Jumblat says 'not the right time' for 'reconsidering state structure'

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat criticized Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea's call for reconsidering the state's structure.
"What does he mean by reconsidering the Lebanese structure," Jumblat asked, in remarks published Tuesday in al-Joumhouria newspaper.
"Is this the right time to discuss modifying the structure," he added, stressing that "the country is collapsing."
Geagea had said that the entire Lebanese structure must be reevaluated, should Hezbollah manage to secure the election of a president in the way it wants.
"We must complete the implementation of the Taif Agreement first before Geagea or anyone else calls for something like this," Jumblat said.

Geagea: We a confrontation president
Jumblatt: No we don't need one
gaga: We need to think of complete restock of lebanese state
Jumblatt: now is to the time
Is this old socialist now just sits waiting to geagea to make a comment so he can respond.
he along with Berris are the biggest problem in Lebanon.

Jumblat insisted that the set-aside of half of parliamentary seats to "Christians", per Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution, has "made us the great something-something we are today: why, if we didn't have Article 24, we'd have to invent it."

Chris Rushlau, the George Santos of experts on Lebanon and it's political system, it's constitution, it's sectarian demographic makeup and it's history. Chris also claims that he was a 4 star General in Operation Iraqi Freedom. There's a life-size statue of him in Nairobi, a city he built. He has 3 PHDs, in Law, Philosophy, Politics and Origami. Math was never his strong suit except when counting the people in Lebanon. He speaks 7 languages fluently, including 12 Arab dialects and can tell you the actual street you were born on just by your accent. He's an expert marksman with and without his glasses or dentures. He masters six different martial arts. Has Olympic Gold medals in boxing and in synchronized swimming. He wrote 19 best sellers, recorded 35 platinum records and has two sets of EGOTS. He slept with 62 more women than Wilt Chamberlain and twice as many men as those. He can talk to the animals and regularly goes down to the Zoo and regales them with his wild adventures.

Agree you should, but where? As we've established you're over qualified HAHAHAHA!!

Wrong again Chris! It's not really hard at all. Although it could be hard for someone like yourself who's never personally experienced it first hand. However my brain can spot racism right away. In fact I've been a victim of it all my life, in my own home town, from people that look just like you. Never bothered me much to be honest. They usually can't tell just by looking at me but the minute they learn of my ethnic background their demeaner changes in an instance. Three generations locally born and bread or the distinguished service with honor doesn't mean a thing to them. They claim their race is intellectually superior. So they take pleasure out of lecturing all about their moral superiority; reminds you of someone? They will even produce so called "scientific studies" to reinforce this inherent ingrained ignorant haltered. I think that's funny.