Hezbollah praises 'heroic Palestinian response' to Israel crimes


Hezbollah congratulated Hamas Saturday, praising the Palestinian "heroic" and "victorious" infiltration into southern Israel.

In a statement, Hezbollah said it is following up with the Palestinian factions on the operation, and called on Israel to "draw lessons" from it.

The group added that the operation is a "response to the occupation's continuous crimes and violations."

It called on the Arab and Islamic nations and on all "the free people of the world" to support the Palestinian people and the resistance movements.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip had carried out an unprecedented infiltration Saturday into southern Israel and fired thousands of rockets into Israel as the ruling Hamas militant group announced the beginning of a new operation.

The militants had "divine backing," Hezbollah said.

Israel began striking targets in Gaza in response, setting the stage for what was likely to be a new heavy round of fighting between the bitter enemies.

Comments 12
Missing mcessen1 07 October 2023, 12:13

Lebanon does not to be dragged in to this.

Missing mcessen1 07 October 2023, 12:13

Lebanon does not to be dragged in to this.

Missing un520 07 October 2023, 13:25

Time will show how divine the backing of Hamas is. And talking of lessons to be learned; I fear that palestinian mothers will learn that Hamas only bring more misery and calamity to their young hopeful. If Hamas was capable of learning anything, it would be that actions such as this is what broght hardliners like Netanyahu to power in the first place. Israel would face a much bigger pressure facing a peaceful palestinian people.

Missing cedars 07 October 2023, 13:42

Lebanon First then everyone else. is this really your Devine theory?
Let's be very clear: if you let the Palestinian camps in South lebanon where hizbollah controls destabilize the situation, that's going to be your end.

Missing B.K.L 07 October 2023, 15:57

Who is the true God? Acording to the old testament, God supported war, massacres, murder, rape, slavery and ethnic cleansing.

Missing B.K.L 07 October 2023, 15:58

You mean the entity that the LF was backed by when they raped druze women with glass bottles and massacred innocent people for not being pro LF maronites? All in the so called name of Jesus and the virgin Mary.

Thumb i.report 08 October 2023, 01:11

The Lord Jesus, devoid of any physical weaponry, wielded the profound impact of his words to leave an indelible mark, inflicting wounds upon many. His words were the catalyst for the decision to crucify him.

We will keep you in our prayers, beseeching Allah to grant you intelligence and enlightenment.

Missing un520 07 October 2023, 19:02

We can npw safely assume that the Hamas-leader visiting Beirut a couple of weeks ago wasnt there to calm down the situation in the palestinian camps in Lebanon like he said. He was rather trying to get Hezbollah to join the attack plans against Israel. However, Nasrallah decided against it, knowing that it would be the end of him and his organization. He prefer to hold the Lebanese people as hostages of the Iranian agenda.

Missing 1948 08 October 2023, 04:37

samir geagea and his LF are scared.with no more KSA or gulf support, and now his Israeli handlers are worthless...

Missing 1948 08 October 2023, 04:37

samir geagea and his LF are scared.with no more KSA or gulf support, and now his Israeli handlers are worthless...

Missing 1948 08 October 2023, 04:37

samir geagea and his LF are scared.with no more KSA or gulf support, and now his Israeli handlers are worthless...

Thumb i.report 08 October 2023, 19:48

Considering that both men and women, as well as elderly individuals, are all part of the reservist population, the concept of civilians seems to blur. When you witness Zionist kids spitting on Christian worshippers from all over the World in the city of Jerusalem, is it possible to genuinely empathize with their situation? La2