روحاني يحذر من تحول سوريا الى ملجأ للمتطرفين كما في افغانستان
Read this story in Englishحذر الرئيس الايراني حسن روحاني من تحول سوريا الى ملجأ للمتطرفين كما كان الحال مع افغانستان في عهد طالبان داعيا الى التعاون لانهاء النزاع الجاري فيها.
وتعتبر ايران الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اقرب حليف اقليمي لها ورفضت معلومات الاستخبارات الاميركية بان النظام قتل 1400 شخص في هجوم بالاسلحة الكيميائية الشهر الماضي.
وقال روحاني امام مركز ابحاث في نيويورك "ان حكومتي تدين بقوة استخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية في سوريا".
واضاف "انني قلق ايضا لانتشار العقيدة المتطرفة في انحاء من سوريا التي اصبحت نقطة تجمع للارهابيين ما يذكرنا بمنطقة اخرى قريبة من حدودنا الشرقية في تسعينات القرن الماضي".
وتابع "هذا مصدر قلق ليس فقط بالنسبة الينا بل لدول اخرى ويستلزم ذلك تعاونا وجهودا مشتركة للتوصل الى حل سياسي دائم في البلاد".
وكانت ايران عارضت حكم طالبان بين عامي 1996 و2001 في افغانستان حيث تحالفوا مع القاعدة.
وينتمي الاسد الى الطائفة العلوية وهو حارب مقاتلين يضمون متطرفين من السنة.
وتعاونت ايران والولايات المتحدة لفترة وجيزة في 2001 عندما اطاح تحالف بقيادة اميركية نظام طالبان.
ورحب روحاني بالاتفاق الاميركي-الروسي لحمل الاسد على التخلي عن اسلحته الكيميائية ما اوقف ضربة عسكرية اميركية لدمشق كانت تبدو وشيكة.
وقال روحاني "انني مسرور لتغلب الدبلوماسية والمنطق" في هذه المسألة.
وكانت ايران ضحية لاستخدام العراق الاسلحة الكيميائية وهو واقع اعترف به اوباما خلال كلمته امام الامم المتحدة مطلع الاسبوع.
ودعمت القوى العظمى نظام صدام حسين في حربه ضد ايران بين عامي 1980 و1988.
"Iran's Rouhani Warns of Syria Talibanization"
This would be a dire development for Lebanon which would become a "contested zone" much like Pakistan is today. Lebanon would sink to third world status much of the population and business leaving.
Lebanese politicians must take their case to the GCC specifically the KSA to cut funding so that the "Talibanization" of Syria does not happen.
Scary thing is that he may be right; Extremists in Syria are on the rise and gaining more strengths . . . The challenge of stabilizing Syria is much greater now as many WILL NEVER accept going back to Assad and Baathist regime! We need to build a high concrete wall to separate the 2 countries and let them sort each other out. Also, HA and other Lebanese fighters in Syria should just go home and look after their lives and families
Ayatollah Hosseini Booshehri has warned against the public tendency
towards Christianity and the spread of house churches in many cities of Iran, especially in Qom. He stated, “Today the global aggressors have accurately planned and invested resources for these purposes. This is why in our country there is a strong inclination towards Christianity.” He added: “Our enemy through its planning has been able to advance the house churches in many cities of our country.”
Source: Arya News Agency; Arman Newspaper 1405 19th Mordad 1389
is iran better than talibans LOL
“Because they (Iran’s enemies) want to diminish the faith of people towards Islam and the sacred things of Islam by different means within the country they work to shake the foundation of the faith of people, especially the young generation with the spread of loose and shameless life styles, to the promotion of false mysticism - the fake type of real mysticism - to the spread of Baha’ism, to the spread of the network of house churches. This is what the enemies of Islam are up to with tact and calculation and careful study; their sole goal is to weaken the religion within the society.”
Source: www.irna.ir 19th October, 2010; BBC Persian website, 19th October 2010.
is iran better than talibans? LOL
and so on.... so talibans are evil and should be fought but iran is no better in religious tolerance...
Rouhani's warning is correct.
The question is , what could be and should be done to prevent the Talibanization of Syria?
Obviously the extension of the war waged by Assad against the majority of the Syrian people, and the full support of the Shiite Iran for his regime, have left the defenseless Syrians in many areas with no choice but to accept the protection of the Sunni extremists.
If Iran really wants to end the Syrian crisis it should drop its support to the Syrian regime and help the establishment of a moderate government in Syria.
Rouhani is right but the policies of his regime are the main cause of the Talibanization of Syria.
Ya Hassan, your puppet masters and, presently, your country is not much better than the Taliban. We don't want you either.