13 قتيلا و40 جريحا في سوريا: 450 ألف متظاهر في حماة ومظاهرات بوسط دمشق
Read this story in Englishأعلن ناشطون حقوقيون مقتل 13 متظاهرا في مدن سورية عدة الجمعة برصاص قوات الامن اثناء تفريقها تظاهرات مناهضة لنظام الرئيس بشار الاسد.
وبحسب منظمتين حقوقيتين فقد قتلت قوات الامن خلال تفريقها التظاهرات التي دعا اليها ناشطون تحت شعار "لا للحوار" مع النظام، ستة متظاهرين في مدينة الضمير في ريف دمشق وخمسة متظاهرين في حمص (وسط) ومتظاهران في حي الميدان بوسط العاصمة.
فقد أكد رئيس المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان رامي عبد الرحمن لوكالة فرانس برس "مقتل 6 اشخاص عندما اطلق رجال الامن النار لتفريق متظاهرين في مدينة الضمير (ريف دمشق)".
كما اعلن رئيس الرابطة السورية لحقوق الانسان عبد الكريم ريحاوي "مقتل خمسة متظاهرين في مدينة حمص (وسط) ومتظاهرين اثنين في حي الميدان وسط العاصمة دمشق بنيران رجال الامن خلال تفريق مظاهرات".
وكان قد أفيد أن عدد الجرحى هو أربعين.
وأفادت منظمة حقوقية لوكالة فرانس برس الجمعة ان اكثر من 450 الف شخص خرجوا للتظاهر في مدينة حماة (وسط سوريا).
وذكر رئيس الرابطة السورية لحقوق الانسان عبد الكريم ريحاوي "ان اكثر من 450 الف شخص خرجوا للتظاهر في ساحة العاصي والشوارع المؤدية لها وسط مدينة حماة داعين الى رفض الحوار والى اسقاط النظام"، لافتا الى "عدم وجود عناصر تابعة للامن في المنطقة".
وشهدت عدة مدن سورية الجمعة تظاهرات تلبية لدعوة وجهها ناشطون تحت شعار "لا للحوار" مع نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد الذي يواصل قمع حركة الاحتجاج الشعبية في مختلف انحاء البلاد اضخمها في حماة (وسط) حيث تظاهر نحو 450 الف شخص.
واكد رئيس المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان رامي عبد الرحمن من جهته لوكالة فرانس برس "ان اكثر من 24 شخصا اصيبوا عندما حاولت قوات الامن تفريق مظاهرات جرت في عدة احياء في حمص (وسط)".
واشار الناشط الى ان "جروح بعضهم خطرة".
واشار عبد الرحمن الى قيام قوات الامن "بحملة اعتقالات ومداهمات مستمرة في عدة احياء في حمص بالاضافة الى اطلاق نار كثيف جدا"، لافتا الى ان "المتظاهرين ما زالوا في الشوارع الجانبية يهتفون برفض الحوار".
كما لفت رئيس المرصد الى "مظاهرة شارك فيها الالاف في ادلب (شمال غرب) اطلق فيها رجال الامن الرصاص والقنابل المسيلة للدموع لتفريق المتظاهرين"، مشيرا الى "سقوط عدد من الجرحى".
واضاف عبد الرحمن "اطلقت الاجهزة الامنية الرصاص الحي في محاولة لتفريق مظاهرة كبيرة خرجت من مساجد الاحياء الجنوبية في مدينة بانياس (غرب)"، مشيرا الى "استمرار سماع صوت اطلاق الرصاص في المدينة".
وكان ناشطون معارضون للحكم في سوريا دعوا الى التظاهر الجمعة تحت شعار "لا للحوار" مع نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد الذي يواصل قمع حركة الاحتجاج الشعبية في مختلف انحاء البلاد.
وكتب الناشطون على صفحتهم من موقع فيسبوك بعنوان "الثورة السورية ضد بشار الاسد 2011": "اي حوار والدماء انهار، اي حوار والمدن تحت الحصار، الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام".
Nasrallah was asking where the Syrians that are opposed to the regime are...well here you go, in one city alone half a million came out. That's significantly more than the sheep that come out to your TV appearances...and these guys are under the threat of a gun!
The Syrian government should stop using a democratic repreesion with these terrorists as they have been doing since 4 months , they should use the real hard way , like any Western country would do , in case they are attacked by terrorists like that , from inside and the same way .
This is no longer a matter of freedom or democracy , they want openly a regime change , like they did in Lebanon with the Maronites .
The Alaouites must be regretting what they did to US Maronites in lebanon , helping the Sunnis that time , with the money of KSA and the help of Rafik Hariri and Abdel-Halim Khaddam , that were the drivers of Taef accords and the Syrian army in Lebanon .
Hafez Assad was misled by those 2 people and their surrounding , and today , the same people are doing to the Syrian Alaouite regime , what they did to US Maronites in Lebanon to reach Taef .
Smash them President Assad , dont count when they fall , dont look behind you , they are like rats .
Members of the Sunni, Alawi, Christian, Shiaa, Druze, Jews and all other sects and religions want to live in dignity just like everyone else in the world. The brave people of Syria will overcome the injustice thrust upon them by a brutal dictator, whose regime caused irreparable damage in Lebanon.
When Assad is finished, Syria will ultimately emerge as a modern secular nation and Lebanon will benefit from it. Dictatorships are going to the ash heap of history.
and than you woke up with you pants pissed and assad still in power.
and resistance even stronger and more popular among all sects...
before you got fully aware what's happening, march 14 loses next election.
tell me, is it hard to live in denial? you project the picture of the world you want and than i happens totally different. must be awful for you how do you deal with it?
p.s. to the editor, spare a few lines on bahrain...if it's not too inconvinient.
Le Phénicien ! Vous êtes le génie et le grand général que Assad attend impatiemment ! Allez-y , joignez vous aux forces de la répression , montrez le chemin et laissez-y votre misérable carcasse contrairement à votre maître l'autre général qui a fui en pantoufles et en pyjama.
Propaganda works for ignorant people who know nothing about Syria. Hama's population along with all the villages is 650,000. It has a population of Sunnis, Christians (Rum Orthodox) , Alawites, and Ismailis. Only a fraction of the Sunni population is demonstrating for Alewite in the tabout and Christians to Beirut. The total Sunni population in Hama is 400,00. How could a half a million people be demonstrating in Hama?
This is newsflash Syria: The Syrian opposition stated that 20 million Syrians demonstrated against the government. The Assad government said that 22 millions demonstrated for the regime.
I am so proud so many Lebanese go out of their way to repeat the Syrian regime's reports, goes to show the majority of Lebanese always loved the Syrian regime and were heart broken to see it's army leave.
Unless that's my Qamarade Qawmy John posting all those pro Assad comments haha brother Qawmi John you almost got us, you kidder.
I agree with you BigDig. Blood thirsty western Imperialists are always working hard to divide the natives. But, Assad is also partly to blame just like Saddam was partly to blame in Iraq.
My Shiite brother Le Finicien but Kaddam lost the Lebanon portfolio to Bashar in 1998 and Kanaan was replaced in 2002 by Ghazaleh and nothing changed in Syrian attitude, in fact those were the worst years since 1990 to the opposition.
I remember when you beat that Christian Aounist hippie like he was a mop my Shiite brother Le Finicien with Jamil Sayyed looking on, he was impressed to say the least.
"Qawmi" now " Assem". Yes, Qawmis and all M8 are pro-Syrian just like M14 are pro-Saudis and you pro Israeli. If I was a Qawmi or M8 supporter I would not say that Assad is partly to blame. It seems that the Qawmis have done a job on your brain because you have no logic and you are paranoid. You know we have a good Psychiatrist in Amioun who will help you. I hope you do not mind the Zouba tatoos all over his body.
a simple question = what good did syria did to lebanon?
i wonder when i see so many supporters of the assad regime what good did syria do to lebanon?
could you explain please?
do you want to know how good this government is going to be? just watch the number of tourists this year and also watch the price of Solidere . It is an indication how well the economy is going to be
SO REE! Qamarade Qawmi John did I hurt your feelings aren't we tot-chee these days with nothing seems to be going the way we expected, Yet we started the year with such zest and verve the Amberialists were being defeated by ze Arab beeboul and the new Islamic middle east was being born according to many Iranians! Up with the La Revolución, it was and I say it without spiting! I miss those days when president Bashar Assad said bil fam el mal2an that Syria was immune from what's we see in other Arab countries because he was closely liked to the belief of his people. I didn't know he had it in him that was classic vaudevillian schtick.
There was a job done on my brain and yours and theirs and all of us it's called ideology or dogma, but hey, we have the rhetoric to keep us going and we'll be fine, no logic needed.
Peace... Syria did no good to Lebanon, it was backed by the US until recently and killed many people in Lebanon. I certainly didn't invite the Syrian to come to Lebanon, I wonder who did?? Other facts include, was Hezbollah was not there when Syria took Lebanon, Khaddam was and M14 do support the jerk, Kan3an and Khadam were by the way on the payroll of Hariri (his own son says so in the Hakika leaks)... I am just trying to say that it is possible to be against the STL, against the Syrian regime, the USrael, the Gemayel family, the Jumblats, etc. things are not boolean and Bush way of u r with me and against me is bad and u should learn to be more nuanced. Syria is a dictatorship and violent regime so is Bahrain; IRAN is not secukar at all so is KSA (though Iran is closer to democracy but yet its a theocracy). We can be for Justice and against the STL and not live in Dahye... we can write on Naharnet threads and have an IQ inferior to illetrate people... nuanced are opinions & life
Assaad got kicked out from Lebanon and he's on his way to be kicked out from Syria...
@Le Phenicien: You are truly an idiot, the same people you are calling to massacre and kill hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians are the ones that killed thousands of Lebanese 'bugs' when Syria came into Lebanon (including Aouni bugs).
You live in a fantasy world where Hafez Al Asad was duped by others when he was the head of the Syrian regime at all times, no one could challeneg his authority, evert crime, presecution and killing of Maronites in Lebanon by Syria and its allies took place under the leadership and direct support of Hafez and his imbecile son.
The reason why there isn't a bigger crackdown as there was in Hama in the 80s is because the Syrian regime is weaker, more divided and the opposition is much wider and has more support (everything from Sunnis to Kurds to the poor and the oppressed are involved). The revolution will not be crushed as it should be obvious by now to the Syrian regime, the noose tightens every week around the necks of the rulers.
mabboud, so obviously groundhog Hassin on March 8 2005 was thanking the US, Kaddam, Kanaan, Sleiman Frangieh, Camille Chamoun and Pierre Gemayel. I didn't know he was such a fan but if you say so who am I to disagree what with the IQ I got.. have... Sorry I got distracted there, were you were saying something about logic and nuance.
yes, but when we have a new gvt that thanked syria for all the good they did in lebanon , it shows what kind of gvt is awaiting us....
peace...I haven't listened to government declaration, got few minutes of Mikati speech but didn't hear that Syria was thanked... however, if that was the case, it wouldn't chock me, it's called politics (Hariri as a prime minister went at Assad's place for a mezze) and yes, we have to learn how to turn the page no matter how hard it is (look at Germany, it was ruined, burned, 17Million were deported by US/France/USSR/UK forces, Japan had Tokyo crushed + 2 A Bombs.... US continues to bomb with France and UK so it's not because they are better persons today. Just trying to put some perspective, I wouldn't thank Syria but I am not a politician and not in charge of managing the country
Mabboud, enough with your BS, please. You are not fooling anyone. Obviously you will never admit it, but you have a hidden agenda. It is just not credible that you are neutral and unaffiliated. You come to this M14 oriented website, and post hundreds of comments against M14 and against the STL, and yet you try to claim you are just in favor of justice and that it's just a nuance. Cut the BS, nuance-schmooance.
Iran and Hezbollah have been known to hire propagandists to post drivel on the internet to try to persuade people into their warped line of thinking. It doesn't work. Quit your BS propaganda. Or better yet, post your drivel on al manure, it would be more appropriate there.
people-power, u r a sad person. democracie means power to the people and the common understanding of democracie is respecting others'mopinion or at least, not insulting. Further more, if u beleive that a m14 website is only for m14 people and that other opinions where people try to explain at lenght their reasoning and why they think like that shouldn't be, it means that your understanding of m14 is that people aren't for democracies. u r having the same attitude as hezbollah & as u said Al manar by saying that it is well known that Hezb & Iran hire propagandist and that I am one of them.... u r even worse because u claim that u r 4 democracie and yet, u refuse to listen to other and like Hezb says to people u r Israeli agents, u r telling me (simply for refusing to read me well and question your dogmas) that I am BS when u r not only blind and limited but a disgrace to m14 who r truly 4 democracies and debate. u should change ur name on power2me&me-friends
Mabboud, you need to study history. Germany was 'ruined' because it engaged in an aggressive war of expansion and occupation that, ultimately, it lost. Nor were its cities alone in suffering destruction. Many other cities in Europe and indeed, the USSR were ruined as well. As for your preposterous claim that 17 million were deported, it simply isn't supported by historical fact.
also to people like people-power who think that if u don't think exactly like them u r an agent with a hidden agenda, I will say what could be my hidden agenda if not trying to argue and expose mi views to elevate the debat.... u would like to be on your own on a website because insulting & reading each others as if u were reading yourself to comfort u in ur ideas and binary way of looking at things... my not-hidden agenda is trying to help blind and paranoid people accept a edbate, I thought that it would be easier on a m14 website than on manar where the dark force of paranoid chi3as and the fakih reign. I guess that idiots and clever people are everywhere like blind and facist ones, like racist and dishonest people; in m14 and in m8. Which probably means that there r no true values in m14 or m8 and that debate should be amongst people else we will stay in an m14-power vs, m8-power never in people-power... Mazbout?
All 450.000 are terrorists. It’s obvious.
When Assad falls, Syria will emerge as a modern secular democratic nation and Lebanon will still be caught in the dark ages thanks to the filthy non-Islamic militia and their mullahs in Iran.
To Ed. I am sorry, I probably didn't give the best example but a shocking one, I never said that Germans were angels (Lebanese neither) and never said that they didn't invade poland. I know WWII much better than u, France and England attacked Germany & Staline was readying himself to attack when a surprise attack by Germans mad him lose a lot fast. will give u few links to read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/15/russia-gulag-historian-arrested: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/15/russia-gulag-historian-arrested and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_plan and http://www.exulanten.com/trails3.html The case was that German turned the page (not fuly since they took a revenge on Yugo in the 90s) not the why and details of WWII. Goig into the hidden details of history was not the subject but rather revenge and pardon to move ahead. Sorry if u missed that, my fault, I should have been more precise. Study & learn from history.