مفتشو الامم المتحدة: صواريخ ارض-ارض مجهزة بغاز السارين استخدمت في ريف دمشق

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عثر خبراء الامم المتحدة الذين حققوا في سوريا على "ادلة واضحة ومقنعة" على استخدام غاز السارين خلال المجزرة التي وقعت في 21 اب قرب دمشق، واشاروا الى استخدام اسلحة كيميائية على نطاق واسع في الحرب السورية كما ورد في تقريرهم.

وجاء في التقرير الذي سلم الاحد الى الامين العام للامم المتحدة وقام الاثنين بعرضه امام مجلس الامن، ان اسلحة كيميائية استخدمت "على نطاق واسع نسبيا في النزاع المستمر بين الاطراف في الجمهورية العربية السورية ... ضد مدنيين بينهم اطفال".

واشار التقرير الى "ادلة واضحة ومقنعة" على استخدام غاز السارين في الهجوم الذي وقع الشهر الماضي في ريف دمشق. وتقول الولايات المتحدة ان هذا الهجوم اوقع نحو 1400 قتيل.

وجاء في التقرير ايضا ان "العينات البيئية والكيميائية والطبية التي جمعناها تقدم ادلة واضحة ومقنعة على ان صواريخ ارض-ارض مجهزة بغاز السارين استخدمت في عين ترما والمعضمية وزملكا والغوطة" جنوب وغرب دمشق في 21 اب. واضاف ان "هذه النتيجة تثير قلقا كبيرا".

وكان الامين العام للامم المتحدة اعتبر منذ الجمعة ان التقرير سيؤكد "بشكل دامغ" استخدام اسلحة كيميائية.

لكن التقرير لا يحدد بشكل مباشر المسؤولين عن استخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية لان مهمة المحققين لا تتضمن هذا الامر.

الا ان دبلوماسيين في الامم المتحدة اعتبروا ان الكشف عن التقرير سيتيح تحديد الطرف الذي يقف وراء الهجوم الكيميائي.

وهذا ما سارع الى استنتاجه وزير الخارجية الفرنسي لوران فابيوس عندما اعتبر ان هذا التقرير "لا يترك مجالا لاي شك حول مصدر الهجوم" الكيميائي في اشارة الى النظام السوري.

التعليقات 26
Missing peace 18:59 ,2013 أيلول 16

who uses surface to surface missiles? lol

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:21 ,2013 أيلول 16

the report says sarin was used. okay. it doesnt say who used it. duh.

and dont give us the silly "only the government has missiles" because we've seen hundreds of videos where rebels used missiles.
same goes for "only the government has sarin" because in khan al assal we saw rebels use it, and in turkey there were nusra fighters arrested in possession of nerve gas:



and as far as my intuition is concerned, if they had proof it was the regime they would have said it. the only reason why they dont say who used it is probably due to pressure from the major powers who control the UN (US/UK/FRANCE/GERMANY)

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:22 ,2013 أيلول 16

also banikharoof the syrian regime is the one who allowed them to come to syria and gave them access to the ghouta area even though it was not in the agreed scope of their mission.
it's the rebels who opened sniper fire on the inspectors when they arrived, forcing them to turn back.

Thumb benzona 21:23 ,2013 أيلول 16

Who uses such missiles? Israel of course. WalaW! Who paid and packed Samaha and Mamlouk? Akeed Israel. Who was living in Qusayr 2 months ago when the lebanese terrorists attacked the city? Jews WalaW, not regular Jews, settlers walaw!

Who were mr Chams and Mrs Rifai working for when they get arrested by illegal Hezbollah militia checkpoints...? Haaretz and Israel TV.... Chi ma3rouf!

One final word. الله يلعن بشار و نصر الله

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:41 ,2013 أيلول 16

lol benzo you ask questions and you answer them yourself with bs. nice monologue.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:47 ,2013 أيلول 16

Who uses such missiles? everyone has those rockets, it's not rocket sci...uh ;)
no but serioulsy it's a relatively simple thing, and is now commonplace.
Who paid and packed Samaha and Mamlouk? apparently syria, yes, but i (nor FT) never defended him. (on a side note, i'm waiting for the trial and elements to become public before having a final opinion on that)
Who was living in Qusayr 2 months ago? 10,000 jihadis armed to the teeth, those who kept sending rockets on hermel (oh wait, they have rockets??). the civilian population had either fled when they took the town or evacuated when the syrian army ordered evacuation.
Chams was stopped a few hours, and i dont believe Rifai's story. she hates HA, she went to the checkpoint to seek for trouble and make publicity for herself. i'm sure she made up half the story and forgot mention her provocations.

Thumb benzona 22:41 ,2013 أيلول 16

And here you are again lying.

I provided the answer, it's Israel! It's been them all along. That's why we must keep the 40+ K rockets.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:01 ,2013 أيلول 17

benzo i though you had hit rock bottom with your clownishness last week, but i see i was wrong, you managed to dig deeper.

Missing people-power 00:41 ,2013 أيلول 17

Momo an Bore, please stop lying!!!

Carla Del Ponte had NO PROOF whatsoever that the rebels used sarin gas. Her only "evidence" was the testimony of the victims, and were "based on information about the way the victims were treated".

The victims were pro-regime citizens, and the victims therefore blamed the rebels. That is the only "evidence".

The UN Commission (that Del Ponte is part of) immediately denied Del Ponte's statement that they had reached conclusive findings that the rebels had used sarin gas.


Stop lying Bore and Momo!!!

Missing people-power 00:48 ,2013 أيلول 17

The Bore says that he wants to see evidence??? Too funny. Such an egotist and narcissist. Do you think the world revolves around you Bore? You sound a lot like Dennis Rodman.

OK Bore, you should demand that President Obama calls you directly, and sends the evidence to you. The satellite images and videos showing where the missiles were launched from is top secret, but I'm sure they will make an exception and share this information with you. Barak Obama will call you at your location in the basement of your parents home in Australia. Do you have a separate phone line, or is it the same as your Mom's? (I have that number already).

Missing lebanese_uae 08:10 ,2013 أيلول 17

please arrange to give them "Original" copy of the report.. otherwise, they will not believe in its contents.
I'm really sick of anyone supporting these criminals
they still have face to comment and defend

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:00 ,2013 أيلول 17

and i'm tired of stupid people who can't read either the articles or the comments and still think themselves smart enough to comment and accuse.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:04 ,2013 أيلول 16

The evidence notwithstanding, watch how HA and other Assad supporters will start claiming that the inspection team is biased and their findings incorrect. Only HA and Assad sanctioned teams are worthy of credibility in the eyes of those that choose to put on blinders to shield them from the reality of the I humane actions perpetrated by the dictator in Damascus and his supporters.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:50 ,2013 أيلول 16

Apologies for the dupe, we don't exactly have the best Internet service as very one well knows.

Missing samiam 20:22 ,2013 أيلول 16

what is your compelling evidence to doubt? There are surface to surface missiles being used--now who uses those? I for one, haven't heard of rebels using surface to surface missiles. Can you enlighten us with your al akhbar articles which show the stores of these missiles used by rebels.?

Dude--your faux increduleance is ridiculous. The ASSad's have never been known as benevolent dictators and believing that they wouldn't be desperate enough to resort to such measures is at best, naive.

Missing samiam 21:04 ,2013 أيلول 16

again, you fail to answer my questions and your citing sources of all of the surface to surface missiles used by the rebels. Additionally, if the ASSad regime weren't guilty of using chemical weapons, why would the Russians push a deal to get rid of chemical weapons, you know, the ones that M8ers have claimed never existed and of course, never been used.

The preponderance of the evidence points to ASSad using chemical weapons--why can't you accept that and why are you do you have 20ish posts on this article already?

Default-user-icon Richard (ضيف) 21:08 ,2013 أيلول 16

Why is the UN report on use of CW, not allowed to say who used it? I suspect it is not o embarrass Obama. No wonder Obama is taking a softer stand on Syria.

Missing samiam 09:55 ,2013 أيلول 17

did you ever think that the Russians would have insisted on that, or is that beyond the scope of reality since you know, the Russians have been defending the ASSad regime on every turn?

Missing samiam 21:30 ,2013 أيلول 16

and ft,

i have never seen a person regress as much as yourself. you have truly embraced the indoctrination process--congrats. you stopped adding facts long ago.

Missing peace 23:05 ,2013 أيلول 16

the roar : if you are not concerned by what is going on in syria why then waste your time posting whenever bashar is involved? LOL!

Thumb benzona 23:14 ,2013 أيلول 16

Allahû Akbar! Can't wait for justice to be served and the Syrian people freed.

Missing peace 23:39 ,2013 أيلول 16

no tony faris : for M8ers all what you say was done by hariri, syrians came to lebanon to help lebanese and M8 thanked them for that!!!!

Plus: -syria does massacres: they find excuses to forgive them
-israel does the same: it s an enemy...
syria destroys entire villages: they find excuses
- israel does the same: it s an enemy
-syria kidnaps torture lebanese: they find excuses
-israel does the same: it s an enemy
and so on...

M8 has a strange definition on who is enemy and who is not LOL!

Missing peace 23:59 ,2013 أيلول 16

even if the UN says they have hard evidence that the syrian regime used those missiles the M8ers here would deny it by saying it is a zionist investigation! LOL

Thumb lebnanfirst 00:34 ,2013 أيلول 17

If FT's post was offensive in your view, why remove my original post in the process?
Case of throwing the baby out with the bath water? I expected better moderating.

Missing people-power 01:05 ,2013 أيلول 17

Well said Tony!

Missing people-power 01:08 ,2013 أيلول 17

I agree Tony, and thanks for giving some credit to Obama. Some of us who are anti-Assad, anti-Ayatollah and anti-HezbIran are pro-Obama