Arab FMs to Discuss Lebanese Response as Bou Habib Sees Positive Signs


All eyes will turn Sunday to what might be issued by the Arab foreign ministers meeting in Kuwait regarding Lebanon’s response to the Gulf paper of demands.

An-Nahar newspaper meanwhile reported that the Arab stance might not be issued during the meeting nor immediately after it.

Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib had on Saturday handed his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Ahmed al-Nasser Al-Sabah the Lebanese answers to the Kuwaiti paper as well as a letter from President Michel Aoun to Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawwaf al-Ahmed Al-Sabah.

As Bou Habib described the atmosphere of his meeting with the Kuwaiti minister as “excellent,” media reports said the meeting witnessed positive indications.

“The Kuwaiti side sympathized with the Lebanese answers and expressed a positive stance on the Lebanese response in terms of the formation of a joint communication and coordination committee between Lebanon and the Gulf countries that would address any matter related to the Lebanese-Gulf ties,” the reports said.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon LOL (Guest) 30 January 2022, 13:54

Does anyone understand Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib, did he travel to Kuwait to protect Lebanon or Hazbullat?

Thumb gebran_sons 30 January 2022, 16:13

Mr. Bou Habib, you are a traitor! From your days as ambassador in the US, you know very well HizbIran criminal militia is a mortal threat to Lebanon's independence, freedom, justice and economy. You also know this unique chance to disarm this occupying force may not happen again. You chose to be a Useful Idiot so Bassil can be impose by Iran and Assad as president so you benefit personally rather than liberating Lebanon. Yes you are a premeditated traitor and we'll see you in court as Lebanon is awakening and Moussa Saddr's Shiaa compatriots will no longer accept Suleimani forces occupying the South ans destabilizing Leb with Iranian rockets. Another Houthis equipped with ballistic missiles while its children die from hunger.