مقتل "أكثر من 1300" بمجزرة في ريف دمشق.. المعارضة تتهم النظام باستخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية والجيش السوري ينفي
Read this story in Englishوقعت مجزرة في ريف دمشق اليوم الاربعاء قال المرصد ان ضحاياها تجاوزوا المئة، بينما اكدت المعارضة السورية ان عددهم يفوق 1300، وذلك نتيجة قصف من قوات النظام السوري استخدمت فيه اسلحة كيميائية بحسب ناشطين، الامر الذي نفته دمشق.
واتهم الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية المجتمع الدولي بالمشاركة مع النظام السوري في قتل الشعب السوري بسبب صمته وعجزه، مشيرا الى مقتل اكثر من 1300 شخص في "الهجوم الكيميائي".
وقال القيادي جورج صبرة في مؤتمر صحافي دعا اليه الائتلاف في اسطنبول ان "ما يجري يطلق رصاصة الرحمة على كل هذه الجهود السياسية السلمية ويجعل الحديث عنها نوعا من العبث".
واعلن وزير الخارجية البريطاني وليام هيغ انه يشعر "بقلق شديد اثر التقارير التي تشير الى سقوط مئات القتلى وبينهم اطفال في عمليات قصف وهجوم بالاسلحة الكيميائية استهدف مناطق للمعارضين بالقرب من دمشق"، مضيفا ان حكومته "ستثير هذا الحادث امام مجلس الامن الدولي".
ودعا الحكومة السورية الى "السماح فورا لفريق الامم المتحدة الذي يحقق حاليا في ادعاءات سابقة باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية بالتوجه الى منطقة" الهجوم.
وكان رئيس الائتلاف السوري المعارض احمد الجربا طالب باجتماع فوري لمجلس الامن الدولي بعد "المجزرة المروعة".
كما طالب الجربا والمرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان والامين العام للجامعة العربية نبيل العربي والرئيس الفرنسي فرانسوا هولاند ووزير الخارجية السويدي كارل بيلد فريق المفتشين الدوليين بالتوجه فورا الى الغوطة الشرقية والتحقيق في ملابسات ما حصل.
وابدى العربي "استغرابه لوقوع هذه الجريمة النكراء اثناء وجود فريق المفتشين الدوليين التابع للامم المتحدة في دمشق".
ولم يصدر بعد اي تعليق على ما حصل عن لجنة التحقيق التي تتخذ من احد فنادق دمشق مقرا لها منذ وصولها الى سوريا قبل اربعة ايام. ولم يعرف شيء عن انشطتها.
ومنذ الصباح، يتحدث الناشطون المعارضون عن مئات القتلى في قصف من القوات النظامية تستخدم فيه الغازات السامة.
وقال مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن انه لا يملك معلومات مؤكدة حول استخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية. الا انه ذكر ان "هناك قوة نارية ضخمة تستخدم في القصف"، وان هناك محاولات من قوات النظام لاقتحام معضمية الشام الواقعة جنوب غرب العاصمة حيث افاد عن اشتباكات بين قوات النظام والمجموعات المقاتلة المعارضة.
وقد طال القصف بلدات ومدنا عدة جنوب شرق وجنوب غرب العاصمة.
وتحدث الاعلام الرسمي السوري من جهته عن عمليات عسكرية عادية في ريف دمشق ضد "ارهابيين".
ونقلت وكالة الانباء الرسمية "سانا" عن مصدر اعلامي ان "لا صحة اطلاقا للانباء حول استخدام سلاح كيميائي فى الغوطة. وما تبثه القنوات (...) الشريكة فى سفك الدم السوري ودعم الارهاب عار عن الصحة وهو محاولة لحرف لجنة التحقيق الخاصة بالسلاح الكيميائي عن انجاز مهامها".
وقال مصدر امني سوري ردا على سؤال لوكالة فرانس برس "كل يوم، هناك معارك، والامر ليس جديدا. هناك عمليات في كل المناطق، ومطاردة المجموعات المسلحة مستمرة".
في المقابل، قالت الهيئة العامة للثورة السورية في بيان "حوالى الساعة الثالثة من صباح يوم الأربعاء (00,00 ت غ) قامت قوات النظام بقصف مناطق واسعة من الغوطة الشرقية بالأسلحة الكيميائية"، وقصف معضمية الشام في الغوطة الغربية بصواريخ كيميائية ايضا.
واضافت "توجهت مئات الحالات إلى المشافي الميدانية المختلفة في بلدات الغوطة الشرقية وحتى الكادر الطبي المسعف تأثر بالغازات السامة نتيجة عدم وجود أقنعة واقية واستشهد الكثير من المصابين نتيجة عدم وجود العلاجات المناسبة والكم الهائل للمصابين".
وتحدثت لجان التنسيق المحلية عن "استخدام وحشي للغازات السامة من قبل النظام المجرم على بلدات في الغوطة الشرقية فجر اليوم".
واضافت ان "النظام وجه باجرام لا يوصف اسلحته الكيماوية ضد العائلات في تلك المناطق ليختنق الأطفال في أسرتهم ولتغص المشافي الميدانية بمئات الاصابات في ظل نقص حاد باللوازم الطبية الكافية لاسعافهم وخاصة مادة الاتروبين".
وبث ناشطون اشرطة فيديو عدة على موقع "يوتيوب" الالكتروني يظهر في احدها اطفال يتم اسعافهم عبر وضع اقنعة اكسجين على وجوههم وهم يتنفسون بصعوبة، بينما اطفال آخرون في شريط آخر يبدون مغمى عليهم من دون آثار دماء على اجسادهم، ويعمل مسعفون او اطباء على رش الماء عليهم بعد نزع ملابسهم وتمسيد وجوههم وصدورهم.
وتبدو في احد الاشرطة عشرات الجثث بعضها لاطفال مغطاة جزئيا باغطية بيضاء ممددة على ارض غرفة. في حين يصرخ المصور "ابادة مدينة معضمية الشام بالسلاح الكيميائي". ووسط حالة واضحة من الهلع، يسال المصور احدهم "اهلي؟ ابي وامي؟ اين هم؟".
ودعا المرصد السوري اللجنة الدولية الخاصة بالتحقيق في استخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية الموجودة في سوريا الى "زيارة المناطق المنكوبة والعمل على ضمان وصول المساعدات الطبية والاغاثية لهذه المناطق في اسرع وقت ممكن" والتحقيق في ما ينقله الناشطون عن استخدام السلاح الكيميائي.
ويستمر القصف حتى الساعة. وافاد صحافيون في وكالة فرانس برس وسكان ان اصوات القصف تسمع في كل انحاء العاصمة، وان سحابة دخان كبيرة تشاهد فوق مناطق الريف القريبة من دمشق.
من جهته نفى الجيش السوري ان يكون استخدم اسلحة كيميائية ، معتبرا ان هذه "الادعاءات الباطلة جملة وتفصيلا" تندرج في اطار "الحرب الاعلامية" على سوريا وتهدف الى التغطية على "هزائم العصابات المسلحة" على الارض.
وقالت القيادة العامة للجيش والقوات المسلحة في بيان نشرته وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية "سانا" ان "قنوات الفتنة والتضليل وسفك الدم السوري قامت كعادتها بالادعاء كذبا أن الجيش العربي السوري استخدم اليوم الاسلحة الكيماوية في مناطق ريف دمشق"، في اتهام لقناتي "الجزيرة" و"العربية".
واضافت ان "القيادة العامة للجيش والقوات المسلحة تؤكد أن هذه الادعاءات باطلة جملة وتفصيلا وعارية تماما من الصحة وتندرج في اطار الحرب الاعلامية القذرة التي تقودها بعض الدول ضد سورية".
وتابعت قيادة الجيش ان "ما تدعيه المجموعات الارهابية والقنوات التي تدعمها حول استخدام الجيش العربي السوري لاسلحة كيماوية ما هو الا محاولة يائسة للتغطية على هزائمها على الارض ويعكس حالة الهستيريا والتخبط والانهيار الذي تعانيه هذه المجموعات ومن يقف وراءها".
واكدت قيادة الجيش "اصرارها على تنفيذ واجباتها الدستورية في تخليص الوطن من رجس المجموعات الارهابية المسلحة"، مشددة "على استكمال مهامها الوطنية فى مواجهة الارهاب أينما كان على تراب الجمهورية".
the current unconfirmed news is the death toll is over 1000.
is there still a sain person that aupports this murderous regime and his Iranian murderers?
Yes well there are unconfirmed news that 450 kurds were massacred by opposition gangs in north, and another 300 held hostage yet it's still in the category of unconfirmed news.
indeed, geha loves those "unconfirmed reports" and at the same time when he is shown confirmed reports of massacres by rebels/qaeda jihadists, he suddenly doesnt want to believe them anymore.
we know how the so called "NGO" (aka rami abdelrahman, rebel spokesman) works: they take the craziest rants that crazy cannibals shout in between two "allah w akbar" and a down of beheadings, and they call it "unconfirmed reports by activists".
in the mean time, here's an unconfirmed report you can chose to believe or not, and should be confirmed in the coming days: operation northen storm is about to start, the syrian army is comming to cleanup aleppo from all the terrorist rats, and they're going to hit hard.
it was denied by kurdish sources, pyd, ypg, ect., pictures we're from afghanistan, typical qom-style taqiya.
the pot calling the kettle black. it's clear to all discerning readers who are paid to be here day in day out slandering and hate mongering
you never care about truth and your strongest points are insults, provocations and spreading rumors. that's enough to prove that whether or not you're paid, your intentions are pernicious
cedre, it is quite odd your reasoning ... especially seeing as how you're on naharnet, to posit that the images accompanying articles are to be taken as factual ? Just look at the image of this article we're chatting on, it's "a U.S. Army soldier during a training mission near Camp Ramadi, Iraq, Sept. 25, 2007.", not to mention most other articles are of the same nature.
Besides, none of your links deny reports of the massacre. The first only reiterates the claim of such an incident, and the other focuses on the image.
well to the stupid mowaten and his supporters:
those unconfirmed reports have confirmed to be true.
what have you to say about this criminal regime and his associates?
lol indeed geha, it all depends on how you define "confirmed"
if it means you got all the crazy jihadis yelling at the same time, then yes it's confirmed.
but if confirmed mean tangible evidence, concurring reports from different sources, or independent confirmation, then no, it is by no means confirmed.
FakeCatcher: maybe you havent been following, but there are many cases where we see on video fake wounded people, or dead people getting up once they think the camera is off. there are also cases where nusra used chemical weapons, and they were caught in possession of chemical shells in turkey, so if the dead are real the killers are unknown until any proof is available.
all you have "confirmed" now, is that there are some people on the floor, who are dead or pretending to be dead. bravo.
no one is saying that the islamists are not terrorists and that they have not committed huge crimes. I do not know of M14 forumers that support the islamists. However I know many of M8 forumers that support the regimes that has shown many a times he terrorist actions against civilians.
you guys sound like you were there and counted 1300 bodies yourself after seeing the regimes airplanes throwing what you tested and confirmed was chemical weapons.
in fact you just heard some crazy fanatics yelling all sorts of crazy accusations and showing videos of a few dozens of people lying on the ground.
i find it interesting also that this happens exactly two days after the arrival of UN inspectors, as if bashar was doing everything he could to incriminate himself!!
the UN team is there through an agreement with the government. why the heck would he have them come and use chemical weapons two days after they arrive? think people, THINK!
it's clearly staged to get an international reaction, only braindead people can't see that.
FakeCatcher: there are no such things as their "own neighborhoods", their own neighborhoods are in Libya, Chechnya, Saudi, Egypt, Afghanistan and so forth! They have been slaughtering people who were from different religions as much as people from their own religion for not being extremists, so dont give me this cheap excuse as supposed proof that they are behind the attack.
anonymetexas: i dont work with "ifs" and "maybes", i look at facts and circumstances and try to analyze them rationally. so your question has no interest at this point.
These bastards NEED TO BE STOPPED, enough shia genocide of the christian & sunni freedom lovers, ENOUGH you genocidal KOHAMNI WORSHIPERS
Geha is right. France 24 tv channel reported 1150 death. Hezbollah must be extatic, so is his unconditional war criminal Michel Aoun.
The Syrian "Government" forces have killed more of their own people in the last couple of weeks than the "Zionist enemy" has done in 65 years, but still everyone in the Arab world, and quite a lot here in the western world still see Israel as the terrorist.
How much more absurd than that can people get?
It seems to me they're trying to exploit the current hype surrounding banned chemicals amid the UN inspectors' probes. Just because they lost a battle doesn't mean banned weapons were used. They're just trying to stir up some things.
Eliminating dozens of combatants requires no unconventional weapons. When Saddam use VX/sarin/etc. the death toll was in the thousands. A modest chemicals test left 5000 civilians dead. That's a chemical weapons attack, not dozens dead.
banima3roof.., indeed a tragedy, and I am fully of the opinion that the perpetrators must be tried for war-crimes for any banned weapons use. Indeed a shame.
starsky, agreed on all counts. My problem is with the evidence and investigations; although a corollary, I simply cannot accept unfounded accusation of a bad person of doing something bad just because it is of his or her nature to do so. Factual evidence is necessary, and I have the feeling we will get some in the coming weeks as UN inspectors wrap up their investigations.
You'd also need to consider rebels have seized large arms depots, and perhaps due to a lack of training in handling or some such, lead to this mess. Though highly unlikely, truly, I believe so. But as I said, arguing senselessly, endlessly and basing grave judgement on personal assessments falls short of being convincing.
Again, I will heed the words of UN inspectors, Åke Sellström is credible. Scientists are more trustworthy than most, especially an independents from a country renowned for its neutrality.
endless: stop trying to hide what you are! Perpetrators??? You do not know who they are that used chemical weapons today? His name is ASSAD and his ally is Nassrallah. Does that help? Go see the pictures of tens maybe hundreds of children who just died inhaling these deadly gases! here is a link for you
justice, maybes do no good, and the fallacious appeal to emotion approach is of no substantive value. Cite credible news outlets like reuters, the guardian, the independent, and such others. Your source is akin to the dailymail.
I am not denying at all nor in the slightest the loss of innocent life at the hands of Al-Assad, and while hard to reconcile such events with an optimistic mind encapsulating a prosperous world living in peace and harmony, they must be acknowledged as a beastly, grim reality of war.
What I doubt here, and it seems folks are missing this, is the use of --chemical weapons-- and nothing more or less. In light of no proof I cannot but condemn the slaughter without any jurisdiction in fairness to myself to accuse anyone with the use of banned chemical weapons.
justice, dude, I'm not saying Al-Assad isn't a brutal dictator, I'm not saying innocent lives aren't being senselessly revoked, I'm not saying this was unavoidable, I'm not saying they were collateral, I'm not saying Al-Assad is innocent nor the FSA. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that I can't categorically say it did, although it does seem likely for now. Applying the most superficial understanding of Occam's Razor would however imply chemical weapons use. Again though, no stance due to lack of empirical evidence.
"Syrian opposition activists claim.
It is not possible to independently verify the claims."
Can you now understand my hesitance to believe?
Hamish de Bretton-Gordon's stance on things is the correct approach. UN investigators should head there and investigate to the fullest extent and the world put forth the necessary decisions regarding findings. What else could a reasonable person implore?
also, be sure to forget that nusra boys were caught with chemical weapons and are highly suspected to be behind the attack in khan al assal
the syrian army doesnt need to use those, and it only serves one purpose: try to get foreign powers to intervene.
What needs to be done is simple. Judge the manufacturer of the chemical weapons whichever country he comes from. Selling such deadly weapons to such regimes is not acceptable. It can be compared to selling a rifle to a 5 year old.
Why comment if you are going to repeat what has been said thousands of times. The rhetoric of both parties is beaten to death by indoctrinated masses.
I suppose I ask to much from an uneducated and impoverished land. Asking for free thinking from you is the equivalent of asking a mentally ill person to learn differential equations.
I looked at several news sites like CNN, BBC, Reuters and so forth and they all state that the information is not yet verified.
If the Syrian regime did not use Chemical weapons in this attack, it should facilitate UN access to the site. If it does not, then it has something to hide.
There is also the possibility of a set up by the Takfiris. What if THEY used the Chemicals to frame the regime? Valuing human life is not exactly the Takfiris forte.
Either ways, the regime is the big loser here and the probability of direct Western intervention in the Syrian mess just increased by a notch.
@ endless : read the bloody articles, the first is from 2012 and show afgan kids killed by nato bombing. The second, it's the same picture, with the official iranian agency FARCE News stating it's a massacre of syrian kurdish kids. Thats qom-taqiya.
----> "Nine tenths (90%) of religion (Shiism) is Taqiyya (dissimulation), hence one who does not dissimulate has no religion." (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.110).
cedre, I've bloody read them. And my post addresses your claims adequately. 1. The image is fake, but no one's denying the massacre.
2. Images are not to be taken factually either, as exemplified by most naharnet articles. You seem upset, calm down. I'm also baffled as to why you posted the last half of the post? Relevance?
I see.
"PYD political and media sources, on the contrary, told Kurdpress that they have gathered enough documents and pictures which prove mass killings by Nusra rebels."
"PYD added it would only deliver the documents to Europe human rights centers."
Well then, an impasse. Honestly though I am inclined to believe your side of the story, in that it most likely did not occur and that the PYD is probably pursuing political gains unless it provides credible counter-evidence. No need to exert further effort though, especially seeing as how you said PYD has denied it themselves; thanks for the clarification!
freedom, of course I do, and what isn't? I'm sadly eternally condemned to being fettered to the internet, and so make time for it as I use the computer (which is always). And I do not 'suspect naharnet credibility'. Images are a different story however (e.g.http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/91459).
Been there. Heard that. And when one UN representative identified the real culprits, the loud mouths suddenly shut up and the UN took a vacation thereby absolving the Sanni, as always, terrorists of their never-ending crimes.
where are all the condemnation by holier than thou altitude people when the rebels were cutting the heads of the priest and 2 weeks ago when the were executing 2 young kids, by firing squads
The news is not yet verified because the minute that it is verified then the international community must do something with this Assad Regime and the fact of the matter is that they are unwilling to do so. Therefore, the hide their unwillingness to act, even in light of the use of poisonous gas with the mantra, "its not yet verified".
Its a shame on the whole world. The Syrian people are cousins and relatives to the Lebanese. The Assad Regime has turned the country over to Iranians who have no problem with gas attacks. They were used in the Iran - Iraq War by Saddam to kill Iranians. Maybe this is Irans way of repaying the Arabs for that atrocity with this one.
@anonymetexasusa - They all looked pretty dead in the videos and there was no blood. I've read the reports in the Washington Post and NYT which carry what appears to be on the scene accounts of mothers watching their babies die in the eastern suburbs of Damascus where the FSA has some strong holds. Was it a gas attack? Sure sounds like it.
Analyists are puzzled as to why Assad would have this done while UN inspectors are in country investigating gas attacks. It would seem audacious to execute such an attack while inspectors are present. Machiavelli Rules though would dictate that you do the audacious because no one would believe that you would.
They started by calling the names of individuals in those areas, one by one, checking those who said "7ader" and highlighting the others. By the time they reached a total of 1300 "mou 7ader" the battery on the horn had already died. The tally shall continue tomorrow. Stay tuned for updates, you itchy dudes.
If at a time like this people still defend, doubt, cast shadows, pretend and defend the Syrian regime, than the Arab world deserves what it gets. They could continue to rely on the West, the UN and allow Russia to disrupt a system designed to fail, or the Arab nations could take matters in their own hands, for the first time, and create a deterring force to enter Syria and stop all that is happening. To the idiots who comment on this site, this is not a war any more between Al Nusra, or FSA or the regime, this is a catastrophe effecting 20 million people that must end. For once, let the Arab League be useful, they could take matters into their own hand and stop this. If not, well, stop bitching and accept the consequences.
@m.c. Yours is quite the true and accurate statement. And I'd go further to say that if the accusation is proven true that the gassing of these people was done by the Assad Regime, then the Assad Regime, alone is not to be held responsible. But all who have enabled the Regime would have blood on their hands as well. On the inner ring is Hezbollah, Iran and Russia and as the circle widens, then those who could have stopped this thing before it got to this point bear equal blame. This would include the Obama Administration which had said that if chemical weapons were moved, not used but moved, that would be a red line. Well if these weapons were moved, put on planes and dropped on people and killed this many with Obama sitting on his hands, then this is on his head too.
Well said Anon. I agree 100%.
Beiruti, you are a smart guy, however it appears your American political views are influencing your comments. I take it you are a Republican? Would you rather have Bush than Obama? Significant American action has to follow a certain arc, including more concrete proof, to justify the type of involvement you are suggesting, which does not yet have American public support. Also the term "crossing a red line" is subject to interpretation. Obama has won approval from Congress to start arming the Syrian Opposition after concluding that Assad used chemical weapons. To most people, that decision was a direct result of crossing the "red line", and was an appropriate response.
@ everybody, stop hallucinating, whether march 14th or march 8th or march 20th, both camps are criminals and so are they in Syria. Use of chemical weapons? yes maybe, by both sides. Beheadings and massacres. Both sides. The international community will do nothing because there isnt an israeli go green light to strike Iran yet... And even with that they wont enter Syria, as soon as Bachar gets very weak, they will strike Lebanon for Hezbollah and Iran. Thats it thats all. Syria will stay as is , its an american plan to destroy both Chiite and Sunnites extremists that they created. Now Iran and Hezbollah have lots to think about other than israeli strikes. Its all part of the plan. No one will save no one.
@ everybody, I come on this forum and read some of your comments, sincerely, other than Mowaten, Flamethrower and Thephoenix1 and benzona with all due respect to their different point of views which i dont really share and even among eeach others dont share, but i find these people are the only ones educated or that talk with a bit of logic and over 15 years old on this site. For the rest, i feel like you could all go try to be a bit more realistic and stop watching grandizer, rambo and terminator. NOBODY WILL HELP NOBODY. Everyone even Hezbollah has its interests in fighting in syria and not for just the love of Bachar.
There is no valid excuse for killing ANY civilians....shame on the ones that refuse to see the truth of the butcher assad and cronies...
i am convinced you are either 12 or an idiot--probably both. maybe you should go to al akhbar for news that will make you look good.
I'm sure all the children were foreign terrorists, especially the infants. Everyone knows they are the most dangerous to a government with an air force, tanks and chemical weapons.
President, Mubarak Hussein Obama, where are you? Where is the so called "Red Line", or may be the alleged "Red Line" dissipated when you actually accepted and received a premature and undeserved "Nobel Peace Prize".
@peoplepower. Interesting peoplepower, but no I am not a Republican, in fact I am an elected public official, elected on the Democratic ticket. I have voted for Obama and defend him often to my various Fox News sycophants who rail against Obama for their delusional reasons. My problem with Obama is that he deliberates too much. Bush would not deliberate at all, which is worse. Action without thought, or thought without timely action.
What is America's interest? At some point national interest becomes secondary to our common humanity which knows no national border. When humans are indiscrimantly killed, at some point it is my interest because I am a human being, not an American or a Syrian or Lebanese but a human being. We have come to that point with how this war is being prosecuted where our common humanity has come into issue.
What can we in America do? Well we don't need to get into the issues that are being contested between the Syrian people, it is there war and their national issues to resolve and true, the US has no interest in that. But we can stop the atrocities and the crimes against humanity by at least sending over some cruise missiles, to bring down the Syrian airforce and let them know that this type of warfare will not be allowed as a means of resolving their national issues.
It is the use of chemical and biological weapons that makes this an international concern and once that has been disabled, then the international community no longer has an interest sufficient to warrant military action.
Come on you so called " opposition " !
How much of a bunch of Mass Murderers you are All & just proved it !
If the Police Authorities were investigating my place of residence for illegal arms or weapons it certainly would be a wrong time to use them so not not attract any attention on my household !
How conviniance got the better of things !
Ask the question just when the UN were in Syria to investigate the use of Chemical Weapons it all of a sudden was used ?
Ask who would ? Saudi Arabia ? USA ? Or even Israel ? They are the very people that are supporting the loose umbrella of the FSA !!
It is the hand from the pits of hell that doing this dispacable acts ! Yes ISRAEL, USA , KSA & the GCC States ! Why?
The MOSSADS are working overtime they are the ones that do not want HA to get their hands on such weapons , very logical , it is called a tip of balance of power in the region !
Hitler seems to have taught them well !
Signed Wolf ...
Also not to forget to place the TURKISH GOVERNMENT up ther with this involvement in this massacre !!!!!
Signed Wolf .....
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