IS Claims Capture of Syrian Pilot after Shooting down Plane


The Islamic State jihadist group on Friday captured a Syrian pilot alive after shooting down his plane east of Damascus, the IS-affiliated Amaq news agency said.

Amaq gave the pilot's name as Azzam Eid, from Hama. It said IS fighters had shot down his plane and found him alive after he parachuted down to the crash site.

A video posted by Amaq showed the charred remains of a plane, some parts still on fire, lying on a vast desert plain.

Several apparent IS fighters in military-style fatigues circle around the wreckage, pointing to the two-starred Syrian government flag clearly visible on one of the wings.

Syrian state news agency SANA had no immediate news on the incident.

IS fighters have shot down several Syrian government warplanes in recent weeks, including over the Dmeir military airport near Damascus and in the southern province of Sweida.

But the pilots were able to land in regime-held zones on both occasions.

In December 2014, IS shot down a warplane from the U.S.-led coalition striking the group in Syria and captured the Jordanian pilot alive.

The ultra-conservative group later burned pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh alive and posted video footage of his death online.

Syria's conflict first began in March 2011 with widespread anti-government protests which have since spiraled into a multi-front, complicated civil war.

Across the country, IS is fighting the Syrian government, non-jihadist rebels, and Kurdish groups.

Comments 11
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 23 April 2016, 09:21

A terrorist captured by terrorists. Hope he gets what he deserves

Thumb cedar 23 April 2016, 09:30

Against his or her*

Thumb barrymore 23 April 2016, 10:28

Only the other day more than 144 civilians were killed by this pilot or similar pilots in markets across Syria. Do they have human rights? What a pretentious lowlife!

Thumb Mystic 23 April 2016, 22:48

Only salafi supporters of ISIS da3ish would support this act, as most of you do.
Just like Geagea, he would rather have ISIS in Lebanon instead of the Resistance.

Thumb justin 23 April 2016, 09:50

no sympathy whatsoever

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 23 April 2016, 15:42

بالفيديو والصور: الأسد يرد على هتافات “لا بديل عن الرحيل” بيوم دامِ في دوما

قتل 13مدنياً بينهم طفلان و3 سيدات، صباح السبت جراء قصف صاروخي من قبل قوات نظام الأسد، على مدينة دوما بريف دمشق.

ونقل ناشطون صوراً مروعة عن المجزرة التي استهدفت سوقاً للخضار، أظهرت الدمار الكبير الذي أحدثه القصف بالسوق، فضلاً عن الجثث والدماء.

Thumb shab 23 April 2016, 19:58

These guys picking up body parts are the real heroes. Hope more planes will be shot down.

Thumb ashtah 23 April 2016, 16:35

Regime Bombardment Kills 27 Civilians across Syria

Thumb ashtah 23 April 2016, 16:35


your comments are disgusting... always trying to justify Assad's crimes.

Thumb ice-man 23 April 2016, 20:48

How Sad..... What did this pilot do to deserve being shot down, captured, and most probably tortured? Is flying a plane a sin punishable by law? Is fighting terrorism by bombing civilians in vegetable markets an unforgivable act? As many poster(s) mentioned above, this poor soul should be treated with dignity, respect and honor. I am extremely sad....

Thumb enterprise 24 April 2016, 07:30

and hezbollah does too