مقتل 26 شرطيا في سيناء في اكثر الهجمات دموية ضد قوات الامن منذ سنوات
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قتل 26 شرطيا مصريا صباح اليوم الاثنين بينهم 25 قضوا في هجوم واحد لمسلحين يعتقد انهم متطرفون اسلاميون في شمال سيناء المضطربة، حسبما افادت وزارة الداخلية ومصادر امنية وطبية وشهود عيان.
وتشهد شبه جزيرة سيناء مؤخرا تصاعدا حادا في الهجمات التي يتعرض لها الامن المصري، حيث قتل منذ مطلع تموز الماضي 75 قتيلا من افراد الامن في هجمات المسلحين.
واعلنت وزارة الداخلية المصرية في بيان عن "تعرض عدد من المجندين بقطاع الأمن المركزى بالعريش أثناء عودتهم من الاجازة لهجوم مسلح، مما اسفر عن استشهاد 24 مجندا واصابة ثلاثة آخرين".
واضافت الوزارة ان الهجوم وقوع "اثناء مرور السيارة التى كانت تقلهم بمنطقة ابوطويلة متوجهين الى مقر قطاع الأمن المركزى برفح"، متهمة "عناصر ارهابية بارتكاب الحادث الغادر".
من جهتها قالت مصادر امنية لوكالة فرانس برس ان 25 قتيلا "سقطوا في هجوم لمسلحين بقذائف صاروخية ار بي جي على حافلتين تقلان عناصر من الشرطة قرب الشيخ زويد في شمال سيناء"، مشيرة الى اصابة اثنين من عناصر الشرطة ايضا.
واوضحت المصادر ان "المسلحين استخدموا الاسلحة الالية ايضا في الهجوم على المجندين"، بينما ذكر مصدر امني اخر ان "عددا كبيرا من عناصر الشرطة لم يكونوا مسلحين".
وقال مصدر طبي مسؤول في العريش في شمال سيناء لفرانس برس ان "17 جثة على الاقل وصلت الى مستشفيات شمال سيناء".
وذكر شاهدا عيان ان "الهجوم استهدف جنودا في الامن المركزي (قوات مكافحة الشغب) يستقلون باصين صغيرين في طريقهم الى مدينة رفح على الحدود بين مصر وقطاع غزة" حيث يوجد معسكران كبيران للامن المركزي المصري.
وصرح مصدر امني وشهود عيان ان "قوات الجيش تقوم بتمشيط الطرق السريعة حول منطقة الحادث".
في هجوم منفصل، قالت مصادر امنية ان "ضابط واحدا في الشرطة على الاقل قتل في هجوم مسلح على نقطة تفتيش قرب البنك الاهلي في العريش".
وبعيد الهجوم الدامي، اعلن مصدر امني ان مصر "قررت اغلاق ميناء رفح البري (...) امام حركة العبور من الجانبين"، فيما قالت وكالة انباء الشرق الاوسط الرسمية انه "تم اغلاق الطريق الدولي العريش - رفح والمؤدي إلى ميناء رفح البري عقب الهجوم".
ويعد الحادث الاكبر والاكثر دموية الذي يتعرض له الامن المصري في سيناء في سنوات.
وفي اب الماضي، قتل 16 جنديا في الجيش المصري في هجوم لمسلحين على نقطة حدودية بين مصر واسرائيل.
وفي ايار الماضي، اختطف مسلحون سبعة مجندين مصريين في سيناء لنحو اسبوع قبل ان يطلقوا سراحهم.
ومنذ الاطاحة بالرئيس الاسلامي محمد مرسي في الثالث من تموز الفائت، سقط 75 من افراد الامن في هجمات مسلحة في سيناء، هم 54 شرطيا و21 جنديا، بحسب حصيلة لفرانس برس اعدتها استنادا الي ارقام رسمية.

What exactly, except in your warped mind, does all this terror in Sinai have to do with Israel?

You and your ali baba nasrallah should be shot on sight in south Lebanon and everywhere they are found... Dahieh included... no mercy for you...

Southern - I'm so pleased that you have decided where I live. Will you now please also tell me exactly what I have to do in order to pick up "my Israeli" ID card and passport.
I am not going to go into my personal details once again. I'm sure that you have read and ignored them previously.
You are the typical type of person who if the issue is about something in the Middle East, and the other person does not agree with your point of view, then he must be Israeli.
By the way, "Israel is the enemy", of whom? Please remember, in contrast to the Republic of Lebanon, the Arab Republic of Egypt HAS signed a peace treaty with Israel. So there, Israel is not the enemy.

Tough Comments phillipo & Southern.
Israel has caused a great deal of damage to Lebanon & Lebanese; and any peace treaty would entail a genuine and fair treaty that would return all Lands, Water, respect for EEZ between Lebanon and Israel. Then we would be able to see the 5 lane highway Beyrouth - Tel Aviv. Till Israel respects Lebanon's sovereignty, natural resources, land, water... then a peace treaty can happen.
Incidentally, I think, and I think many would agree, that on the ground, Lebanese & Israelis would have the most authentic curiosity towards each other.
Egyptians, Jordanian... yes, they do have a peace treaty 'on paper'... but they hate each other to the bone. Where as Lebanese and Israelis... have a lot in common... Ask any Lebanese and Israeli outside the Middle East!
I think many in Lebanon would like to see a fair peace treaty... but again... it would have to be fair.

"Incidentally, I think, and I think many would agree, that on the ground, Lebanese & Israelis would have the most authentic curiosity towards each other."
I think I am in agreement with this statement for reasons I will not mention.

So in order to find out just how close the positions of the Governments of Lebanon and Israel really are, why doesn't the Government of Lebanon declare that they are willing to open talks, at any level, with Israel, immediately. If you don't talk you won't know what the other side thinks.

phillipo, it's quite difficult that one though.
The primary reason being the 12 or so Palestinian camps and the dangers they'd pose for obvious reasons and by obvious means.
Also, Israel should extend its arms in peace first, as the Lebanese are quite hesitant in that regard due to various and many abuses of sovereignty it has enacted against Lebanon(border violations, occupation, funneling precious water, questions about borders beyond land, civil war memories, and so on). Realistically, I don't see it happening for at least 5-10 years.

endless "Also, Israel should extend its arms in peace first,"
When exactly did Israel declare war of the Republic of Lebanon. It extended its arms in 1988 when both countries sat down and drew up a draft treaty only to have it torn up by the Syrian occupiers of Lebanon.
It is about time that those talks were renewed.
Also remember for many years after 1948 there were ongoing talks between military leaders at Ras al-Nakourah - Rosh Hanikrah. Talks which kept the border very quiet until the advent of Hisballah.

phillipo, you're succumbing to the Lebanese political disease of not going forward by referencing history and past events. Figureheads have changed, politics has changed, the world, in its entirety, has changed. Any notion of trust or mistrust that was accrued between Lebanese or Israeli politicians has vanished more or less. Fresh memories are only limited to Israeli transgressions. Israel has also destroyed directly or indirectly Lebanon more in the Lebanese civil war than most. My premise remains the same in that Israel for these reasons should be the one to placate and alleviate the doubts, hesitance, and pertinent wounds of its frightened and fragile neighbor next door.

Your last statement is also true, though the reasons for its rise to prominence are obvious(e.g. occupation and to a lesser extent, the Palestinian cause--lesser because everyone's pretty much involved in it because in actuality--it's a national problem their presence). It is exactly for that reason I reasoned that peace is some 5-10 years ahead, as the force in question would hopefully subside into at the very most a political party.

Endless & the fool, Feel free to start now. I agree with Endless and therefore I'm raising a peaceful hand towards you. Are you ok to talk to your southern neighbour...?
Arik Tel-Aviv