محققو الامم المتحدة: قوات الحكومة السورية ارتكبت جرائم حرب وقتلت مدنيين
Read this story in Englishعددت لجنة التحقيق الدولية المستقلة بشان سوريا في تقريرها الاربعاء جرائم ضد الانسانية وجرائم حرب ارتكبت في ذلك البلد، الا انها لم تقدم نتيجة نهائية بشان استخدام اسلحة كيميائية.
وقالت اللجنة في احدث تقاريرها "بناء على الادلة المتوفرة حاليا، فلم يكن بالامكان التوصل الى نتيجة عن العناصر الكيميائية المستخدمة وانظمة اطلاقها او مرتكبيها".
الا ان التقرير قال انه من الواضح ان "غالبية الخسائر البشرية وقعت خلال هجمات غير مشروعة استخدمت فيها الأسلحة التقليدية".
واضاف التقرير الذي يغطي الفترة من 15 ايار حتى 15 تموز ان قوات موالية للرئيس بشار الاسد "واصلت شن الهجمات الواسعة ضد المدنيين وارتكاب عمليات القتل والتعذيب والاغتصاب والاختفاء الجبري كجرائم ضد الانسانية".
كما دان التقرير الجماعات المناهضة للحكومة "بارتكاب جرائم حرب" من بينها القتل والتعذيب وخطف الرهائن.
ولم يتحدث التقرير عن الفترة بعد 15 تموز التي شهدت الهجوم الكيميائي على مدنيين في ريف دمشق في 21 اب والذي اثار غضبا دوليا يمكن ان يؤدي الى توجيه ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري بقيادة الولايات المتحدة رغم الجهود الدبلوماسية لتجنبها.
واكدت اللجنة المؤلفة من اربعة اعضاء برئاسة البرازيلي باولو سيرجيو بينييرو في تقريرها الاربعاء على الحاجة للمساءلة "من أجل تقديم أولئك الذين استخدموه (السلاح الكيميائي) أمام العدالة .. وكذا من أجل ردع أي شخص آخر يريد استخدام أساليب الحرب البغيضة هذه".
وحذرت اللجنة التي تم تكليفها التحقيق في انتهاكات حقوق الانسان في سوريا عقب اندلاع اعمال النزاع في سوريا في اذار 2011، من ان النزاع في سوريا الذي اسفر عن مقتل اكثر من 100 الف شخص واجبر اكثر من مليونين على الفرار من البلاد "اخذ منعطفا خطيرا".
وقال التقرير "لم يؤد الفشل في التوصل الى تسوية سياسية الى تعميق الصراع وتعنته فحسب، بل تسبب أيضًا في توسيعه الى جهات فاعلة جديدة وجرائم لم تكن قبل في الحسبان".
الا ان المحققين الذين من المقرر ان يعرضوا نتائج تقريرهم على مجلس حقوق الانسان الدولي الاثنين، رفضوا شن ضربات عسكرية ضد سوريا كحل للازمة.
وحذروا انه "مع شبح التدخل العسكري الدولي فإنّ سوريا والمنطقة تواجهان خطر ازدياد اشتعال الحرب مما سيؤدي الى زيادة معاناة المدنيين".
وقال المحققون "هنالك حاجة ملحة لوقف الاعمال العدائية والعودة للمفاوضات من أجل ايجاد تسوية سياسية، فاللجوء للعمل العسكري لن يؤدي فقط الى تعاظم المعاناة داخل سوريا، وإنما أيضًا الى استعصاء الوصول الى التسوية السياسية المتوخاة".
وياتي التقرير وسط تجدد الامل في ان تؤدي المبادرة الدبلوماسية الروسية للتخلص من الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية الى تجنيب سوريا ضربة عسكرية اميركية.
yes we all know what is coming... this commision is biased.. headed by a Brazilian who is in the pay of the zionist/american/takfiri/al qaida/turkish/british/french/rest of eu/gcc/other arab countries/etc.../etc../etc/// alliance.
the UN isnt neutral it represents the world's superpowers will (dont be naive, when was the last time a country like te US was condemned for war crimes, use of depleted uranium, use of chemical weapons and illegal weapons, large scale slaughter etc...?) but that is not the issue here.
which massacres were investigated? there were dozens and dozens of massacres, and certainly much more than one that was commited by rebels.
also what were the standards they used? how do they qualify a massacre? how do they differentiate between civilians and fighters? because in many cases the dead fighters are called "civilian casualties" by orgs like the OSDH (rami abdelrahman).
Does it surprise you that Assad regime makes massacres. Everyone that lived in Achrafieh or Zahlé in the late 70's and early eighties now what is capable of this murderous regime.
no, of course there are some massacres on both sides, this is a no brainer. however the SAA being much more disciplined, i suspect the "regime massacres" are mainly committed by popular committees or national defense forces (what you might call shabbiha) which are usually civilians defending their villages.
those are much less disciplined and controllable, but if terrorist groups hadent been massacring villagers they wouldnt have been created nor armed.
what surprises me however is that you refer to 40 year ago instead of seeing what is happening today.
especially when the examples you cite go against you:
the 100 day war in asharafieh for instance, despite all the talk about it, made 160 casualties. yes, check the figures. 3 months combat between the lebanese forces and the syria army, in a densely populated area, resulting in such a small number of casualties is a VERY STRONG sign that there was no intention to massacre.
The topic here is Lebanon,really: and this debate about Syrian massacres from "the UN's" perspective makes the point about Lebanon: that it's a UN-administered refugee camp. What does "UN-administered" mean: it means paralyzed, in the same way the UN is paralyzed between its US Zionist wing and its rest-of-the-world wing. The Security Council veto is the world's peace-keeper, but it also consigns wards of the UN, like Lebanon, to paralysis, hibernation, eternal low-intensity conflict. The forces that could oppose this captivity--the democratic forces of Lebanon--"have their work cut out for them"--it's like tunneling out of prison with a spoon.
yes.. thank you.. and if you are going to talk like a fool and an idiot find someone else to have words with...
tell me ONE report.. by anyone, UN or others.. that is critical of Iran/Assad/HA that you dont find biased and actually find it neutral??
This can no way be accurate. Is anyone watching the videos from both sides? I don't understand how the world and especially us, really believe the FSA/Nusra alliance are not committing massacres. They have more than one instance in the Christian villages alone.
lo @ U.N.... ! If cleansing one's country from takfiri Harriri Gaegaee terrorists is considered a massacre, so be it. In war, people die.... sometimes women and children also die (as the most respected poster once said). However, the true measure of any democracy is its ability to withstand the test of time. The Baath regime has demonstrated its unequivocal support of minorities in the East, the rights of women to drive cars and to smoke in public. For these aforementioned reasons, president Assssad has an overwhelming support among Europeans and Americans alike. The Islamic Iranian Resistance is enjoying unprecedented support in US cities and many normal Americans are calling in to radio talk shows asking how they can convert and join the resistance. That is the power of convincing at its best.
"...and one by rebels over the past year and a half".
LOL. There are probably dozens of massacres committed by FSA-Al Qaeda in the past week alone. Good one, UN.
A massacre qualifies as one only when one or less shia or alawi is killed. The rest fall under fighting terrorism.
No one is EVER non-biased against you guys. It's a really sad way of looking to the world through these eyes. While the UN committees haven't been perfect but whenever they DID do an investigation into war crimes they have been credible and worthy of trust. They have done SEVERAL reports that were against Israel and Israeli savagery in Gaza.
For all whomever is disputing this report, I ask you to set a line in your head, ask your self WHAT has to be done to effect your opinion, where is the bucket going to stop? I never give my blind support to any political power or leader because NO ONE deserves that much trust ever. I do understand your loyalty but where does it stop? We had Samaha admitting clearly that Syrian regime has given him bombs and money to kill lebanese and spread chaos for crying out loud! Come on! Remove the damn blinds!
"They have done SEVERAL reports that were against Israel and Israeli savagery in Gaza."
With not a single word in their reports regarding the thousands of missiles fired from Gaza into Israel, or about the Israeli civilians killed in these attacks.
Very neutral.
and you still claim you're not israeli? always worried about the nice image of that bunch of land thieves, murderers and oppressors. pathetic, at least dont be ashamed to say what you are and what you support.
oh and btw, it's not even true what you say, the goldstone report made mentions of both sides' violations.
the problem (for you), is that israel committed 100 times more violations but the report wasnt doctored enough to make it seem like the region's most powerful army was the victim of a few poorly armed fighters.
Regime : 8 points
Rebels : 1 point
Looks like the regime will win this year's Eurovision singing contest.
so funny seeing lebanese defending a regime that killed hundreds of lebanese.... life is ironic !
lol southern... you are so naive... if you consider the baathe regime as a "state" then you should condemn the terrorist methods they use as they should stick to international laws ie: not to bomb civilians (which is a war crime) not use chemical gases (which is a humanity crime) not to bomb hospitals (which is also a war crime).... the first terrorist act was to shoot at protesters in the beginning with real bullets instead of using dispersing gases as any civilised country does...
so yes southern by praising " all the effort that Assad is doing to eradicate them." you are just accomplice to all these crimes and seem happy and proud of it... you are so naive and comic!
Every time M8 blind supporter start their daily BS remind them of Michel Samaha and Hashem Salman. Ask them to explain them, ask them to explain the Syrian military officer indicted for the Mosque bombing in Tripoli.
"When you add these little "massacres" they exceed the persons killed by big massacres!"
any sources to confirm your say? or just pure propaganda?
so, do you have a problem calling hizb iran terrorist or is that some so called red line you have?