المعارضة السورية تؤكد انسحاب المقاتلين من اطراف معلولا والحفاظ على مقدساتها

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اكدت المعارضة السورية ان المقاتلين الذين سيطروا قبل يومين على حاجز للقوات النظامية على مدخل بلدة معلولا التاريخية ذات الغالبية المسيحية شمال دمشق، انسحبوا من اطرافها، مشددة على الحفاظ على المعالم الدينية والاثرية في البلدة.

وقال الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة في بيان اصدره ليل الخميس "قامت كتائب الجيش السوري الحر يوم الأربعاء بتدمير حاجزي معلولا وجبعدين التابعين لقوات النظام والواقعين على طريق دمشق- حمص الدولي قرب المدخل الرئيسي لمدينة معلولا، بعد معارك عنيفة مع قوات الأسد وميليشيا اللجان الشعبية المتمركزة في الحاجزين".

واضاف ان الجيش الحر تمركز "لساعات قليلة على أطراف المدينة لم يقم خلالها بأي اعتداء على كنائس أو أديرة"، قبل الانسحاب "حفاظا على أرواح المدنيين وصيانة للإرث الحضاري العريق فيها".

وشدد الائتلاف وهيئة اركان الجيش الحر على "التزامهما الكامل بحماية جميع السوريين دون أي تمييز مبني على أسس دينية أو طائفية أو عرقية أو اثنية أو سياسية، وحرصهما التام على صيانة الإرث الحضاري والإنساني والديني في سورية بكل الوسائل الممكنة".

وكان المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان افاد الاربعاء ان مقاتلين جهاديين من جبهة النصرة المرتبطة بتنظيم القاعدة وكتيبة اسلامية اخرى سيطروا على حاجز للقوات النظامية على مدخل معلولا، بعد هجوم بدأ بتنفيذ احد المقاتلين عملية انتحارية، ما ادى الى مقتل ثمانية من عناصر الحاجز.

ورد الطيران الحربي السوري بقصف الحاجز بعد سيطرة المقاتلين عليه، بحسب المرصد. في حين افاد سكان في البلدة وكالة فرانس برس ان عناصر من جبهة النصرة وكتائب اخرى قاموا باستهداف أحياء في داخلها بقذائف الهاون والرشاشات الثقيلة.

وتعد معلولا الواقعة على مسافة 55 كلم شمال دمشق، من ابرز البلدات المسيحية في سوريا، وما زال بعض سكانها يتحدثون باللغة الآرامية، وهي لغة السيد المسيح. وتعرف البلدة بالعديد من الكهوف التي لجأ اليها المسيحيون في القرون الاولى للمسيحية هربا من الاضطهاد.

التعليقات 28
Missing karim_m3- 10:41 ,2013 أيلول 06

"The FSA was stationed for several hours in the vicinity, but did not attack any church or convent," the statement added."

Nice try. Why were FSA-Al Qaeda shelling the churches and homes with mortar rounds and RPG fire? Why did they attack the roadblack stationed next to the town, if it was largely composed of a Christian militia tasked with protecting the town? Why were FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists seen making "victory" signs and saying they prevailed over the CRUSADERS?

Thumb bustany 19:03 ,2013 أيلول 06

You know why? o ask Iraqi Christians who attacked them? Al-qaida or Shiaa? Go ask Cupt Christians in Egypt who attacked them? Muslim brotherhood or Syrians loyal to Bashar. Go ask Patriarch Alrahai who kidnapped the bishops? the Rebel-terrorist or Assad forces? Go ask any Lebanese Christian if they were attacked by Palestinians-M14 backers or Shiaa during the 1975-1990 civil war?

Thumb Maxx 23:00 ,2013 أيلول 06

And all of that "information" in your second paragraph - you got that from where exactly, if you don't mind sharing?

Thumb Maxx 23:03 ,2013 أيلول 06

7adiqi: Go ask any Lebanese person, whatever their religion, who attacked them during the Lebanese Civil War indeed. I'm Shiite, and we were living in Shiah (Dahyeh) when the Syrian tanks rolled in circa '89. Go BS somebody else.

Thumb geha 12:41 ,2013 أيلول 06

the Syrian people will prevail against al nusra and assad and his regime.

Thumb benzona 14:10 ,2013 أيلول 06

Exactly. John McCain agrees too.

Missing mohammad_ca 13:10 ,2013 أيلول 06

ASSad will prevail? you've been saying that for more than 2 years now...

Thumb ado.australia 16:30 ,2013 أيلول 06

you guys have been saying that Assad has less than 2 weeks left for the past 2 years!!!

lets agree that no one will be prevailing any time soon. just as assad was wining, the chemical weapons attack occurred and now it will prolong the war a little longer.

in the end the biggest loser will be the syrian civilians and lebanon!

Missing mohammad_ca 13:11 ,2013 أيلول 06

let's see...120,000 killed by the dictatorship's regime's insisting on holding onto power vs. a few executed soldiers...yup you've totally changed my view on the Syrian revolution.

Missing mohammad_ca 16:38 ,2013 أيلول 06

where's your argument FT? Like Buthayna said? The children were kidnapped from Latikiya transported more than 300 kms through ASSad checkpoints to Ghouta and put there and then attacked by the revolutionaries? 2al IQ 2al...

Missing mohammad_ca 19:07 ,2013 أيلول 06

Again..what's your argument? "comment mixing" and goes to questions about bombing Syria...Irony seems to be your forte.

Thumb bustany 14:02 ,2013 أيلول 06

The FSA and Al qaida as it is clear in the post are one. The west still fighting for the muslim brotherhood while Egypt dissovle them. This Saudi-Qatari-Turkey way of life we do not need. Israelis will love us to adopt this life and culture but our Christians, Alwaites and Sunnis of Syria said NO. God bless!

Thumb benzona 14:09 ,2013 أيلول 06

Long live the FSA, and the upcoming democratic syrian rulers.

Thumb benzona 16:12 ,2013 أيلول 06

Misleading information stead by the regime and his assistants here.... AKA FT, Momo of Isfahan, and aliases.

Thumb benzona 14:13 ,2013 أيلول 06

alzheimer whenever it suits him.

Le pire FC, is that he doesn't believe what he says, he's just paid to write this stuff for fairly obvious reasons.

The day Assad's head will be on a pic or at the Hague he'll be cheering like the rest of us.

Missing rudy 14:33 ,2013 أيلول 06

i like how you think you're smart and smooth :)

all i've ever seen come out of you and your likes is pointing fingers and nagging.

Missing john101 14:41 ,2013 أيلول 06

Don't worry, it is a tactical withdrawl. At the moment they need the world's support to bomb the Syrian army. Once that is done, they will come back and finish the Christians out. It is just a matter of time.

Missing hb9z 00:19 ,2013 أيلول 07

finish the christians...you think you're in al pacino movie?....most of the massacres has been done predominantly by assads thugs and the jihadi minority through that war...

Thumb geha 18:43 ,2013 أيلول 06

you are definitely a traitor, no two sain people can disagree on that :)
you follow aun: proof N 1
you defend hizbushaitan: proof N 2
You defend the Syrian regime: proof N 3.

Thumb bustany 18:56 ,2013 أيلول 06

I thought Al Qaida who attacked the town??? It turned to to FSA since the collation announced the withdraw... How is it possible to FSA-Christian and minority loving FSA attacked Maalula? They know Maalula. No Assad military there... Only nuns and priests. I wonder if Geagea still on board?

Missing karim_m3- 19:53 ,2013 أيلول 06


Thumb cityboy 20:39 ,2013 أيلول 06

you should be proud FT, getting so many down votes on this site means you are on the right side. The few times I get more votes up than down, I have to go back and re-read my comment to see what I said wrong.

Thumb cityboy 20:47 ,2013 أيلول 06

The word withdraw from the title is sure some good PR work from the head cutting nusra boys. My whole image of them has completely change now that they voluntarily withdrew from a Christian village.

Missing VINCENT 22:08 ,2013 أيلول 06

Syria's biggest enemies are KSA and Qatar; the instigators, providers, supporters, creators of radical Islam which has plagued the religion. (I am not sure re. Turkey.) But, really, Syria aligns itself with no other than "Iran"? Really, So how could people like me who are moderates, intellectuals, believe in God but secular vis-a-vis politics, have any respect towards Assad's regime? Are Iranian Mullah and religious fanatics better than the Salafist, Islamist, Al-Qaeda types of Saudi Arabia or Qatar? Instead of fighting each other, target and remove the radicals from both sides and diminish the power and influence of these oppressive countries.

Missing hb9z 08:00 ,2013 أيلول 07

good job vincent....all the religious extremists need to go home and pray GOD in their own houses and leave the streets for the normal people.....

Missing hb9z 00:13 ,2013 أيلول 07

thats true they should have shot the idiot commander by the name of AOUN the traitor......

Missing hb9z 00:16 ,2013 أيلول 07

yes the butcher protects you so he can butcher you later

Thumb zahle1 16:56 ,2013 أيلول 09

I am glad they are out. These are our people and only a few miles away. I have been to this village. It is not a military installation, and do not believe there is much if any Assad military there.

Yes I believe the FSA/Nusra attacked the village because most of them are pro-Assad.