Zaitunay Bay: A Public Space

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Following last Saturday’s activist movement on Zaitunay Bay, and which included erroneous slogans (whether by intention or not), Solidere would like to clarify the following:


Ever since its inception, the company has emphasized public space in its masterplan, and equipped Downtown with an infrastructure that is highly conductive for public activity and citizen movements. Consequently, Downtown accommodated many manifestations and large citizen demonstrations, including the latest protests.


Concerning Zaitunay Bay, we would like to state some facts:

Regardless of any movement, the sea dock has always been, and will always remain, an inherently public space that is open to everyone. The fact that no private or government security personnel tried to obstruct the activity of the demonstrators proves that. The presence of private enterprise and restaurants in Zaitunay Bay in no way makes the deck private property, despite the propaganda that wants to portray it as exclusive to a specific company or a specific socio-economic class. Just like any other public domain, this deck has governmental regulations for public activity.


Moreover, the restaurants and cafes that operate in the Bay provide jobs for hundreds of individuals, and are part of an economic system that is standard everywhere.  The restaurants, which are claimed to be “elitists”, are all in fact branches of larger chains that follow the same pricing anywhere in the country. These restaurants cater to a wide range of budgets, and none of them is owned or operated by Solidere.


Solidere would like to stress the fact that accessing Zaitunay Bay is completely free of charge, unlike other resorts in its vicinity or elsewhere along the Lebanese coast.

Solidere Management

Comments 6
Thumb ado.australia 16 September 2015, 04:18

This is St Georges Bay!! Another attack on the cultural identity of Beirut. What Solidere has done to the St George's hotel is a scandal and another highlight of corruption and the thievery of the Lebanese people.

Solidere makes Sukleen look clean and resourceful.

Thumb lebanon_first 16 September 2015, 07:35

Some communists are infiltrating the rightful protests of the you stink movement and deviating its main point. Zaitunah bay is not the problem, and the you stink movement should be focused:

1 Fix the trash issue, then 2nwork on the electricity issue. Mazout royalties being cashed by Berri, Siniora, Bassil, Jumblat and Frangieh are the source of the lebanese electricity problem. You stink should push for deregulating mazout importation. That will cause these politicians to fix the electricity problem.

Thumb stainlessteal 16 September 2015, 10:35

Hmm indeed Solidere is all about public space and creating a down town that is inclusive and a space where all can meet of course with the help of private security to make sure everybody is welcomed. It's also a fact that since it's inception it has spared no effort to keep the original architectural design and kick out the original owners that made the original organic spirit of the place. I really don't know how to thank you for turning us into a indebted population of suckers salivating for the next must have sham. And i sincere apologies if those barbaric villain commies have created a stir at "YOUR" public space.

Default-user-icon Omar Beiruty (Guest) 16 September 2015, 11:47

Who owns solidere? Who created solidere in the first place and who gave Solidere the right to own the land with which it controls? This is pure corruption when public and private property gets privatized and illegitimately owned by corporation.

Default-user-icon Mark (Guest) 16 September 2015, 11:53

Zaytuna Bay is such a public space that:
-The rent goes to the Government treasury? (No,it all goes directly to corrupt politician's pockets.
-you can park your car at a reasonable price? (no, its 6.000LBP even for 10min)
-you can go with your bike or rollers, do picnic, sit on the grass?
Stop lying, the people had enough propaganda, they see the truth, and its ugly.

Default-user-icon A Templar (Guest) 16 September 2015, 11:59

If Zaytuni Bay was truely a Public Place, why make the announcement??