صلاة مشتركة في دمشق تلبية لدعوة البابا فرنسيس

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أقيمت صلاة مشتركة في كاتدرائية سيدة النياح - الزيتون في العاصمة السورية دمشق، تلبية لدعوة البابا فرنسيس، على نية عودة الأمن والسلام الى سوريا.

وأكد بطريرك انطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الملكيين الكاثوليك غريغوريوس الثالث لحام، أن "معظم دول العالم مع الحل السياسى للأزمة في سوريا، والقلة القليلة تريد العمل العسكرى ضدها، وهذه بداية الانتصار".

وشكر لحام "الدول التى تعمل من أجل السلام وألا يكون هناك أى عمل عسكرى ضد سوريا". كما شكر بابا الفاتيكان ل"هذه المبادرة التى جعلت العالم كله كنسية كبيرة وجامعا ومعبدا، لكي يصلي الجميع لأجل سوريا، والتي دعا فيها كل ممثلي الدول المعتمدة في الفاتيكان وقال لهم: لا للحرب بل للسلام".

التعليقات 7
Thumb bustany 23:03 ,2013 أيلول 07

M14, Geagea, and all parties drumming for a strike against Syria: Evil only wins if strike to happen. Evil of Saud, Qatai and all human-degrading culture. Geagea, start finding some other source of financial support beside Saudi Arabia. Save your skin. God Bless to all!

Missing hb9z 23:11 ,2013 أيلول 07

yes lets also pray for the murderer bashar who started this freaking war ...who massacred every peaceful demonstrator for 6 months before the oppsition became armed and needed to defend it self instead of doing REAL REFORMS not the usual bullship of 99% votes for him on election day...let pray that GOD gives assad the butcher long life so he can keep sending sarin gas and killing 1500 people in 5 seconds ...why not GOD surely loves the sacrifices assad makes for hil and the blood he shed in 2 years...

Thumb bustany 23:22 ,2013 أيلول 07

For the people who oppose Assad, I will say: compare this picture in Damascus to any other place in the region: Saudi, Qatar, Tunisia, Libya, Morroc, Turkey? NOW: Where do you want to live?

Missing hb9z 05:41 ,2013 أيلول 08

one picture and one story is a snapshot of the situation...you need to look at the big picture of things ......stop putting alawites and christians in the same bag because they are NOT....christians are not part of the "so called" elite republican guard or part of the moukhabrat who massacred thousands of people.....why do u refuse to see things like they are and you are blinded by the sect ideology.....? bashar is a murderer .period.

Thumb Senescence 02:34 ,2013 أيلول 08


Missing hb9z 05:43 ,2013 أيلول 08

you r really an idiot if u believe that ...its like saying nasrallah put the last car bomb in dahiye.....come on man! use your brain.....

Missing abraham 07:10 ,2013 أيلول 08

by your standards we should follow Hariris, Aouns, Geageas, Jumblats, Berri's and all the corrupt politicians in Lebanon, who looted the country of it's money, brain and the soul.
The same politicians who sold their country to Isreal, S.Arabia, Libya. and of course the west.
No wonder Lebanon is in this state, because of midget minded people like you