Berri asks al-Rahi about 'alternative' to 'prior agreement'

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has hit back at remarks by Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi.
In his sermon on Sunday, al-Rahi had criticized Berri’s proposals for the presidential file, rejecting his suggestion for securing a “prior agreement” on the president’s identity prior to voting.
Berri snapped back, according to ad-Diyar newspaper, telling his visitors: “I don’t really know what they want… What is the alternative? Whoever has a solution should give it to us.”

The alternative is to let the people choose the president, since the politicians are not able to do the job.

Why do you close the first session for lack of quorum? you did that 10 times so far.
keep the 1st session open and tell members of your parliament we're sleeping here until YOU elect a president TODAY.

The funny part of all this he himself and his own block are casting blank ballots an d the idiot has the audacity to ask what is the alternative.

Once al this is done, they should amend the constitution and have the president elected by popular vote otherwise this scenario will keep happening.