by our glorious army. Even nasrallah supported them by putting a red line agaisnt attacking them.
Nosra and qaeda were not thinking about lebanon. (apart from the nahr el bared incident which LAF won. )
HA invited Nosra and qaeda to lebanon by opening the door wide for them to come practice their profession here (killing people). If HA did not get involved to protect Assad, we would never have heard of them here.
So not only you know men but also woman...wow. Too bad your limited with current world affairs.
That is what they teach you in the journalism department of the university of Qom lalbanan wal banin?
They teach you that anyone who is against HA, the armed terrorist milicia, having weapons has his genes automatically turn into a cannibal?
Quite an education! Go tell your repressed professors about shades of gray... it will do them good if they understand you...
You have a number of weaknesses in your point.
1-if you did not want to attract attention, you wouldnt have put these pics of women in your avatar. Dont put these avatars then shout foul when it becomes time to take responsability.
2- There is nothing as a closet cannibal. You either like human meat or dont. I do appreciate it with honey mustard sauce. I suddenly started appreciating human meat(with honey mustard sauce) it when i realized that HA's weapons are antilebanese.- goes with your theory.
3- If saudis decide to have a particular sexual orientation (since they teach you in Qom that the whole kingdom is homosexual), I dont think it is for me or you to judge them.
4- on a more serious note, I think the russians reacted classily. Bandar is a terrorist. I agree. But I hate the russians nevertheless because they support the criminal antilebanese Assadist regime.
5- Yes you are a patriot. But an iranian one.
you many want to check putin's record--he has no love for democracy or freedom and neither do the other stooges you listed. you may as well put robert mugabe, idi amin, and mussolini on that list.
bigsami I am convinced you lack the education required to put together a sentence in english, let alone a convincing argument. I truly pity your lack of intelligence.
The idiots apparently take the Russians for idiots as they do not know that history has proven time and again that their promises and guarantees are things that they have no control over and that pretty much everything they get involved in turns into a disaster.
Don't be so naïve. If prince bandar and Vladimir agreed on Bachar's fate, it would have to be denied in the media. They wouldn't want to spook the giraff so he'd use his chemical weapons on a huge scale before vanishing from the surface of the earth.
Saudi is planning something great. Qatar has been neutralized politically, so are the UAE.... It's up to bandar to make a difference and reshape the entire region.
May Allah inspire him.
Jesus once said «Nul n'est Roy en son pays.»nothing prevents prince bandar of excelling internationally and exceeding anyone's expectations.
Well, I hope they'd pay for the funerals. Chou baddak kamen? You want the collectivity to pay for them? No to social welfare!
The same applies to your funerals.
Thank you for adding such valuable insight to this discussion. You should have your own stand up comedy talk show.
During the cold war, the pro CCCP Arab socialists were defeated by Israel because Israel comes first on Russian and American agendas. Arabs are just allowed to buy Russian weaponry as long as its used on their own people.
You think any country would sell arms to anyone with a significant potential to use said weaponry against the seller's own people? 'course not.
And if you pay more attention to history you'd see most communist eastern countries now live in relative peace to their US-influenced counterparts. If the USSR was allowed to take over Afghanistan then maybe they would have joined the civilized ranks of (strikethrough)brown(/strikethrough) peoples.
What slap to every face of our so called politicians who have travelled to the KSA for the last few months @ a snap of a finger. They were mere entre compared to the main course, after the easy bribes & selling their souls, family & country to the Saudis' it took Bander to finalise a deal with the Russians, but instead he was told to shove it & politely booted out of Russia they even called him & the rest of the Saudi clan LIARS ( "Saudis are know not to keep their promises" a quote from the Russians) Geagea, Jumblat, Harriris', Salam, Soniora, shame .
Signed Wolf..
You think those weapons will just be locked in some storage room gathering dust??
Of course not, they will be distributed to the various groups terrorizing the middle east from south to north to east to west, killing civilians and pretty much anyone their masters choose.
Sure, let 'em just take over and we'll call it a day.
Not to say your figures don't portray Iran as leechers(which they are), but we must keep in mind that the flow of money must not jeopardize stability, politics, or internal policies. There are buyers everywhere, and if one does is not in cohesion with domestic policy then the wise decision is to stay on course and find some other sources of monetary income ( not to say the GCC etc. are not in harmony with our domestic policies).
Besides, your comparison is unfair since you're comparing Bahrain, Kuwat, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE etc. and the West(?) against a single nation. Bollocks.
Should we criticize every country that doesn't invest as much as others ? That's being ungrateful, and a bit shallow -- to hold the belief that money triumphs supreme over anything else.
I agree though, KSA is more useful than Iran in that regard; if we were to choose to ostracize either Iran or KSA, then sure enough it would be Iran, but things don't work like that.
I think you're trying to say that letting the KSA have control over Lebanese economy is better than Iran doing so, which I agree, I guess? Or did you meant to say something else?
Do you think that terrorist HA has not hit the inhabitant of Beirut not only in the back but straight into their face.
Let me add the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Terrorist HA is the biggest threat on lebanon. It has cannibalized the institutions and the structure of the state. It is depriving Lebanon from billions of USD of custom income and putting Lebanon under the threat of terrorists islamists by fighting in Syria. Any one helping to get rid of this tumor is welcome.