Israel to Provide Million Covid Vaccine Doses to Palestinians

Israel will provide around one million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to the Palestinian Authority ahead of their expiry, the Israeli prime minister's office said Friday.
"Israel has signed an agreement with the Palestinian Authority, and will supply approximately one million doses of Pfizer vaccine that is about to expire, and will receive in return the doses that Pfizer is to send to the Palestinian Authority," Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's office said in a joint statement with the defence and health ministries.

The PA signs an agreement to obtain 1 million doses, and then renages on that agreement the same day.
Just shows how little they think of human life.

Philipo. You are an unconditional supporter of the israeli governemnts... never find them a fault... despite they being an apartheid state?

I am not an unconditional supporter. I was for years an opponent of the Netanyahu government. I look at every problem and decide which side I am on.
An apartheid state - government made up of Ashkenazi and Sepharadi Jews, Religious and non-religious, Moslem and Druze members, 1/3 women.
Now let us look at Lebanon - can't even for a government because the president demands certain members close to him become ministers. A constitution stating the percentages of members of parliament and government is not apartheid?
Let us look at the rest of the Arab world - In all of them combined there are less than 10 non-Moslem ministers. Is that not Apartheid?
Closer to your region. The President of the Palestinian Authority has stated on more than one opportunity that not a single Jew will live in the Independent Palestine State. Is that not Apartheid?

I am not discussing a few muslim talking heads in the government. Who cares about that?
I am talking about ethnic cleansing policies that israelis are carrying on, stripping paestinians of their lands! Treating them like second class citizens, collecting and confiscating their taxes. Isnt this apartheid?
As for Lebanon, when these mountain uneducated maronites and shias took over the country from its previous cities elites, the country starting going downhill. And everyone critisizes Lebanon. But u never critize Israel...

I have many times criticised Netanyahu, in many different apsects. He started to become a dictator years ago and was not interested in anything except getting himself out of his trial problems.
Almost in every speech of his it was "I brought (the vaccinations), I brought (the Abraham Accords Peace Treaties), I did this and I did that" Never did we hear him say "We" so everyone was wandering what all the people woeking in the PM's Office, the Foreign Ministry, the Defence Ministry and the Health Ministry have been doing for the last few years.