Nasrallah Says Ukraine War a 'Lesson' for Those who Trust U.S.


Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday said those who “trust and count on the United States” should draw a “lesson” from the Ukraine conflict.

“Washington has done everything to push for the current scenario,” Nasrallah said in a televised speech commemorating slain Hizbullah leader Abbas al-Moussawi.

“The United States is responsible for what is happening in Ukraine and it incited in this direction,” he added.

“Today the world only respects the strong and it is has remained silent in the face of U.S. violations,” Nasrallah noted.

He added that the West is showing “double standards” in dealing with the Ukraine crisis compared to its stances regarding “the U.S. wars.”

“Western countries are doing everything against Russia except for direct combat,” Hizbullah’s leader went on to say, accusing the U.S. of “putting conditions that are complicating” the Ukraine-Russia confrontation.

Comments 11
Thumb EagleDawn 01 March 2022, 12:36

The day this evil Iranian sectarian terrorist is brutally and violently murdered is the day we celebrate our true independence.

Thumb 01 March 2022, 14:50


Thumb marcus 01 March 2022, 12:53

He has an opinion on everything this irrelevant pos!

Thumb lebanon_first 01 March 2022, 19:20

@ Marcus
Thank you. You made me laugh today!!

Default-user-icon WARRIOR (Guest) 01 March 2022, 12:56

What Nasrallah say's is absolutely not true. It is nobody but Ukraine leaders that have been making decisions for Ukraine!!! And this invasion by Russia is a tragedy for Ukraine, they have no justification whatsoever to attack Ukraine.

Thumb lebanon_first 01 March 2022, 19:22

We all know that. Ukraine was minding it's own business and it got attacked. It just happens to have a crazy dictator next to it. We understand that too well, having lived next to the assads for 50 years

Thumb lebanon_first 01 March 2022, 19:22

We all know that. Ukraine was minding it's own business and it got attacked. It just happens to have a crazy dictator next to it. We understand that too well, having lived next to the assads for 50 years

Missing HellAndWaite 01 March 2022, 14:42

"Down is up, up is down."
"Inside is out, outside is in."
"Freedom is tyranny, tyranny is freedom."
"Obeying foreign powers is self-rule", ... wait a minute .. didn't mean to say that out loud ... sorry 'bout that

Thumb 01 March 2022, 14:52

I was expecting an interview from his Dahye Bunker…. Today is the day… happy Mahdi Gras everyone!

Missing samiam 01 March 2022, 17:36

What a tool.

If the US invaded someplace, he would be calling them the imperialists. His iranian and syrian masters were not against the war, so he is trying to make up excuses.

Thumb thepatriot 02 March 2022, 10:42

His walk in closet must be something special...