Boston Surgeon Dies after Hospital Shooting

A respected American surgeon has died after being critically injured when a man shot him in a hospital in the northeastern city of Boston, the hospital announced Wednesday.
The incident occurred shortly before noon at Brigham and Women's Hospital on Tuesday. The shooter killed himself after the incident.
The hospital said Michael Davidson, director of endovascular cardiac surgery, died late Tuesday from gunshot wounds.
"Dr. Davidson was a wonderful and inspiring cardiac surgeon who devoted his career to saving lives and improving the quality of life of every patient he cared for," it said in a statement.
Police named the shooter as Stephen Pasceri, 55. His mother had been a patient of Davidson and Boston police said the doctor had been deliberately targeted.
U.S. media reports said Pasceri blamed Davidson for his mother's death.

Funny, he doesn't look Jewish. Oh, I'm sorry: was he of Lebanese Christian origins? That was insensitive of me. With only about four dozen Christians left in Lebanon, we need the diaspora now more than ever. We're having to keep many of our seats in Parliament only by literally welding several chairs in the legislative chamber into couches so the member, for several parliamentary districts at once, can lie across them and thus occupy them all simultaneously. This does, however, facilitate the member's, or members' (as he is properly called), getting the rest he, or they, so desperately needs, or need.