Phalange: We Will Raise our Voice against Conspiracy against Christians

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The Phalange Party hailed on Monday the release of the Maalula nuns, stressing the importance of restoring the Syrian town to its residents.

Labor Minister Sejaan Qazzi stated after the party's weekly politburo meeting: “We will not stand idly by against the conspiracy against the Christians.”

“We will raise awareness over this issue at international meetings,” he declared.

The nuns, from both Syria and Lebanon, were kidnapped from a convent in Maalula in December, as regime and rebel forces battled for control in the surrounding Qalamoun region.

They were released on Sunday in exchange for over 150 prisoners held in Syria.

Commenting on the ongoing dispute over the government policy statement, Qazzi said: “We will not accept anything that contradicts the principles of the March 14 camp.”

“We will adhere to our positions and remain open to any suggestion that achieves the balance between Lebanon's right to resist foreign aggression and its right to a competent state,” he continued.

“The state alone harbors the resistance,” he remarked.

The ongoing dispute over the policy statement is focusing on the wording of how Lebanon can resist Israel.

Hizbullah is insistent that the statement include the “army-people-resistance” equation, while the Mach 14 camp is insistent that it include a reference to the Baabda Declaration.

The panel drafting the statement is scheduled to convene on Tuesday.

Comments 5
Missing helicopter 10 March 2014, 20:40

Mr. Sejaan,
The conspiracy is not against the Christians alone. It is against all moderates of all sects. The conspiracy is against having a stable, strong, sovereign and independent Lebanon. Lebanon is that beautiful lady that lost her way and ended up in the jungle where Iranian/Syrian/Palestinian/Israeli wolves want a piece of her. Those wolves have planted their seeds within Lebanon and they look for every opportunity to get their evil way. Some of these wolves are posting in this forum and we know who they are.

Thumb EagleDawn 10 March 2014, 22:53

the wolves are non other than the lebanese themselves, unfortunately.

Thumb kanaanljdid 11 March 2014, 08:40

There is even one who sign his message as a wolf

Default-user-icon Ac (Guest) 10 March 2014, 22:29

Why all the fuss about the wording of the policy one is going to adhere to it anyway... Just like the Baabda dec.

Thumb fx.990 11 March 2014, 16:56

The kataeb have the good of lebanon in heart but are too politically naive and inexperienced in dealing with a political battle (because that's what politics is) to achieve the things they have in mind. note, for example, that at the height of their rule they were tumbled down by the people because they isolated a significant portion of the population by catering mostly to one side.