أوباما لن يدخل في حرب برية على سوريا "إطلاقا" وكيري يؤكد أن أي عمل سيكون رسالة لإيران وحزب الله
Read this story in Englishاعلن الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما الجمعة انه لم يتخذ بعد "قرارا نهائيا" بشأن سوريا لكنه تحدث عن عملية اميركية "محدودة" لمعاقبة النظام السوري المتهم باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية في هجوم اودى بحسب الاستخبارات الاميركية بحياة 1429 شخصا في 21 اب قرب دمشق.
واكد اوباما ان هذه الاسلحة الكيميائية تهدد الامن القومي الاميركي وقال ان العالم لا يمكنه ان يقبل بتعريض نساء واطفال للغازات السامة بعد نشر تقرير للاستخبارات الاميركية حمل النظام السوري مسؤولية الهجوم الكيميائي.
وانتقد اوباما كذلك "عجز" مجلس الامن الدولي عن التحرك حيال سوريا بعدما عطلت روسيا صدور اي قرار مناهض للنظام السوري.
وقال ان العالم لا يمكن ان يبقى "مشلولا" امام الوضع في سوريا، غداة رفض البرلمان البريطاني مشاركة بريطانيا في هجوم محتمل على سوريا.
وجاء كلام اوباما قبل قمة مصغرة مع رؤساء دول البلطيق. وأضاف أنه لا يفكر في حرب برية "إطلاقا".
وقبل أوباما أعلن وزير الخارجية الأميركية جون كيري مساء الجمعة أن أي تحرك ضد سوريا "سيكون محدودا وغير مفتوح" قائلا أن التحرك عدا عن أنه رسالة للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد بل أيضا رسالة لإيران وحزب الله وكوريا الشمالية كي لا "يتجرؤوا" على استخدام الأسلحة المحظورة في العالم، وكاشفا أن المخابرات الأميركية على علم بمكان إطلاق الصواريخ وأن النظام قصف ريف دمشق لتدمير الأدلة.
وقال كيري في مؤتمر صحفي من وزارة الخارجية أن الرئيس الأميركي باراك "أوباما سيتشاور مع الكونغرس قبل اتخاذ أي قرار تجاه سوريا".
وإذ أكد أن تجربتي العراق وأفغانستان "لن تتكرران" أشار إلى "أدلة دامغة على تورط النظام السوري في الهجمات الكيميائية".
أضاف "نظام الأسد يملك أكبر برنامج للأسلحة الكيميائية في كل الشرق واستخدمها مرات عدة هذه السنة ضد الشعب السوري" مردفا أن "النظام السوري مصر على التخلص من المعارضة في ضواحي دمشق ونعلم أن موظفي البرنامج الكيميائي حضروا للهجوم قبل أيام".
وإذ كشف أنه "بعد 90 دقيقة من سقوط الصواريخ الكيميائية رأينا آلاف التقارير عن إصابة الضحايا" بدا كيري جازما بالقول "نعرف من أين انطلقت الصواريخ وأين حطت والوقت الذي انطلقت فيه وهي من مناطق ذات سيطرة للنظام".
كذلك أعلن أن "القوات السورية قامت بقصف المباني على مدى 4 أيام (في ريف دمشق) وتدمير الأدلة على الأسلحة الكيميائية ودخول المفتشين كان خاضعا لضوابط".
وإذ أشار إلى أن "الإستخبارات الأميركية واثقة جدا جدا من استعمال النظام السوري للكيميائي" قال "لا بد أن نخلص العالم من أسوأ أنواع الأسلحة".
إلى ذلك تحدث كيري عن جوار سوريا فقال أن "الأردن وتركيا ولبنان يهمهم أن يعرفوا أين تقع الأسلحة الكيميائية" أوضح أن التحرك أيضا "يتعلق أيضا بكوريا الشمالية وإيران حزب الله وكل من يريد أن يستعمل السلاح الكيميائي" كي لا يتم التجرأ على استعماله.
وفي ما بدا كلمة إلى الشعب الأميركي قال "لسنا وحيدين في رغبتنا في التحرك تجاه سوريا والعالم يرفع الصوت والجامعة العربية دانت النظام كذلك فعلت منظمة التعاون الإسلامي".
كذلك وفي إشارة إلى تحرك أميركي خارج عن إرادة محلس الأمن أعلن "المفتشون الدوليون لن يثبتوا من استخدام السلاح الكيميائي" متابعا "لا يمكن للأمم المتحدة أن تواصل قيادة النظام العالمي في ظل الرفض الروسي".
واعترف بـالإرهاق والتعب من الحروب (في أميركا)" لكنه استدرك "يجب ألا يثنينا عن مسؤولياتنا والمطالبة بالسلام لا تعني إحلاله".
وختم وزير الخارجية الأميركية معلنا ان أي عمل في سوريا "سيكون محدودا ولن يكون مفتوحا ولن ندخل في الحرب الأهلية السورية" بدون نشر قوات على الأرض. .
من جهة أخرى اعلن مسؤول مقرب من الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند ان هولاند ونظيره الاميركي باراك اوباما اللذين تحدثا عبر الهاتف "واثقان كلاهما بالطبيعة الكيميائية لهجوم (21 اب) وبالمسؤولية المؤكدة للنظام" السوري عنه.
وقال المصدر لفرانس برس "ذكر فرانسوا هولاند بتصميم فرنسا الكبير على الرد وعدم ترك هذه الجرائم بدون عقاب ولمس التصميم نفسه لدى اوباما".

I guess the Americans have made it clear that they will go ahead with surgical & tailored military action against Syria. In my opinion, as a journalist and correspondent that Syria's response will be very limited and tailored as well. Obama needs to uphold his credibility in the region, while Bashar Al-Assad must respond to keep Geneva two alive.
48 hours at max, Syria will be attacked..

The phone lines are very busy now between Washington & Tehran on how the attack and response will look like.
Hezbollah will not be dragged into this conflict nor Israel..

Hey guys
Based on what I have seen on TV, it looks like new tourists will be visiting Syria any time now . They are "guided' tourists among them Tomahawk, etc...
let's welcome the American guided tourists

Your friends in Syria will be welcoming some "guided" tourists soon
so what you say bud??

Rhetoric from both sides, whether it is the Americans or the Syrians/Russians & Iranians. The military action against Syria, which i expect within the next 48hrs max, has been pre-negotiated between Feltman & leaders in Tehran. The so-called US targets & response have been agreed upon. Both sides don't favour & want wide-scale regional war now... However, what i see interesting is how a new coaltion was formed in the Middle East which in my opinion has pushed away for maybe a decade or two any war in the region..

in other words- accept the way bashar is killing us lebanese now with car bombs because takfiris are going to be worse? did i get your point correct big john?

OK- I can buy that and fully agree with you that we need to protect ourselves from both sides. However, tell me this. We are 100% sure we cannot protect ourselves from the current regime based on the last 30+ years of painful experience. that is a stone cold fact. show me proof that we will not be able to protect ourselves in the future if a regime change happens, the current government is weakened and replaced by a young group who put Lebanon first. I, for once, would like to have that opportunity and see what happens. It cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be any worse than the last 30+ years.

Big John- Stating that M14 is waging a war against the regime is nothing more than an excuse for HA actually waging war against the opposition. They have boots on the ground, firing bullets and missiles. Taking part in killings in Syria. It is amazing that you attempt to compare the two, let along claim that M14 is waging the war! I am a supporter of M14 and am hoping that the opposition wins and hoping they will get the help that they need. That does not mean I am waging war. HUGE difference and comical to draw a comparison.

did you grow up in Lebanon? tell me during that time you speak of that all these people supported the Syrian occupation, was it because they truly supported them or for another reason? if you grew up in Lebanon you would know the answer to that question.

FT- your argument is stale and has been answered 10000001 different times. there are more than 2 choices in life. you can keep saying stick with choice 1 because choice 2 is worse all you want simply because choice 1 fits your party's needs only! It doesn't change the facts that choices 3-10000001 are available.

first- your answer clearly shows you are getting your information second hand. you either did not grow up in Lebanon or are too young to have experienced the occupation first hand.
second- I love the antics you and FT deploy as smear campaigns against the people that hurt your parties the most. tying wahabies to LF and syrian boot licking to burtous Harb. Shameless and worthless. As if these forums change public opinion in anyway. good night fellas and have a good weekend.

Southern, you keep talking about the US failure in Iraq.. Wake up man and stop hallucinating. US went there to remove Saddam and they did.. Saddam was hung.. Mission accomplished.. This murderer Syrian dictator will soon bite the dust...

looking 4 media visibility tinybrain? u rn't answering Gabby14; Y do u post up here? u belong to the bottom of this page, because u r @ the bottom of the lebanese society.
gracias 4 understanding.

Except the "hezz" was founded in 82... try again.
Plus, what are these petty accusations? 70s? really? Everyone was corrupt so to take a moral high ground is hilarious.

There is no denying that the huge Lebanese demonstration on March 14 was the final nail in the coffin of Syria's presence in Our country. Nice of you to recognize that.
But if we're not for George Bush and Frances Jack Chirac putting the screws to Assad no Lebanese demonstration no matter how large would have accomplished the task. It was the combined American French threat of force that did the trick.
When recalling history please make the effort to make a complete recollection.

According to history you are all discredited ...
Mr.Preident Obama , swallow your pride ! Do what the Brittish did , consult your people first !
You have enough on your plate ..over Trillion plus in debt , unemployment at all time high , economy at all time low , how many theatres of war at a loss ? Worry about your own people & country , don't worry about Israel they are doing fine , at the moment , that is ...
Otherwise the "One way Door of Hell " is awaiting for you & your coalition !!!!!
Signed Wolf ...

I don't belied that there so many delusional bloggers on here who think that President Bashar will be toppled... The terrorist that you support have been at the same mission now going into 3 years without a result.. Now your new tactics of using chem weapons on civilians is also failing... I guess you all over read into Obama saying "the use of chem weapons is a red line" to any logical person all these recent event of countries that you counted on to take action are dropping like flies.. I believe it is now safe to congratulate the Syrian people and President Bashar for defeating the terrorists.. You might as well move on and shift your racist, extreme, takfiri focus somewhere else..

No one is more terrorist than the long neck airhead, who assisinated all the anti-syrian politicians in Lebanon, is it Israel and the takfiris, how about Ghazi Ka3an and his brother Ali, again the takfiris, now make some sense and tell me where those chemical weapons came from? if Al-Qaida had them, then 1- they would have used them against the US army in Afghanistan and Iraq, does it ever occur to you that any major assassination or mass killings (1400 in this instance) only occur on the anti-Syrian regime side? you mean to tell me that Al-Qaida messed up and bombed those who are against the regime.

GCC paid for the chem weapons that were supplied by the US transported via Turkish channels so qeida/nusra would unleash these weapons to force a western attack to end the leadership of Syria. However this has failed and now the Syrian terrorists and their backers being GCC and Turkey cry foul because their plan backfired in their face.. You claim 1400 dead? Can you back it? Or simply just another number plucked for propaganda purposes as per previous claims made unconfirmed sources?

They were launched by AL-Qaida, shame on the bonehead who let them steal those chemicals. Tomorrow they will sell them to Israel. Summary as I said last year, Bashar needs to move on and GO as he failed the leadership role.

That is because the west have Supllied the CW, the Turks administered it then in turn the Rebels have used it !!!
Signed Wolf !

Those who die by chemicals are true martyrs , they make a difference in word behaviour and might save us all.

No one can say this isn't true, but if America was to kill bas hae all this would stop do you actually think the Syrian troops are anything without bashar. He is just a coward not really an enemy seriously he's hiding out. America could show that they will not tolerate any of his actions. It's can't be that hard to just eliminate bashar troops, do you really thing they even compare to us army. Like come one people America has the ability to end the war. I am lebaneese but do not live there. I know it can be a better place. Why let this war go on and get worse when it can easily get better. I'm my opinion he is not dangerous, it's just that there's no one stronger willing to stop him.