Russia Says Syria Safe Zones Closed to US-Coalition Jets
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Jets from the US-led coalition are barred from proposed safe zones in Syria set to be created under a deal inked by Russia, Iran and Turkey, Moscow's envoy said Friday.
"In terms of their actions in the de-escalation zones then from this moment these zones are closed for their flights," the Kremlin's envoy to peace talks in Kazakhstan Alexander Lavrentiev was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.
"Aviation operations, especially by the international coalition forces, are absolutely not envisioned," he said.
Regime backers Russia and Iran and rebel supporter Turkey on Thursday signed a deal at talks in Kazakhstan to set up four safe zones in the war-torn country.
The agreement did not explicitly mention the US-led coalition, which has been targeting jihadists from the Islamic State group, but Lavrentiev insisted that "flights cease over these territories."
"We as guarantors will closely monitor all operations," he said.
Moscow's envoy said this means coalition air power can now only focus on "Islamic State targets that are located in the area of Raqa, some populated areas in the region of the Euphrates, Deir Ezzor and further on to the territory of Iraq."
The exact boundaries of the proposed safe zones in Syria are yet to be defined but they are meant to focus on rebel-held territory.
The United States gave an extremely cautious welcome to the deal, citing concerns over Iran's role as a guarantor, even as it expressed hope that the agreement could set the stage for a settlement.
The limitations could throw up obstacles for any potential US operations in Syria in the future after President Donald Trump carried out Washington's first direct strike on the forces of Russian ally Bashar al-Assad last month over an alleged chemical weapons attack.

"..citing concerns over Iran's role as a guarantor":
who could be better guarantor!? the warmonger, Israel's godfather, Al Qaeda founder and Daesh terrorists supporter, surely Not...
btw, America is out of the deal despite Trump's claim that "America will be great again one day" which never was... even N korrea is beating you up..

"it's totally hallucinogenic": surely you say it from experience ya takfiri boy....

Russia Says Syria Safe Zones Closed to US-Coalition Jets
why, will ISIS be seeking refuge in these so called "Safe Zones"?

We all know the Salafist insurgents will fake another attack, since they now know how to get the US on their side.

and by "we" you mean the shia twelvers followers of wilayat al faqih citizens of the islamic republic of iran.?

No, I mean all sane people who aren't fooled by George W. Bush style lies.

Who said the Americans can't hit the Syrian army? We're talking about safe zones in non-government areas here.

No-Americans in "safe zones" doens't equal no Americans in Syria, Einstein.

make up your mind giga irani! You say there are no moderate rebels they are all ISIS/Wahabi/Al Qaeda. Then you say ISIS is exempt from these safe zones. Then you say "We're talking about safe zones in non-government areas here."
so who these safe zones are for in non-government areas?

Eh, yes, there are no moderate rebels, and ISIL are still to be targeted by the US.
The two are not mutually exclusive, if you know what that means.

While you lot claimed Putin had finally buckled up to your Sultan and the US, I said there would be a trade-off. And as we can see, there was. No Americans, loool.

Looool, @gigahabil is back with his alternative facts and fake news.
This is common practice of heretics, just invent stuff.

Turkey, Iran and Russia agreeing means the end of Al Quiada/nusra and isis! The Syrian opposition that rejects this proposal are representative of ISIS and Al Quiada or the Syrian Islamist opposition. The syrian government might not be happy but without Iran and Russian support, they might not have any option.