Russia, China Veto U.N. Resolution on Syria Killings

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Russia and China on Saturday vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian government's murderous crackdown on protests for the second time.

Western governments reacted with fury to the new block on U.N. action over President Bashar Assad's 10 month-old assault on demonstrators which followed weeks of acrimonious negotiations over the text.

Russia and China "remain steadfast in their willingness to sell out the Syrian people and shield a craven tyrant," U.S. ambassador Susan Rice told the 15-nation council. U.N. leader Ban Ki-moon said the failure to agree a resolution "undermines" the United Nations.

Thirteen countries voted for the resolution drafted by Arab and European nations which would have given strong backing to an Arab League plan to end the crisis.

Russia and China made a repeat of their rare double veto carried out on October 5 on an earlier condemnation of Assad. Russia's U.N. envoy Vitaly Churkin called the draft resolution "unbalanced."

The Security Council has now only agreed one statement, which has a lower standing, on the Syrian crisis since protests erupted in March last year.

After the earlier veto, western nations said they made substantial concessions taking out references to an arms embargo, Arab League sanctions and backing for Arab League calls for Assad to hand over power to a deputy.

Diplomats said Russia demanded new changes to the text on Saturday morning so that the withdrawal of Syrian troops from cities should be linked to an end to attacks by opposition groups. It was "unbelievably cynical," said one European diplomat.

Russia's U.N. ambassador Vitaly Churkin justified his veto by saying the proposed resolution "sent an unbalanced signal to the Syrian parties."

Western nations backing the resolution had since the start of the Syria crisis been "undermining the opportunity for a political settlement, calling for regime change, pushing the opposition towards power," he added.

Li Baodong, China's U.N. representative, backed Russia's call for new changes. "To push through a vote when parties are still seriously divided over the issue will not help maintain the unity and authority of the Security Council, or help resolve the issue," he told the council.

But there was widespread condemnation of the new veto from the European and Arab countries behind the resolution, the United States and U.N. leadership.

"I would like to express our great regret and disappointment" at the veto, said Morocco's U.N. ambassador Mohammed Loulichki, whose country is the Arab member of the 15-member council.

Western ambassadors highlighted the concessions made to Russia in weeks of negotiations on the draft text.

"It is a disgrace for the council," said Germany's U.N. envoy Peter Wittig.

France's U.N. ambassador Gerard Araud noted how the debate was held on the thirtieth anniversary of a massacre in the Syrian city of Hama in which tens of thousands died under Assad's father, Hafez.

"Father and son are killing; it would seem to be hereditary in Damascus," he said.

India and South Africa which abstained in the October vote, backed the latest resolution. Pakistan was also among council members to back the resolution.

U.N. leader Ban Ki-moon deeply regrets the failure to agree a resolution, said his spokesman Martin Nesirky.

"It undermines the role of the United Nations and the international community in this period when the Syrian authorities must hear a unified voice calling for an immediate end to its violence against the Syrian people," Ban said.

Many ambassadors predicted that a new effort would be made to agree U.N. action.

India's U.N. envoy Hardeep Singh Puri said Russia had wanted to wait three days for a vote "but with the spiraling violence, the council was not in the mood."

He told reporters that the message of the 13-2 vote was clear: "That text is not going to go away."

Comments 25
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 04 February 2012, 19:23

Say good bye to your base Russia. Now you have given the green light for the Arabs to finally work up their own courage to act as a body independently. You have also given the green light for a civil war in Syria. In the aftermath your influence there will be zero.

Default-user-icon Vlado Bostik (Guest) 04 February 2012, 19:37

How unexpected! Gabby, peace, thepatriot, allouchi, fashouchi... is the game over yet? By the way, which game have you been talking about? Time for you to go back to the top of the hill and meditate again for some fresh batch of unachievable predictions. Don't forget to drag with you Dr. Kherfen Wmouderyen.

Missing mark 04 February 2012, 19:43

It is time to start attaccking the Russian and Chinese in all Arab countries

Default-user-icon mou7eyed (Guest) 04 February 2012, 20:01

@ tonifarris am neither against nor with what happened but you boycotting chinese products lol good luck living naked loooool hahahahaahaha

Default-user-icon zizo (Guest) 04 February 2012, 20:08

how come they don 't say the same thing when the U.S vetos any condemnations of Israel for killing lebanese and palestinians?

This is their game that the russians and chinese are playing.

Default-user-icon Firas (Guest) 04 February 2012, 20:20

hahaha..u salafi bastard!

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 04 February 2012, 20:47

This disgraceful and truly nauseating display of arrogance and inhumane animalistic and barbarian attitude by the Chinese and Russian dictatorships is an ominous wake up call for everyone as to what to expect if these two were ever to become Super powers, they have just shared their "values" with the rest of the world. The Free Chinese and Russian people have to understand the consequences that this will have on them and their future well being for Generations to come, their criminal governments are doing all of this in their name...

Default-user-icon veteran (Guest) 04 February 2012, 20:50

world power has sadly switched from the united states and co. to russia,china,iran

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 04 February 2012, 21:37

Get ready because here is what is next. With the UN blocked by Syrian allies in Russia, the Arab League powerless, the Sunni of Syria will bedome armed, the Syrian Army divided and Assad overthrown violently. Those who allied with Assad in Syria will meet the same fate that he will face.

Those who allied with Assad in Lebanon, will meet the same fate that Assad will meet. There will be a rush of the cowardly Lebanese political class to seek protection from the Lebanese Sunni who did not endorse the Assad pogram against his own people.

Hezbollah first and those Christians who foolishly have followed the self-destructive path of Michel Aoun, they will be next.

Thumb ado.australia 05 February 2012, 09:22

So beiruti, if I understood you correctly...thanks to the Russian and Chinese veto, all christains that support Aoun will be killed or exiled unless they "cowardly" rush to seek protection from the Lebanese Sunni?

The more you and your kind, spew this rubbish, the quicker your allies will desert you. But u don't care, do you?... You won't need them when sheik saad takes control of Syria and greater Syria is reborn, will you?

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 04 February 2012, 21:52

What the people should do is protest at all the Russian and Chinese embassy's, not that these dogs will care but it will show the Syrian people that the rest of us humans (both East & West) clearly see the suffering of the Syrian people.

The Russian goverment is full of $hit, the new resolution was adjusted to meet their "concerns". But the only resolution they would be happy with is one that would blame the people and praise Mr Ass.

Since the Russians are so against interventions, I wander why they sent their army into Afghanistan ...oh that was the old Russia, the new one just sends their arms, to keep their client in power and throws in a veto now and then on their behalf.

Default-user-icon BullsEye (Guest) 04 February 2012, 21:55

To Mark,I hope that yo're simply kidding in your comment on attacking the Russians and the Chinese. PLease lets keep it civilized here, otherwise we will simply follow the steps of the very same people that we deeply criticize.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 04 February 2012, 22:54

When Israel was commiting massacres in Lebanon and Palestine, the West were supporting Israel. Israeli aggression can not exist without the support of the blood thirsty hypocritical West. ALL ARAB REGIMES, not just the SYRIAN regime must be overthrown ESPECIALLY those that are puppet TYRANTS of America/Israel.

Thumb shab 04 February 2012, 22:55

Russia and China has no future in the Arab world

Thumb jabalamel 04 February 2012, 23:00

it would take deep psychiatric analysis to understand the level of hate displayed here by filthy zionist information war department against china and russia

Default-user-icon Alpha Betta (Guest) 04 February 2012, 23:04

Just read the comments of the retards above. They are abound with out-of-this-world predictions: civil war in Syria, brutal end to the Assad regime and the Syrians as a whole, revolutions in China, regime change in Russia and God knows what else. Early last year you predicted the fall of the regime by mid 2011. Perhaps the regime has already fallen but because of the lack of foreign media there we have not known about it. So save your breaths please. Relax guys. What are you planning on doing next week? Wanna meet us in Homs?

Default-user-icon Hanna (Guest) 04 February 2012, 23:13

Russia's game is to have bashar replaced by extremists so they can have a government opposed to the west. They will torpedo all chances of transition to a democratic government. As this turns into a civil war, only the extremists have a chance of winning the upper hand. Russia stands a chance of being their ally.

Thumb Marc 04 February 2012, 23:37

Here comes the zionist information war department paranoia ....... Daily entertainment!

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 05 February 2012, 00:39

When Israel was commiting massacres in Lebanon and Palestine, the West were supporting Israel. Israeli aggression can not exist without the support of the blood thirsty hypocritical West. ALL ARAB REGIMES, not just the SYRIAN regime must be overthrown ESPECIALLY those that are puppet TYRANTS of America/Israel. I posted this 3 hours ago. Why wasn't posted?

Default-user-icon Giorgi Vodkayanov (Guest) 05 February 2012, 02:34

Funny how the predictors are crying CIVIL WAR in Syria because the idiots in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and of course Lebanon have shot themselves in the foot. It doesn't matter if or for how long blood will flow in Syria or even Lebanon and how many will be slaughtered or hurt. All is permissible, if not sought, when it comes to feeding their hatred or establishing a phony democracy of the ultra fundamentalists as the ones we see now in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia or Yemen. Democracy my foot.

Default-user-icon Clint (Guest) 05 February 2012, 06:01

And the play goes on and on .Let us real lebanese sit back and watch.
Hopefully it will go for another 22years of wars.
Enjoy the play and stop moaning (both sides).

Missing bouzik 05 February 2012, 08:37

now the price of the Romanians will go higher :)

Missing peace 05 February 2012, 12:33

it is normal that russia vetoes: syria is their biggest weapons buyer, syria is also a overture for the russians on the mediterranean and between dictators solidarity plays! And China has big deals with Iran.
russia was angry after the NATO promised no terrestrial intervention in libya but didn t keep their promise. Russia along with China want solid guarantees before voting such a resolution.
but those who rejoice of this will only rejoice for a while as the fate of bashar s syria is sealed, it is only a matter of time.
then we ll see whether emigration of some pro bashar lebanese leaders or they will just change their stances and say that they never supported bashar!

Default-user-icon Imad (Guest) 05 February 2012, 15:47

What Arabs? We are nothing but a bunch of bickering, hypocritical Arabs. Are you referring to the Arabs like Saudi Arabia that doesn't have a democracy and treats its women like 5th class citizens? Those Arabs don't have a right to talk about bringing democracy to Syria. Those Arabs are hypocrites who work for American and Israeli interests. Bashar Al Assad is not perfect. However I will choose his poison over the poison of the hypocrisy of the US and it's Arab Allies.

Missing mansour 05 February 2012, 16:43

what great news Russia vetos,lol do you all think russia will just agree with the UN to end the conflict in Syria of course not.This is what Russia and the rest of the world wants , a WAR to continue selling there weapons which is kinda sad but the ARABS in the middleeast deserve what they are getting and i hope Syria get it 100 times over.Long Live The Civil War.Lebanon will get its REVENGE!