'Daddy, Pick Me Up!' Screams Boy after Syria Attack
In the aftermath of a barrel bomb attack in Syria's Idlib, nine-year-old Abdel Basset al-Satuf tries to sit up, his legs blown off, and screams "Daddy, pick me up!"
Abdel Basset was caught in a barrel bomb attack by regime forces on Thursday in the town of al-Hbeit, in northwest Idlib province.
The harrowing footage of the young boy screaming for his father as he struggles to sit up, his legs turned to bloody stumps, quickly spread on social media.
The child was taken to a hospital in the provincial capital Idlib city for preliminary treatment, but on Friday he and his father were transferred to Turkey for specialized care.
In an ambulance about to head to the border, Abdel Basset recounted the incident as his father Taan tried to keep his composure.
"We were sitting having lunch when the barrel bombs started to fall on the town and my father told us to get in the house," he told AFP.
"But as we arrived at the door of the house a barrel fell on it and when it exploded fire blasted towards me and amputated my legs," he said.
"My father immediately picked me up and moved me and put me down on the ground (away from the house) and then an ambulance came and they treated me," he added.
In the video, Abdel Basset can be seen sitting stunned as desperate voices scream for an ambulance and paramedics.
His father had run back to the house to search for the rest of the family, three of whom were killed in the attack.
In al-Hbeit, the family's landlord described the incident as "a massacre."
"The family was having lunch and I was walking with his father, and at first we didn't notice anything until the aircraft arrived," he said
"Then a barrel bomb came down and there was a big explosion," Walid Abu Ras said.
- His mother was killed -
Taan ran back towards his house, trying to warn his family to take cover when their home was hit.
"Abdel Basset's legs were blown off and one of his sisters was killed, and another one was wounded. His mother was killed and he doesn't know yet," Abu Ras said.
The attack also killed the husband of one of Abdel Basset's sisters.
Abu Ras said the family had arrived in Idlib less than two years ago from Latamneh in neighboring Hama, displaced by war like more than half of Syria's population.
The video of Abdel Basset is just the latest footage to refocus attention on the plight of Syria's civilians, particularly children.
In August 2016, haunting images of a four-year-old called Omran, shell-shocked and covered in dust after an air strike, reverberated around the world.
Syria's government and rebel forces are technically observing a ceasefire brokered by Turkey and Russia that began on December 30.
But while the truce has brought relative quiet to parts of the country, sporadic violence has continued, with civilians often the victims.
More than 310,000 people have been killed in the conflict that began with anti-government protests in March 2011.
Rights groups have regularly criticized Syria's regime for using barrel bombs, crude munitions notorious for causing indiscriminate casualties, but President Bashar Assad denies his forces use the weapon.
On Friday afternoon, Turkey's IHH charity tweeted pictures of Abdel Basset arriving in Turkey and being attended by medics there.
His body extended just half way down the stretcher carrying him to an ambulance, and he was covered in a thick blanket.
Next to him lay a stuffed yellow toy duck nearly the same size as the boy himself.
The criminal Assad and Putin regimes do not spare children. I wonder what execuses the monsters Mystic, gigahabib, southern etc... will come up with this time.
"In an ambulance about to head to the border, Abdel Basset recounted the incident as his father Taan tried to keep his composure."
so they want us to believe after getting his legs blown off the kid was still conscious and able to give an interview before going to get treatment? walla, i'm impressed at how stupid they think you are, and how right you make them.
anyone has a link to the video? the picture above is not blurry and pixelized enough, i'm sure they must have more footage filmed with their potatocam
google it ya troll and don't expect people to do the work for you only to come back and crack one of your paid comments.
repulsive creature.
So AFP writes an article of a boy who lost both legs as a result of shelling by assad, there is a video of the incident flooding the internet, here comes the hired mouthpiece questioning the article and daring people to provide evidence that it is not fake.
Did he provide anything to show it is fake? No
Did he contribute to the article? No
Did he add value? No
Is he a sectarian troll paid to post and defend his ayatollah? YES and a thousand Yesses.
" I did google it ex-vomit, and it's nowhere to be found."
what a liar... as usual
"Mowaten started his comments with affirming that he saw in the video that the boy was looking at the cameraman when we was asking his dad to pick him up."
lol look at who's lying. if you dont know the difference between me ASKING if he was looking at the camera (the use of a question mark is usually a telltale sign of that), then you're confirming you're anonymetexasusa, the only person stupid enough to not get such simple stuff.
Liar Mowaten and Mystic are at it again. People who have no morals or shame. And no Mowaten, we do not think that 'we' are stupid. We just think that you are sectarian monsters with no shame and no honor. For those who want more info, google pick me up daddy syria and there are hundreds of stories and links to video
thanks for the video peace, but i prefer this one:
more credible than the 12 shaky/blurry pixels in yours
SaudiTheocrat.com I asked for a link because i couldnt find it, peace provided it, problem solved. But please, be my guest, keep ranting uselessly over it if that's the best you can do.
"I asked for a link because i couldnt find it" says the heretic devil worshiper! He believes the world owes him something. What a lowlife scumbag.!
We all remember how the pro Iranian monsters deny that Russia and the Assad regime bombs hospital. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/feb/17/msf-inquiry-indicates-russia-was-behind-hospital-bombing-in-syria-medecins-sans-frontieres
After 3 years ceasefire, the Assad regime attack Qabun suburb of Damascus killing 12 civilians.
Today: 15 people were killed by a government missile attack on a cemetary between Qaboun and Harasta as people were burying their dead. Damascus
what some people here write here comfirm my thought that Arabs and Israelis will join hands against the common ennemy, Iran.
Hassan Nasrallah and his cronies destoying our nation for 2 decennials and now spreading to Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, and Yemen will result in an improbable alliance and frankly I already know plenty of people in Lebanon supporting it.
How can anyone film a boy with his legs blown off, instead of helping the kid?
Just like paparazzi looking for the perfect media attention picture.
What a load of crap.
All your Al Qaeda friends do is yell Allah akbar when a child has his legs blown off? Why not pick him up instead of pressing *record* on the camera.
This is another media stunt. Nothing else. The fake Amnesty report did not convince anyone because there were no proof.
Mystic ... You keeping showing us that you are a person with no honor and no shame... That will be your doom
it must be said as follows: the terrorists are screaming <<pick us up>>, we are losing our last caliphate site..... of course besides, those trolls in this forum who believe this bedtime story..... no wonder since they're dumb creatures.
this boy is a victim of your cousins the terrorists, they are using a boy for their propaganda....btw, dumb like all your boyfriends because can't distinguish between propaganda and reality, now Fuck off!
it's very pleasant to know that due to your continuous lies and insults they banned you.... btw, you change your denomination but you forgot to remove "1", not very smart ehh
Slizern ... A sectarian monster with no shame and no honor. Not once did he condemn the slaughter of Sunnis by the monstrous Assad regime.
most Syrians support Assad "regime", most Syrians are Sunnis, therefore when i praise the syrian govt and its troops, i'm cheering this majority... only you have to think but your sectarian mentality impedes that.
most Syrians support Assad "regime", most Syrians are Sunnis, therefore when i praise the syrian govt and its troops, i'm cheering this majority... only you have to think but your sectarian mentality impedes that.
Slizern ... It is in your dream that most Sunnis support Assad. If that was the case, he would have won long time ago and would not have needed tens of thousands of sectarian militias from Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the revolutionary guard in Iran and then Russian special forces and airforce. No, you do not care about Sunni victims because no a single time did we see you condemn any of the crimes of Assad. You defend them or deny them or both. Anyone with a brain can see you for the little sectarian sleeze that you are
And the dad chooses to just film his son, for later propaganda purposes, than to help him? Suspicious...
The indisputable fact is, someone from the opposition side filmed him rather than helping him, so he could exploit it for propaganda purposes. Even if it wasn't the father, it's bad enough.
Mini Habib is a monster. He will never change. The kid is a Sunni so it does not matter to Mini or that much of his family was wiped out in the bombing. I have said before that he and fellow trolls are people of no shame and no honor. They are fed a toxic mixture of hatred and victimization since childhood over a myth some 1400 years ago. A relative of mine married one these assholes. For them, they could care less if thousands of Sunni children die if there is any risk to Zeinab shrines (of course that was nothing but a fig leaf). Gone is Islam's teaching that one innocent life is worth more to God than the Ka'aba.
An update on the child: He is in a stable but critical condition in hospital in Turkey. His family however is mostly wiped out and his father did not have the heart to tell him that his mother is dead
1onion: are you new here? you very strongly remind me of a regular 1idiotexasusa we have here.
"nine-year-old Abdel Basset al-Satuf tries to sit up, his legs blown off, and screams "Daddy, pick me up!""
is he not saying that towards the camera, indicating the cameraman is his father? besides, where's the video and how come you're so sure the most likely story told by this latest nusrawood production is not the actual one?
and as gigahabib said, in any case the one filming, whoever he is, is filming instead of heling. that's kinda cold, innit?
israeli: if you have nothing to say, just dont say anything. nobody cares about your trash talk, and i'm certainly not impressed.
Lol, I think the length of each comment speaks volumes of who is really "paid". What pays more, a few one-liners here or there, or your massive, rambling pieces of drivel on every page?
the length of someone's comment is not an indication that he is paid but rather the content. The content and the frequency of your comments indicate you are a heretic and a shia of wilayat al faqih where hatred, ignorance, and bitterness rule your world. You are on every article every day of the week posting nothing but sectarian hatred and challenging what has become facts. That is your job here to mock people's miseries and sufferings as staged productions in order to justify your centuries old hatred.
absolute filth
"يا بابا... شيلني يا بابا"
لن تعيد هذه الكلمات قدمي الطفل السوري عبدو طعان الصطوف، صاحب المقولة المؤلمة "شيلني يا بابا... شيلني". وليست المرة الأولى التي ترف فيه جفون البعض وتدمع عيونهم وترتعش أجسادهم أو يشعرون بالغضب من قساوة المشهد الذي رسمته الحرب الظالمة في سوريا.
funny how all the assad lovers here always deny that their beloved leader is capable of atrocities... always to his rescue, always to shout at conspiracy theories, always to play victims...
seems they forgot all the atrocities this regime did in lebanon (oh! they thanked them for that, true i forgot...) and suddenly this very same regime would never ever do the same things they did here... strange isn't it? LOL
and they still thank them LOL! selective memories they have...
i see no difference between this regime and those they fight against... both love killing innocent people in their terror scheme....
he iranian heretic is paid to say that. Youtube has at least 8 links let alone social media.