ICC Prosecutor Arrives in Libya after Gadhafi Son Capture

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The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor arrived in Tripoli on Tuesday to meet Libyan authorities following the arrest of Moammar Gadhafi’s son Seif al-Islam, his office said.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo and deputy prosecutor Fatou Bensouda head a delegation whose aim is to coordinate their efforts after the arrest of Seif al-Islam and unconfirmed reports regarding the arrest of Abdullah al-Senussi.

The world war crimes court on June 27 issued arrest warrants against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam and his security chief Abdullah al-Senussi for committing crimes against humanity in trying to put down Libya's bloody revolt.

The northern African country's new National Transitional Council said Sunday Senussi had been arrested, a day after Seif was caught in southern Libya.

But Libyan authorities also insisted the men should be tried in Libya, despite international pressure to have them sent to The Hague, where the ICC is based.

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