الاسد يشكر روسيا على مواقفها: تساهم في ايجاد توازن عالمي جديد

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عبر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الاربعاء عن تقديره لمواقف روسيا الداعمة لبلاده في مواجهة "الهجمة الشرسة" التي تتعرض لها، معتبرا ان تلك المواقف "تبعث على الامل" في ايجاد توازن عالمي جديد.

وذكرت وكالة "سانا" الرسمية ان الاسد عبر خلال لقائه اليوم نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي ريابكوف "عن تقديره والشعب السوري لمواقف روسيا المساندة لسوريا في مواجهة ما تتعرض له من هجمة شرسة وارهاب تكفيري تدعمه الدول الغربية والاقليمية وعربية".

واعتبر الاسد ان تلك المواقف "تبعث على الامل في رسم خارطة جديدة للتوازن العالمي".

وشدد ريابكوف من جهته، بحسب الوكالة، على "ثبات الموقف الروسي من الازمة في سوريا والقائم على ضرورة ايجاد حل سياسي والتمسك بالقوانين الدولية المتمثلة برفض استخدام القوة واحترام حق الشعوب في رسم مستقبلها".

واكد ريابكوف ان "القضية السورية باتت تشكل اولوية لروسيا ومحورا للسياسات العالمية".

كما اشار المسؤول الروسي الى ضرورة "استمرار التشاور والتنسيق العميق والعملي بين القيادتين" السورية والروسية.

ووصل ريابكوف الى دمشق مساء الثلاثاء لعرض نتائج اتفاق جنيف بين الروس والاميركيين حول ترسانة الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية على المسؤولين السوريين.

من جهى أخرى في لقاء مع وفد اميركي برئاسة وزير العدل الاميركي السابق رامسي كلارك ويضم اعضاء سابقين في الكونغرس وناشطين، قال الاسد، بحسب ما نقل عنه الاعلام الرسمي، "ان السياسات التي تنتهجها الادارة الاميركية في المنطقة والمبنية على شن الحروب والتدخل في شؤون الدول وفرض الهيمنة على شعوبها ومقدراتها لا تحقق مصالح الشعب الامريكي وتتناقض مع قيمه ومبادئه".

التعليقات 27
Thumb benzona 15:26 ,2013 أيلول 18

Big LoL at Bachar. He's so naive. Russia did what it did to preserve Israel from a retaliation. Now there's a consensus to further equip the rebels.... Bachar, you're so going nowhere.

As of nazisrallah, he keeps shooting himself in the the foot. Jamiroqai( H.N.) keeps going deeper underground... He's burying himself alive pretty well. The icing on the sundae being the underage checkpoint terrorists à la Pakistani Taliban.

Allahū Akbar

أإله يلعن بشار، نصر الله ، و

Thumb benzona 15:37 ,2013 أيلول 18


Default-user-icon khadrouj (ضيف) 16:55 ,2013 أيلول 18

I don't think that God listens to al-Qaeda supporters.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:37 ,2013 أيلول 18

lol israel sent 300 lobbyists from AIPAC to the US congress to push for the war on Syria, but Russia wanted to preserve israel despite itself, so it opposed it. Walla, Putin plus royaliste que le roi!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:38 ,2013 أيلول 18

you make less and less sense benzo, i think you're losing it man. seek some help.

Thumb benzona 18:39 ,2013 أيلول 18

Mort de rire! The first zionist was Bachar's grandfather in when he wrote to French Prime Minister Leon Blum. The Original document is framed at the Matignon.

Israelis are like Americans, they're divided. Do they want to keep this protection from Bachar and cadeau of the Golan heights at the expense of the dictator butchering his own people?
They've a conscience.... Unlike hezbi terrorists and acolytes!

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:44 ,2013 أيلول 18

always shining israeli shoes i see :) try with more tongue :)

in the mean time, see what the israeli ambassador in czech republic said:
"Koren said Israel´s strategic goal in the current crisis is an end of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad´s regime, which would weaken the Damascus-Tehran-Hezbollan axis that is the most dangerous according to Israel."

Thumb Senescence 19:51 ,2013 أيلول 18

Mowaten, I've called it! Replacing Al-Assad with someone less sympathetic to Iran and preventing a liaison in terms of logistics to Hizbullah oversteps the risk of the Golan trying to be reclaimed since nobody dares challenge Israel anymore.


Some ex-ambassador said he'd prefer Al-Qaida over the Assad regime as well.

Benzona, he wasn't a hardline zionist, but pro-zionist because of the perceived threat of the Alawites being massacred at the hands of uncertainty back in the day when France was to expand the Tartus governorate to expand to the whole of Syria. He's plea was understandable.

Thumb Senescence 19:53 ,2013 أيلول 18


Thumb benzona 21:03 ,2013 أيلول 18

Movvaten, if your links are infested with spywares like FT's from last week, I'd rather not open them!
I'm not shining anyone's shoes. I'm just saying that some people have a conscience, others don't. C'est la morale de l'histoire.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 15:34 ,2013 أيلول 18

Russia and previously the USSR were and still are the birth place of democracy and freedom of speech. Russia once again has proven its patriotic stances with impoverished nations that refuse to submit to the zionist american schemes. A new global inter-galactic balance has been established which includes: The Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army), The Abal Abbas Iraqi Shia only warriors, The Syrian Baath regime, and The Islamic Republic of Iran, General Michel Aoun, and MP Talal Arslan. Together, this new world power will stand up and face down any American French Zionist adventures to eliminate the christians and force them to immigrate on slave ships to Europe. A new alliance is born; A new dawn is upon us; God bless "those" who support the resistance!

Thumb sophia_angle 15:59 ,2013 أيلول 18

Xanax is used to treat anxiety and panic disorder...so people who see or hear the general take directly two pills so you don't be suicidal such as benzona's profile clip :)

Thumb beiruti 16:20 ,2013 أيلول 18

The perpetrator of a savage attack asks mercy when a savage attack is pending. It is interesting. What would have happened had the defenseless civilians who Assad gassed asked for mercy from the pending savage attack that Assad unleashed? Would Assad have shown mercy? Would he have relented? Those worthy of mercy are those who have extended mercy to others.
Assad deserves no mercy.

Default-user-icon Akalouwa Obligato (ضيف) 16:23 ,2013 أيلول 18

As to Farts 14 and Sanni First, they have nobody to thank. USS Cole never showed up. Neither did the other two destroyers, USS John McCain and USS Joseph Lieberman. The strike never came either, and the "ASSad" regime is pummeling al-Qaeda wa akhawatiha at a rapid pace. Cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil will not come to Lebanon anytime soon. Bandar Bin Sultan is in a deep depression and might soon vanish into deep space. The Erd and his Oglu are screaming in the wilderness. yalla 3anater. t3isho wa teklo ghayra. Or, as GabbyMarch14 incessantly says, wait until next Wednesday for another fall of the "ASSad" regime. Bye bye.

Thumb sophia_angle 16:38 ,2013 أيلول 18

i don't know nowadays if this vague of changing regimes the main objective is democracy n people's freedom, why we don't hear about ksa or all golf regimes?

i am with freedom n democracy because comparing all countries usa n europe are the best example of regimes.

in my modest opinion (not defending anyone) its an attack over resources n for investment, see what happened in lebanon for example they ruined the ground n starved its people n came n bought all at cheap prices n sold it at high...same scenario is happening for all other countries especially that they are bigger. (economical war conflict btw big nations)

Missing samiam 22:45 ,2013 أيلول 18

so are you saying russia is supporting a democracy or are you trying to bring another non related point?

Thumb scorpyonn 17:28 ,2013 أيلول 18

Russi is rrealizing that it is outnumbered and has to find another way to protect this mass killer.

Thumb benzona 18:40 ,2013 أيلول 18

Delete lol. That was hilarious dude!

Missing people-power 19:22 ,2013 أيلول 18

The big question is....... why did they wait to release this "evidence"???

Wouldn't it have been appropriate to give this evidence to the UN inspectors when they were in Syria?

Or did the butcher need more time to cook up some so-called "evidence"?

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:48 ,2013 أيلول 18

maybe they just collected new evidence.

did the US ever give the UN their evidence? it's been almost a month they claim to have it.

Thumb benzona 21:05 ,2013 أيلول 18

LoL, le summum de la mauvaise foi. Again, LOL

Missing samiam 22:05 ,2013 أيلول 18

maybe they were hoping for a more favorable report by the UN and decided to fabricate their own....

Thumb Senescence 19:52 ,2013 أيلول 18

I haven't read much into it, but the regime had been providing evidence of chem use before today and before the Aug 21 upset.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:48 ,2013 أيلول 18

You never asked to see evidence incriminating the regime, but now you're impatient? hahaha so hypocrite it's self-revealing :)

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:52 ,2013 أيلول 18

ask and ye shall receive.


Missing helicopter 02:01 ,2013 أيلول 19

Assad Thanks Russia for Helping Syria Face Down 'Savage Attack'

When I think of Savage attacks I think of Assads army attacks on Lebanese Citizens and destroying our cities during the civil war. I also think of what he is doing to his own people now.

Default-user-icon Eric Svensson (ضيف) 04:21 ,2013 أيلول 29

yeah, a year ago we were tinkering about gas pipe via Siriya so that'why the west keep waging wars in the middle east, russia wants to stop it, also russia wants to keep savage american agression towards its borders, next would be Iran, so russia saved iran for a while! However, u marked a very essential aspect of this conflic! good!
here is needness tos ay that russia has an objective-to form the new world system where all have rights to paticipate inspite the size of miitary power, one side dominated world is going to be over! The US dominates since 1991 when the USSR crumbled.... Now Russia returnes to balance the world, hope Liberals in krmelin woun't advance much.