دمشق: الدول الغربية "تلفق سيناريوهات كاذبة" للتدخل وسوريا ستكون مقبرة للغزاة
Read this story in Englishاعتبرت دمشق الاربعاء ان الدول الغربية "تلفق سيناريوهات كاذبة" للتدخل عسكريا ضد النظام السوري، في اشارة الى تلويح دول غربية بشن ضربات عسكرية ردا على هجوم مفترض بالاسلحة الكيميائية قرب دمشق، بحسب تصريحات لرئيس الوزراء وائل الحلقي.
وافاد التلفزيون الرسمي السوري في شريط عاجل ان "رئيس مجلس الوزراء يؤكد لعدد من اعضاء مجلس الشعب ان الدول الغربية وعلى رأسها الولايات المتحدة تلفق سيناريوهات كاذبة وتعد ذرائع واهية للتدخل العسكري في سوريا نتيجة فشلها وادواتها الارهابية"، في اشارة الى مقاتلي المعارضة.
وأضاف: "سوريا (...) ستفاجىء المعتدين كما فاجأتهم في حرب تشرين (1973)، وستكون مقبرة للغزاة ولن ترهبها تهديداتهم الاستعمارية بفضل ارادة وتصميم شعبها الذي لا يرضى الذل والهوان".
بدوره، صرح نائب وزير الخارجية السوري فيصل المقداد الاربعاء أن "الارهابيين" استخدموا غاز السارين في قصف مناطق في ريف دمشق الاسبوع الماضي "بتشجيع اميركي وبريطاني وفرنسي".
وقال: "ان المجموعات الارهابية استخدمت غاز السارين في كل هذه المواقع"، في اشارة الى مناطق في الغوطتين الشرقية والغربية في ريف دمشق قتل فيها المئات، بحسب المعارضة، في "هجوم كيميائي" في 21 آب.
واضاف: "نحن نكرر ان المجموعات الارهابية هي التي استخدمتها بتشجيع اميركي وبريطاني وفرنسي، ويجب ان يتوقف التشجيع من هذه الدول الغربية".
ولفت المقداد الى أن "أخطر ما في هذا الموضوع... ان يقوم الارهابيون باستخدام الاسلحة الكيماوية وتدافع عنهم هذه الحكومات وتتبنى مقولاتهم"، موضحا "هذا يعني ان هذه الاسلحة الكيماوية ستستخدم قريبا ومن نفس هذه العصابات ضد شعوب أوروبا".
وكان المقداد يتحدث للصحافيين خارج فندق "فور سيزنز" الذي ينزل فيه محققو الامم المتحدة حول الاسلحة الكيميائية بعد لقائه مسؤولة الامم المتحدة لشؤون نزع الاسلحة انجيلا كاين الموجودة في دمشق ايضا.
أما مندوب سوريا في الامم المتحدة بشار الجعفري فقال الاربعاء أن عشرات الجنود السوريين استنشقوا الغازات السامة في حوادث جرت اخيرا في بلاده، داعيا الامم المتحدة الى التحقيق فيها.
وصرح الجعفري للصحافيين انه طلب من الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون توسيع مهمة فريق التفتيش حول الاسلحة الكيميائية الموجود حاليا في سوريا ليشمل هذه الحوادث "البشعة".
وقال ان "عشرات" الجنود السوريين يعالجون حاليا في المستشفيات بعد وقوع تلك الحوادث في ضواحي دمشق في 22 و24 و25 اب. الا انه لم يكشف مزيدا من التفاصيل.
وجاءت تصريحات الجعفري فيما كان مندوبو الدول الخمس الدائمة العضوية في الامم المتحدة --بريطانيا، فرنسا، الصين، روسيا، والامم المتحدة-- يجرون مناقشات حول مسودة قرار بريطاني يطالب مجلس الامن بادانة الهجوم بأسلحة كيميائية على ريف دمشق في 21 اب والذي اعلنت المعارضة السورية انه ادى الى مقتل المئات وتلقي الدول الغربية بمسؤوليته على القوات السورية النظامية.
وكان الجعفري اتهم مقاتلي المعارضة باستخدام السلاح الكيميائي "لاستجرار" تدخل عسكري غربي.
وقال الجعفري في لقاء مع تلفزيون "الاخبارية" السورية: "كثير من المعطيات تصب في صالح تثبيت براءة الحكومة السورية من هذه التهمة الملفقة وتحميل المجموعات المسلحة مسؤولية استخدام السلاح الكيماوي بهدف استجرار التدخل العسكري الخارجي والعدوان على سوريا".
واضاف ان "الدول الغربية والحكومة التركية تنتهك بشكل صارخ قرار مجلس الامن المتعلق بمنع الارهابيين من حيازة أسلحة الدمار الشامل من خلال السماح للمجموعات الارهابية المسلحة في الاراضي التركية بإنشاء مخبر لتصنيع السلاح الكيماوي بمواد تركية وسعودية وقطرية (...) وادخال هذا السلاح الكيماوي الى داخل سوريا واستخدامه".
13 minutes ago Syria's U.N. envoy al-Jaafari: Everyone knows the repercussions of any Israeli aggression against Syria.
lol "justice" is that why they have been "pondering" it for so long? only a fool would think that a war can be without consequences.
but nevermind, i know you're just doing what you do, clowning around
May heaven and the seven seas bless you Mr. Prime Minister! Syria will be the graveyard of these invaders and their takfiri mercenaries. Their cruise missiles will be broken at the feet of the secular Baath regime. You are not alone in this. We, the Lebanese people and the Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA(Hussain Army) will not stand still. Our Kafir I and Kafir II missiles along with Ayoub drones will be roaming the Med to bring down their biggest and their best. The USS Nimitz will be up in flames in no time. A world of pain will open up for these takfiri zionist westerners. More and more people here on Naharnet have started to see the truth as evident by the popular vote that has suddenly shifted towards the regime and the resistance. This shows you and our resistance are doing the right things. God Bless you and my special regards to President Assad.
lol, what is wrong with these people? "Graveyard of Invaders", as you say, "ya 3en".
Assad is well aware that should he mess with usa , the united states air force will accomplish in 1 hour what the rebels have not been able to do in 2 years.
Stick to housework and be quiet. Politics is NOT allowed for woman as you should know by now. These are the laws of your beloved HA & Syrian regime based on Iran's standards.
hihihihihi you're so right bigsami, we should tell the female MPs in Iran to go instead in Saudi, where they would have a real role hihihiihi
Go play you little boy.. Go play. Soon they will hang your master Bashar upside-down, and you will be running to your mommy... Regime of thugs murderers and liars.
Funny that the PM doesn't clarify that there is already a graveyard in Syria no thanks to his own regime. But this time around, the graveyard will be evenly distributed with bodies from the scums themselves.
Well, it's already a graveyard to your own people, ya jabbar înta! And seriously, the Yom Kippur War is not exactly that scary of a comparison: you lost that war, and except for a few early victories after you attacked the Golan Heights, the Israelis chased your army all the way back to just a few kilometres short of Damascus. Learn your own country's history first, idiot.
people of the middle east, 90% of americans dont want this. our govt has been hijacked by criminals and we can do nothing. i will pray for u all.
Southern, wake up!! What is wrong wiht you?? Syria is already dark hole... To refresh your memory over 100,000 died so far.. The criminals are the regime thugs... Syrian people deserver to gain their freedom from such a dictator whose family ruled and robbed the country for more than 40 years... Time for change.
This attack by the West is orchestrated , it is chemical warfare supplied by west , administered by the the Turks & released by terrorists ....
This is an exact carbon copy of the Aum Shinrikyo terrorists that attacked Japanese Subway system in five coordinated attacks in 1995 that injured over 5000 people !!!
What we have here is just utter accusations by the west are baseless . Sarin gas can be produced by anyone with a certain amount of knowledge in chemistry, if Aum Shinrikyo can produce this Sarin Gas then anyone can especially in today's society with access to even Uranium !
So to the US don't haste into war the people are too smart these days to buy your BS ..
Signed Wolf .
How come the premier did not say: " we will choose the time and place for retaliating?" thats what they have been saying for the past fourty years every time Israel bombs certain sites in Syria, Bekaa' valley and the like?? Plus its not distant past when Saddam said the same thing i.e Baghdad will be the graveyard or Vietnam for the Americans....I think Mr Prime minister the time has come and the place is the Mediterranian Sea.
Hey Wolf.. I think u r right and hopefully the smart intelligencia of France, Scotland yard and the CIA should know that such scinario is possible...I think the Mosad with the help of insiders setup Assad for this...then they went to the west saying they have evidence because they planted the evidence...remember when Al-Qaida films suicide bombers before and during an attack...its the same story in a smarter format. I hope Putin who is an ex KGB chief can prove this theory!!
Anyone who supports any Imperialists invaders to bomb a ARAB/MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN/DRUZE country is a traitor to not only his country but to HIMSELF.
Its disgusting how blind you people are. You think a US strike is going to be good for anyone???
This guy reminds me of the Iraqi Minister of Information. At the same time, I am with the school of thought that thinks this is bad for everyone. Although I am against the Assad regime, I still don't think US bombs are the answer.
Thumbs up 'cause I agree. It's coming in a little too late to be of particularly useful help. And what's the point of it, especially if they're not going to opt for "regime change"? "You can go right ahead and keep killing your people with conventional weapons, but we draw the red line on CWs. Open your hand so I can slap it with a ruler."
Anything is better than Assad??
I dont think you'll be saying that when US/Israeli warplanes are flying over you're head....
oh wait, nm...you're probably typing all this from your mama's basement in London, right?
Even takfiris are better than Assad. Even the Chabab from Soudan are better than him.
Erm, I can understand your enthusiasm Benzo, but no: Shabab (from Somalia, technically), Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and the like are not really better if you actually come to think of it. That being said, why does it have to be one of two evils? There's an enormous and very intelligent Syrian diaspora living outside of the country since the Hafez days who would be interested in returning to Syria once the prodigally murderous son is off the throne, and who can govern the country with diligence and equality. Cheers!
don't push it
first the shabab are in Somalia and they are not exactly IQ 100
bachar is evil but a smart evil
neither deserves to have power and/or govern
Maxx & CoolMec.
I actually wondered how long it would take for someone to notice this Huge mistake which I realized seconds after posting the comment.
Anyway, bien entendu j’exagère dans mes propos... but I do this to convey the intensity of how fed up we, democratic Lebanese, are.
I'm certainly not anti-syrian as I've dated some before ;-)
I have no hopes for Lebanon.... I put my properties for sale there... This is it.
Good night guys!
yeah, we get it...you're Pro-Zio, Pro-Saudi. We get it, thanks.
Now go back to shooting-up H in the back alley of your US city.
You've been accusing EVEYONE of living in the USA. What's this latest pathology called? What's NapoleAoun giving you from the Bekaa?
Not everyone Just a handful of idiots who are openly supporting Assir, Takfiris and Israel...if you were truly Lebanese you wouldnt be standing in support of those things...OR maybe you dont know what your saying half the time cuz your too high on coke.
A Lebanese or true lebanese is someone who doesn't fight abroad on the orders of Iran.
A Lebanese army general is someone who doesn't feel the battlefield leaving his men behind.... You know, like Aoun or Arafat. Two scumbags that have thousands of lives on their conscience.
You may be lebanese, but you're a pro terrorist one ^^*
Ironic that you should mention the USSR as an example, because at least Russia itself only started getting "beautiful and prosperous" after a new iron-fisted ruler came and took grip of the place, and most of the other ex-Soviet republics are once again run by their local tyrants. But besides that, I agree with you.
@Benzona, who openly supports Israel, is teaching me about being true Lebanese.
You should really take lesson from your Avatar. Set yourself on fire and rid the world of your disgusting stench. FILTH
Resorting to insults that's what people do when they run out of arguments. You've been reported.
I'm not pro Israel, never was I simply like reminding that they VALUE LIFE unlike some politicians in our country.
I will no longer address you, and demand you no longer comment my messages.
TTu ne dois jamais perdre l'espoir pour ton pays. Si tu vends tout et tu quittes t'es en train de contribuer au desespoir.
reste optmiste mon mec
T'as qu'a te rappeller l'histoire du Liban, il y aura toujours des tempetes mais on les navigue et on s'en sort
Supporting Israel is less harmful to Lebanon than supporting Iran or Syria
If you really are a female behind that screen, then you seriously offer up the worst stereotype of female logic: If one is supposed to be a "patriotic Lebanese" - Lebanese, adjective, of or pertaining to LEBANON -, then why would one defend a regime that has for decades systematically kidnapped, murdered, harassed, assaulted and insulted Lebanon? (I could add more verbs, but I'm restricted to 1000 characters.) Wouldn't it rather be a Lebanese patriot who would defend Lebanon, and those who defend the oppressors of Lebanon be called by their spadal name, specifically TRAITOR?
Western Templars are coming for you. Your soul have been sold already and ain't resting in peace. We will be praying God so he can have mercy on you and your beloved one. Prepare yourself, your judgment is near in front of your creator.
Monachus - Aedificator - Eques.
@patriotic Lebanese
You are delusional you must have inhaled some of Assad's sarin. He distributed a lot lately...
Please change your name because you are neither patriotic nor Lebanese
You demand me??? Now i know you're truly high..
Hell will freeze over before any Israel loving, Takfiri supporter can demand anything from me...Get that through your narrow minded Zio supporting head.
I know it's hard for you to look at yourself in the mirror but the sooner you come to the realization that everything you say is wrong, the easier it will be for you to heal yourself.
HE DEMANDS ME ALLLL, L3ama shu a7bal
Its so funny how every butcher that has uttered these threats, the result is the same, they end up on the run and are always found in sewage holes.
The mother of all battles said Saddam before they destroyed his military in 3 weeks.
First of all, this guy is out of his mind if he thinks he can fight back and win against "Western Invaders". Second you are only barking because you know that the western invaders are not having any boots on the ground. Everyone said the U.S graveyard will be in Iraq, they will die and burn in hell and bla bla bla. They took the country in 2 months? Also your surprise in 1973 did not end very well my friend. Here's a link about different articles if anyone is interested. http://www.google.com/#q=1973+Yom+Kippur+war
It is true that we were taken by surprise when we were attacked on yom kippur in 1973 and suffered heavy losses, but as some of you have already posted, it did not end as the "syrian success story" he seems to think it was... I would have tried to find some other reason to cite as to why others should be intimidated them...
what nukes? iran doesnt have any of those. even mossad and CIA agree that they havent even taken the decision to build some
The secret world government (the controllers behind governments) has long been planning to pit Sunnis against Shiites to trigger a world war. So far their plan seems to be underway. The only means we have to stop them is for every individual on the planet to go "on strike" and no longer participate with the brainwashing being dished out. Every soldier needs to quit these armies, everyone ought to withdraw their money from banks. We need to withdraw our energy from this system that's destroying people everywhere. When one part of the world is in trouble we are all in trouble. Together we need to rid the world of these few 'evil' behind closed doors at the top causing the world's misery. Life can so easily be fantastic for every individual but we have a wicked few who continue to cause never ending turmoil for the entire world's people and they do so in calculated and covert ways keeping us fooled, confused and fighting amongst each other. People everywhere want to live peacefully.