اخلاء سبيل مبارك في قضية "القصور الرئاسية" واتهام مرسي بالاشتراك في قتل متظاهرين مصريين

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قررت محكمة مصرية الاثنين اخلاء سبيل الرئيس المصري الاسبق حسني مبارك في قضية فساد معروفة اعلاميا باسم قضية "القصور الرئاسية" مع استمرار حبسه في اطار قضية فساد اخرى هي هدايا "الاهرام والاخبار".

وقالت مصادر قضائية لوكالة "فرانس برس" ان "المحكمة قررت اخلاء سبيل مبارك في قضية القصور الرئاسية وانه محبوس الان فقط على ذمة قضية هدايا الاهرام والاخبار".

واضافت المصادر ان "محامي مبارك سيقدم طعنا للافراج عن موكله في القضية المتبقية".

من جهة أخرى وجهت النيابة العامة الاثنين اتهامات الى الرئيس الاسلامي المعزول محمد مرسي بالاشتراك في "قتل والشروع في قتل" متظاهرين امام القصر الرئاسي نهاية العام الماضي، بحسب ما افادت مصادر قضائية.

واوضحت المصادر لوكالة فرانس برس ان مرسي، المحتجز في مكان سري منذ عزله من قبل الجيش في تموز، سيسجن لمدة 15 يوما "احتياطيا على ذمة التحقيقات التي تجرى معه بمعرفة النيابة".

التعليقات 3
Missing lebanese_dst 17:17 ,2013 آب 19

What a farce. The middle east is so effed up. Whats funny iw how anti-saudis in lebanon are praising sisi thinking he is anti-saudi arabia when in reality saudi arabia is fully backing that dictator and grand terrorist, they are offering him their full support since he is mubarak 2.0 and part of their club. And many pro-saudis in lebanon are anti sisi. Its truely effed up and the arabs are being played like puppets by these filthy leaders who have oceans of blood on their hands. No real muslim can back saudi leaders nor bashar or al-sisi or qatars leaders nor any of the gulf dictators or the other satanists currently governing the arab world. Those who do trade their religion in exchange for the fire. Now today, muslims are being seperated from the munafiqeen and are in a weak position and attacked by all of islams enemies whether in the arab world, turkey, burma, pakistan but rest assured that it is a test from Allah SWT.

Default-user-icon gabriel (ضيف) 18:54 ,2013 آب 19

so let me get this straight..
The dictator whos ruled egypt for 30 years,
whos record breaking corruption bankrupted the nation
who personally helped himself to $70 billion of the nations wealth
whos neglect and thirst for power has left egypt one of the most impoverished and illiterate nations on the globe.
not to mention serious human rights abuses such as murder torture imprisionment without trial.
this man should be freed? some even said handed back the keys.

meanwhile morsi
who was president for barely a year.
former politcal prisoner
lived in a rented apartment
this man is in prison because? somebody please remind me what crime morsi commited? oh that right his beard was too long.

Missing VINCENT 02:41 ,2013 آب 20

There is no religious reason when Muslims kill Muslims or Christians kill Christians. It is about bad oppressive people doing what they're good at. It is not about Islam. It is about human beings, those who pray in the privacy of their homes and houses of worship vs. those who want to tell you how you are supposed to live your life. The problem is that the M.E. has despots and tyrants who only care about their causes and pocket, and the Arabs have not united yet to avoid such rulers.