'Field of Stars' Initiative Raises Funds for Lebanese Children Charities
We are not asking for the moon, only a star! says the slogan of the initiative.
Field Of Stars is a corporate social responsibility initiative which aims at helping children in need by raising funds and equally distributing them to 26 Lebanese children charities, a press release said.
Its aim is to illuminate Zaitnay bay in Beirut during Christmas with a field of an installation of stars.
The purpose of this installation is not for a simple decoration, but upon each purchase of a star the money is distributed to the children NGOs in Lebanon listed below:
Afel, Ahlouna, Ajialouna, Assafina, Arc En Ciel, Association Pour La protection de L'enfant De La Guerre,Bassma, Braveheart,CCCL, Chance,Fondation Philippe Hatem Pour une Enfance Heureuse, Fondation René Moawad, Heartbeat,Himaya, Home Of Hope Lebanon, Ibtissama,Irap, Kids First Association, Lebanese Autism Society, Lebanus, my School Pulse,Ordre De Malte/Jeune,SOS Village, Sesobel, The Lebanese School For The Blind And Deaf, Jebid, Meeda.
Field of Stars is a twofold initiative which aims to raise funds that are then equally distributed to the charities.
The illuminated stars are to be placed on Zaitunay Bay from December 4 until February 18, the date when funds are to be distributed to the charities.
“We believe that all Lebanese should engage themselves in the future of our country by contributing to this cause,” a press release said.
“Individuals can make a small donation to the less fortunate children, from $1 up to as much as they want to, by going directly to https://www.ihjoz.com/events/588-field-of-stars-lebanon-2014,” it added.
One can purchase a star for the price of $1,000 dollars, and there are sponsorship packages available to corporations upon demand.
Please visit the following links for more info:
Instagram: @fieldofstarsleb #fieldofstarsleb