الحلقي يؤكد أن الجيش السوري يده على الزناد لمواجهة كل التحديات والسيناريوهات
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس الوزراء السوري وائل الحلقي السبت ان الجيش السوري "على اهبة الاستعداد" و"يده على الزناد" لمواجهة الضربة العسكرية التي يهدد بها الغرب ردا على هجوم كيميائي يتهم النظام بتنفيذه في ريف دمشق.
ونقل التلفزيون الرسمي السوري في شريط اخباري عاجل على شاشته عن الحلقي قوله "الجيش العربي السوري على اهبة الاستعداد ويده على الزناد لمواجهة كل التحديات واي سيناريو يريدون تنفيذه".
وكان مسؤول امني قال في وقت سابق لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن بلاده "تتوقع العدوان في كل لحظة، ونحن جاهزون للرد في كل لحظة".
واضاف: "سندافع عن شعبنا ووطننا بكل امكانياتنا وبكل ما اويتنا من قدرة. هذه البلطجة لن تمر من دون رد".
واعلن الرئيس الاميركي باراك اباما الجمعة انه يدرس مع فريقه "مجموعة من الخيارات المتاحة" للرد على النظام السوري ومنعه من استخدام اسلحة كيميائية مرة اخرى.
وجاء ذلك بعد نشر تقرير للاستخبارات الاميركية حمل النظام السوري مسؤولية تنفيذ الهجوم بالقرب من دمشق في 21 آب. وقال اوباما "لا يمكننا ان نقبل بتعريض النساء والاطفال والمدنيين الابرياء للغازات السامة".
None of them lasted as long as President Assad effectively fighting an invasion by foreign terrorists, none of them had the support of the majority of their people like President Assad, none of them had strong political relationships like President Assad, none of them managed to stair down the west like President Assad supporters of a western strike are dropping like flies.. For your analysis to be creditable compare apples with apples ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
Distructive, I agree no other leaders lasted as long as him. But remember the foreign interference is from terrorist retard that have klashinkov and RPG and wants to rule the world- they are out of their mind. But when it comes to Western powers, there is no comparison and Assad and Syrian army will be out of their mind if they think they can stop them. Plus they say their finger is on the trigger, what are they going to shoot, Cruise Missiles? good luck.
What do you mean "majority of their people"? The majority of the Syrian people are not your stereotypical "7amasné": they know better than to support a mass-murderer who might turn his army's guns against their mothers and children in one of his PMSs. The only reason Baschar's forces were able to force a victory was through the inclusion of such masters of murder on their team like Hizb. Hizb are the oranges in the Syrian apple basket. So how do you like them apples?
are you for real/ Assad has the support of his people? dude you are delusional
Irrespective of being with or against Assad; who declared the united states as an officiald world police? There is a UN and 197 other nations yet none dare confront the USA including the pigmy China and Russia. By the way what are the inspectors doing if the USA is going to bomb anyway? I am sure the inspectors are collecting intelligence for the CIA and the Mosad to see if their chemical weapons acheived their goal; otherwise what are they doing? Every body agreed there was a chemical attack so what are they proving?The USA says they don't care for the inspectors report!!they have the evidence since they with the help of Mosad and syrian army spies planted it and executed the task...wallah ya amme shaghlee. they can bully everybody and anybody anytime and anywhere...
"The Syrian army is fully ready"... that must mean they have all abandoned the sites they think will be targeted. As far as "its finger on the trigger" where was your finger each time the Israelis hit you?
Agreed Ice Man - When the U.S. wanted to invade Iraq, they said the American soldiers will see hell, they will suffer like never before, it will be their grave yard and on and on and on with empty talks. The U.S. invaded and controlled the country in few months. The think the Iranians are delusional and don't know the power of U.S. military & technology. they need to wake up and smell the hummus
Shoo, yaba? I mean, Shoo-Yaba: Though generally I agree with most of what you say, I'll have to play Devil's advocate on this one: Though back in '03 Baghdad fell in 21 days (on the 9th of April, after the Vernal Equinox invasion), it cannot be said that they really "controlled" the country (the anarchy and mayhem and public looting of national treasures on the 10th of April is just one of the prime examples; today's daily chaos and suicide bombings is just one of the more recent examples). A war doesn't end with the fall of the regime bastion, and in our present scenario the Syrian tyrant knows it and counts on it as a plan-B (as in, B for Beyond the grave). And the West knows it too, which is why they dread that he should be killed too early like Qaddhafi: they prefer to see him humiliated and publicly step down once his hand (and face) is forced: it would serve to discourage the remainder of his troops.
Also, and once again from the POV of the Devil's advocate, as the Iranian Occupation Forces (aka Hizb) have ceaselessly proved in the South of Lebanon, and which is part of their greatest propaganda (and one of the few honourable points about them, to be totally honest), is that technology isn't a substitute for a strong and determined Human will. So if Hizb are there on the ground to motivate the murderers, they will not be too quickly discouraged by an overwhelming technological superiority in their face. And they also are counting on their own propaganda to sow low morality in the hearts of any invading troops - which is why the West is so strenuously trying to avoid any "boots on the ground".
Based on what has been said, and what I've read between the lines, at least so far, neither the U.S. nor the European super powers really want Assad gone and his regime collapsed. It looks like they rather keep his regime in tact but have him jump ship. This is what I conclude, and this has nothing to do with my own judgments re. the Assad regime.
"Finger on the trigger": Isn't that what you had in the face of every granny and child in your own country?