بوتين يعتبر ان قرار بشار الاسد الانضمام الى اتفاقية حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية يجب ان يكون موضع ترحيب
Read this story in English
صرح الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الجمعة ان قرار دمشق الانضمام الى اتفاقية حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية يجب ان يكون موضع ترحيب باعتباره "خطوة هامة" على طريق تسوية الازمة السورية.
وقال بوتين "ان سفير سوريا لدى الامم المتحدة اعلن للتو ان سوريا اصبحت اعتبارا من اليوم عضوا كامل العضوية في اتفاقية حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية" مضيفا "اعتقد ان علينا ان نرحب بهذا القرار من جانب القيادة السورية".
وقال متحدثا خلال قمة اقليمية في قرغيزستان "اود ابداء الامل بان يشكل ذلك خطوة هامة نحو تسوية الازمة السورية".
واعتبر ان "هذا يثبت جدية نوايا شركائنا السوريين في التقدم في هذا الاتجاه".
وكرر الرئيس الصيني شي جينبينغ المشارك في قمة منظمة شانغهاي للتعاون دعم بلاده للمبادرة التي قدمتها روسيا والقاضية بوضع ترسانة الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية تحت اشراف دولي لتجنيب دمشق ضربة عسكرية يهدد الغرب بشنها.
وقال الرئيس الصيني "اننا ندعم المبادرة الروسية لنقل الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية الى الاشراف الدولي".
واضاف "ان الصين تدعم الجهود الدولية من اجل تسوية سياسية بالسبل السلمية".
ويواصل وزيرا الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري والروسي سيرغي لافروف الجمعة في جنيف محادثات يطغى عليها التوتر حول سوريا، غداة جولة مباحثات اولى اكدت على التباعد في وجهات النظر بين الاميركيين والروس.
وتعهد الرئيس الروسي بشار الاسد في مقابلة بثتها الخميس قناة "روسيا 24" الحكومية بتسليم بلاده الوثائق اللازمة لتوقيع معاهدة حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية، الا انه اشترط في المقابل ان توقف الولايات المتحدة "تهديداتها" بضرب سوريا ودعمها "للارهابيين".
وتضم منظمة شانغهاي للتعاون كلا من روسيا والصين وكازاخستان وقرغيزستان وطاجيكستان واوزبكستان ولافغانستان وايران فيها صفة مراقب.

Yes, the world must welcome President Asssad's initiative for peace and stability. Bless you Vladé and Bless Alina Bakayeva who I am sure had a "soft" hand in making this happen. We are forever indebted to you and to president Asssad for saving lives for the sake of humanity. Your own history Mr. Putin, last of which was the free and democratic Moscow mayoral elections of your personal friend, speaks for itself. Your 3rd term in office is yet another example of your popularity among the hip russian generation. Vladé, you are adored by beautiful Russian women and my Alona is no exception. Young Russian men's dream is "I want to be like Vladé". The "patriotic" Syrians and non-Wahabi Lebanese love you too.

as long as bashar massacres with conventionnal weapons everything is ok! but every one gets scandalized when using CW... ironic world!

peace, the world is shocked and disgusted by Bashar but international politics is about interests. what is happening in Syria today is in the interest of many great and regional powers.
Furthermore, why should American or European taxpayers foot the bill to get rid of Assad. Why doesn't Turkey and/or an Arab coalition do it?

Russians voted for Putin. They like him. Russia today has a solid and growing economy and a strong government that has imposed its will and ended the post-soviet chaos.
Putin is doing nothing more than preserving Russia's interests while doing the US and Israel a favour by helping them to get rid of Assad's WMDs. Russia is a power to be reckoned with again on the world stage.
Assad, Khamanei and most Arab regimes in the 20th and 21st century actually managed to impoverish their populations, make them less educated and cultured and push them into religious extremism. Those totalitarian, whether religious or secular, regimes have only brought disaster to their countries.

Talking about education, Baath in Syria, made it mandatory on every child to complete high school. It is illegal in Syria-Baath to remove your child from school before finishing high school. While other governments in the region gave no hoot for the education matter. And for this exact reason, Assad was able to survive the conspiracy. With all the petro-dollar well spent to brain wash the Syrians away from Baath, the Saudi-Qatari managed to recruit 10-15% of Syria into the terrorism culture.

Disaster was brought upon our region ever since the " Balfour Declaration " & then the establishment of a Zionist State in 1948 !
But as history has it the Jews were enslaved under the Egyptians, Babylonians , Persians, & Romans then the Almighty cursed you all then dispersed the Jews among Nations . According to the Old Scripture Israel shall NEVER exist until such time ONLY the Almighty creates it , not Man ! Until then the Zionist has brought the Almighty's Curse with them to Our Region , a State within a State calling itself Israel . History Shall repeat itself upon the Zionist State , they shall have no rest nor peace or Liberty !
Signed Wolf .

Oh brother wolf...don't insult our neighbors....we do not eat pork and they do not eat pork....we have similar habits.

last 30 years the world was much better off with Russia broke and off the scene ...