قوات اسرائيلية تدخل الى المركز التجاري في نيروبي
Read this story in Englishدخلت قوات اسرائيلية خاصة الاحد المركز التجاري في نيروبي الذي تعرض لهجوم من كومندوس اسلامي، وذلك بهدف اسعاف الرهائن والجرحى.
وأعلن مصدر أمني لوكالة "فرانس لرس" رافضا الكشف عن هويته، أن الاسرائيليين دخلوا للتو وهم يسعفون الرهائن والجرحى"، موضحا ان القوات الخاصة وصلت صباح الاحد الى نيروبي.
ويعرف ان المركز التجاري الراقي "وست غيت" في نيروبي مملوك جزئيا من اسرائيليين.
واوضح المصدر "لهذا السبب توجهت سيارات اسعاف" الى المركز التجاري، متوقعا بالتالي سقوط ضحايا جدد.
وقبل بضع دقائق، غادرت نحو عشر سيارات مركز اسعاف وضع في تصرف الجرحى قرب مكان الهجوم.
وردا على سؤال لوكالة "فرانس برس"، لم يشأ المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الاسرائيلية بول هيرشسون التحدث عن الموضوع. وقال "ليس من عادتنا التعليق على اي عملية امنية مشتركة قد تكون جارية ام لا".
واوقع الهجوم على المركز التجاري "وست غيت" 59 قتيلا بحسب الحكومة الكينية التي تحدثت قبيل ظهر الاحد عن حوالى 175 جريحا في حين اشار الصليب الاحمر الى اكثر من 200 جريح. ولا يزال عدد غير محدد من الاشخاص محتجزين رهائن.
وأكد مصدر في الشرطة الكينية بعيد هجوم شنته قوات الامن على المركز التجاري ان حصيلة الهجوم الاسلامي يمكن ان تكون "اكثر بكثير" من الـ59 قتيلا الذين اعلن عنهم حتى الان.
واضاف المصدر ان عناصر الشرطة الذين دخلوا المركز، رأوا اعدادا كبيرة من الجثث في مختلف انحاء المبنى.
واوضح المصدر "يوجد عدد اكبر من القتلى في الداخل ولا يزال بعض المهاجمين مسلحين ويلقون قنابل يدوية ويطلقون النار على عناصر الشرطة". واضاف ان الحصيلة "يكمن ان تكون اكبر بكثير".
وكان المركز الكيني لادارة الازمة، وهو هيئة حكومية، تحدث عن عملية "مهمة" جارية للقضاء على المجموعة الاسلامية المتحصنة في المركز التجاري منذ ظهر السبت وتحتجز عددا غير محدد من الرهائن.
وقد انقذ اكثر من الف شخص منذ السبت في المركز التجاري الفخم، الذي كان مكتظا بالكينيين والاجانب.
وكان قد تسلل المهاجمون المسلحون والمقنعون حوالى ظهر السبت الى "وست غيت" المكتظ فزرعوا الموت والفوضى في صفوف العائلات التي كانت تتسوق فيه وكذلك رواد المقاهي في المبنى المؤلف من اربع طبقات.
وحاول الشرطيون والعسكريون الكينيون مدعومين بعناصر باللباس المدني تابعين لاجهزة امن سفارات غربية، محاصرة المهاجمين في اروقة المركز التجاري التي تضم متاجر من كل الانواع حيث يسهل الاختباء او الانكفاء.
وبعد اكثر من 24 ساعة على بداية الهجوم، لا تزال المواجهة متواصلة ظهر الاحد.
here it is part of a state army whereas your hezbis friends are a party disobeying the position of the lebanese state!
too hard for your empty brains?
so no double standards as you cannot compare the two... but for an FPMer pup it is too difficult to comprehend....
poor FT... always ridiculizing himself to appear smart... let me explain again to your empty brain:
1/ you are comparing hezbi actions to israelis so i am just showing you that you are comparing two different things = a state and a political party!
too difficult? but you found yourself left with no arguments so you take the M14 pretext which is not comparable...
you have to meddle M14 with it when your point was not about M14 but hezbis and israelis... and once again M14 position is not comparable with hezbis.... a few weapons against a war party? LOL you are too idiot...M14 NEVER sent any troops there. so again your stupid comparaison is VOID like your brain!
poor man you are pityful.... always comparing incomparable things to try and look smarter... it is the typical populist stance used by extremist people!
dont bother FT, they always have a nice excuse for whatever israel does.
but hey, they're not israelis nor israeli lovers, mind you!
sure mowaten ... you are so stupid... just read the BS your lover FT wrote... i am just telling facts, now if facts makes you an israeli ! LOL poor man you are then....
can you compare what a state does to a party?
LOL... oh! yes for you hezbis , hezbollah IS the state of lebanon! LMAO....
"the security is deploing in dahiyeh. 7zb is over"
no they are not for the army will have to obey hezbis otherwise they ll kick them out as usual! LOL
it is just a comedy show so that if something again happens hezbis will say it the fault of the army as they have lost credibility in the eyes of their sheep always boasting they secure dahiye! LOL
No. Let me explain it to you simpleton. The govts of both countries came to an agreement.
End of story.
Do you wake up at night screaming USA gave me nightmares? How about after a meal. Do you go around complaining USA gave indigestion?
Because its little pea brains like you who like to sit back and blame everything on the big bad wolf instead of looking at your own mistakes and blaming yourself. It could have been an agreement to help with a specific operation. It could be an agreement to train. I do not know the specifics besides it is one country's govt and another country's govt who BOTH agreed to this. If it was for protecting Israelis then that was the agreement. You pathetically like to add that USA gave them the right to do so. Ok mr political analyst. Lol
So why are you not crtisizing Russia for vetoing in Syria? Because it fits your masters agenda? If you want to crtisize one then do the other. And stop. Your biased double standards.
FT, they are fighting terrorists who killed and kidnaped innocents civilians in a mall.
Don't compare to Hizbullah who glorifies people like Samir Quntar who killed a whole family and smashed the head of a little girl on a rock.
I would be glad if Lebanon sent special force from its sole legitimate army to fight Hizbullah-Khomeinists terrorists on its soil and al-Qaida terrorist in Kenya.
Oh come on! Kuntar served time in jail, he paid for whatever misdemeanor he committed! I say Kuntar for President!
Southern: "H.A. is a legitimate Lebanese resistance and here to remain as long as, there are enemies around, INTERNAL or external". We are more concerned about the "internal" reference. My suggestion to the Saudi vs. Iran puppets in Lebanon is to remove yourselves from Lebanon and fight your religious battles in Syria, Iraq, Iran or Saudi Arabia where it matters. For Lebanon to survive economically, attract lucrative investments and tourism that feeds the stomachs and pockets of the working people and once again become the jewel of the Middle East, it must return to Christian rule, and the Muslim politicians may continue to represent their constituencies under the control and supervision of the Christian leadership whether the rest like it or not because, right now, all Lebanon is doing is fighting/killing each other while our enemies prosper.
Otherwise, with the deeply routed hatred between the two Muslim secs imported into Lebanon where it does not belong, and the thousands of victims who have already given their lives in vein, Lebanon can not and will not survive and will become the smelly "armpit" thorn between prospering Israel, Iran and oil rich Gulf countries. Sad but true. Or Partition since we don't want to rely on Iranians or Saudis bankrolling their dirt deeds that artificially feeds the pockets of the few and divide the country. We have what it takes and rather empower the people and country do through commerce.
beware, the israelis might kill the children and elderly with the gunmen, old habits die hard...
lol israel
why do they even care? Did they get struck by the zenith of humanity looking down on them for killing thousands of palestinians and relocating hundreds of thousands? Lak lool
they just want to spread the facade of good will and trap them in trusting zionist apartheid racist murderous bully israel
god protect mali from their evil
israel is a country--hizb iran is an iranian militia. Countries will elicit each other's help on matters. Hizb iran otoh, is a militia paid for and controlled by iran. iran sent hizb iran into syria bypassing the government altogether.
do you see the difference?
Iran doesnt need Hezbollah if they want to send men in Syria they can send hundreds of thousands of theirs. Plus they have a mutual defense agreement with Syria, so nobody could even say a word.
Hezbollah went in Quseyr because they were firing rockets on Hermel, kidnapping pilgrims, attacking border villages and massing up thousands of fighters on the border and making threats they would attack. They were a nuisance which was cleaned up, dont go crying for dirty terrorists.
"Iran doesnt need Hezbollah if they want to send men in Syria they can send hundreds of thousands of theirs."
yet they chose to send hizb iran---maybe as not be DIRECTLY involved as others have suggested, except for those pesky 'pilgrims'. You know the term 'proxy' thrown around this area--you may want to understand its meaning.
are you that thick? i just told you why they went there, but you're too prejudiced to be able to hear logic and even less understand it.
iran couldnt care less about quseyr, and assad wasnt even going to go there, it wasnt very high on his priorities list.
HA went there for the simple reason that the terrorists there were attacking lebanon and lebanese in border villages, and they were massing ten thousands fighters there, probably preparing a big attack. HA killed the danger in the egg.
sure samiam, hezbis learned well from hilter's teachings... the bigger the lie the better people will believe it!
" Are you saying that Iran have ZERO troops in Syria? "
can you even read? where did i say that and how did you manage to miss the point so completely?
No. No double standard here. Let's work towards making the "Lebanese" Army the strongest in the region, so Lebanon may effectively protect its homeland and officially protect its interests abroad like these pesky Israelis. But no, you chose to be divided and on all fours to service the interest of those who divided you in the first place. What are you guys complaining about. Look yourselves in the mirror. Shameful.
apparently it doesn't matter to the unwashed...
if you are anti iran and anti hizb iran, you are treated the same.