Authentic Lebanese Cookbook Goes Mobile knows about authentic Lebanese food.
It was “shahiya”- meaning appetite in Arabic- that fueled its creation and so appetite became its name.
When the three co-founders Hala Labaki, Daniel Neuwirth and U.S. registered dietitian Carole Makhoul – who is in charge of the Diet section - rejoined in Lebanon, they shared their con¬cern for safeguarding their culinary heritage and their desire to make it more accessible.
“We were craving Lebanese cuisine while studying abroad, but couldn’t find a dependable online source,” said Co-founder Hala Labaki.
“We were obliged to call our parents and friends for recipes. This is how we first identified a need.”
With the rise of online social platforms, the solution was plain to see, and was born.
And now with a successful run online, boasting over 23,000 members, has launched the Cook Lebanese – 101 recipes iPhone application.
“For our first application we decided to focus on what we know best: Lebanese Cuisine”, says Daniel Neuwirth, Co-Founder.
101 quintessentially Lebanese recipes were selected by the Shahiya team. The team then ac-tually cooked, tasted and fine-tuned these recipes.
The resulting final, foolproof set of recipes made it into the app. The 101 recipes are divided into nine categories with a vegetarian filter offered for each. The dish pictures are not only beautiful; they genuinely illustrate the expected end result.
Each dish has an English name next to its phonetic Lebanese name, a brief introduction, a simple step-by-step cooking method, preparation time, difficulty level and nutritional informa¬tion - which is quite rare for Middle Eastern food.
The app ‘Cook Lebanese – 101 recipes’ is avail¬able in six languages (Arabic, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese). Conveniently, all the listed ingredients are readily available any¬where in the world, and all recipes can be emailed to friends with a click of a button.
In a nutshell, that’s the Lebanese culinary heritage meeting the entire world, 21st century style.

Hoax. The food and recipes in this book come from the levantine arabic (syrian-lebanese-palestinian) kitchen, the turkish-armenian kitchen and the iraqi-assyrian yet is being introduced as "lebanese" only. That is an insult towards the rest of the millions pf people that this food belongs to. Its wrong on every level to hijack food that only partly belongs to you and wrongfully brand it with your own nations name.

There is no Hoax. yes some foods are prepared in other levantine nations but each country have its own version of the dish. Forexample there is nothing wrong with calling tabbouleh as Lebanese foods when we are giving out the receipe of how its made in Lebanon.

who cares who invented it, or what they call it. just enjoy the food. lighten up folks. for your information the 7th billion person to be born is going to lebanese. JUST TRY THE RECIPIES IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THEM JUST WRITE A BOOK