Bassil Says Lebanon will Defeat Jihadists Despite 'Fierce' Battle

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil has warned that the confrontation with terrorists will be fierce but expressed confidence in Lebanon's ability to defeat the jihadists.

In an interview with CNN during his stay in New York on the sidelines of the General Assembly session, Bassil said: “Lebanon will be an essential target for the Islamic State because it contradicts the IS and its allies.”

“I am convinced that we will defeat IS,” he said.

“Lebanon has never lost a battle against terrorist attacks and has always defeated terrorism,” Bassil added.

The foreign minister called for dealing “seriously” with the issue of Syrian refugees from its humanitarian and security aspects.

U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon warned on Friday that Lebanon hosts the highest ratio of refugees per capita in the world and has received far less assistance than needed.

Militants hiding in Syrian refugee encampments in the northeastern border town of Arsal participated in the fighting between the IS and al-Nusra Front with the Lebanese army last month.

The jihadists took with them hostages from the army and police and executed three of them.

But the military was able to confront and deter the jihadists from implementing their plan, Bassil told CNN in the interview late Friday.

He also praised the army for preventing them from occupying the town.

Comments 10
Thumb popeye 27 September 2014, 09:22

You are allied with Terror yourself hypocrite!

Thumb galaxy 27 September 2014, 10:50

I don't think @popeye signed a Memorandum of Terror Understanding with ISIS, do you? The only such MOU exists between the FPM and HA.

Default-user-icon Mobile (Guest) 27 September 2014, 09:31

Bassil missed a few important meetings in New York and was seen at Apple store purchasing 10 iPhone 6 for himself and his family. The Apple employee refused to sell him more than 2 per customer according to store policy. He threw a fit and shouted at the Apple employee saying " I am a VIP and the foreign Minister of Lebanon". Security intervened and he was escorted out of the store in Shame.

Thumb EagleDawn 27 September 2014, 09:42

"Bassil Says Lebanon will Defeat Jihadists Despite 'Fierce' Battle"

What an incompetent creature. HA is the number one Jihadist terror organization in the world and they are your political and military allies who are arming you:) When Jihad is shia Jihad, it is fine with Bassil.

Thumb ex-fpm 27 September 2014, 09:50


Default-user-icon CFTC (Guest) 27 September 2014, 11:43

definition of PROPAGANDA (Oxford):
Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
eagledawn, as you use this tool called propaganda like other of your 'friends' in this forum means you have already lost but without knowing it (-: ...also that's why i'm very, very, very optimistic for Lebanon because contrary to few years ago, there are finally Imminent Politicians (very very few indeed) in the Lebanese Arena who are not propagandists, but politicians who are telling the truth !!!

Thumb ex-fpm 27 September 2014, 09:53

Jihad for the sake of Assad is legal and justified.
Jihad for the sake of Malki is legal and justified.
Jihad for the sake of Bahraini Shias is legal and justified.
Jihad for the sake of Yemeni Houthis is legal and justified.
Jihad for the sake of Iran is above all other Jihads.

Thumb EagleDawn 27 September 2014, 10:54

4 flamethrowers cast their vote already in a space of 5 minutes

Missing humble 27 September 2014, 15:25

Thank you for your strong prorection....but you and 3ammo are destroying Lebanon in a very efficient manner.

Thumb nickjames 27 September 2014, 17:29

Memorandum of Undermining the State is what it really is. Imagine this great conversation between the two patriots, Aoun and Nasrallah, before signing the MoU:

Nasrallah: chou, you're back eh?
Aoun: Well yeah now that Assad is gone
Nasrallah: Chou la ken haha. So now that you're here chou baddak ta3mel?
Aoun: Ma shi Sayyed, I just want my seats and Hariri won't give them to me
Nasrallah: Ma3le khaye he's stupid, just become my ally and together we will rule Lebanon
Aoun: So how will this work?
Nasrallah: We sign an MoU. You get your seats, and you ignore my operations.
Aoun: Ktir mni7, ma3ak 2alam?