Whitney Houston Hologram? You'll Have to Wait

Fans hoping for a Whitney Houston hologram might have to wait.
Pat Houston, the late singer's sister-in-law and head of her estate, says she's had offers to debut a Houston hologram, but she won't sign on just yet.
"We did Madame Tussauds, the wax museum, with Whitney's figures and that was a little scary to stand there and take photographs next to these figurines of Whitney. It's kind of spooky," Pat Houston said in a recent interview.
"I don't know how I would feel about (a hologram) and certainly I've been approached to do a project of that magnitude, and I said, 'No.' But who knows what the future holds," she added. "I mean, it's just been only two and half years. Maybe down the road."
Whitney Houston died in 2012 at age 48. Acts from Michael Jackson to Tupac Shakur have been presented in hologram form.
Fans will get to see some of Whitney Houston with Monday's release of "Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Performances," the pop singer's first live album, released on DVD and CD.
Pat Houston said unlike other musicians who have died and released posthumous albums, there aren't many Whitney Houston songs waiting to be released.
"I wish she had tons of songs that were out there that she had recorded ... but we have a few surprises to come along in the years to come," she said.
An upcoming project starring Whitney Houston on Lifetime is one the family is not involved with, Pat Houston said. Angela Bassett is directing the TV film.
"Angela Bassett did not come to the family, but Lifetime did and we said, 'No.' It was our option to do it or not, and we chose not to," said Pat Houston, who starred in a Lifetime reality show with the Houston family for one season months after Whitney Houston died. "It's just not the right time and we just weren't interested right now for any type of biopic to come out on Whitney."
"Nothing negative to say," she added. "They're doing what they do, and people will always do what they want to do ... and hey, we just keep it moving."