Geagea: This is our land, let EU distribute refugees on its countries

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Friday escalated his rhetoric regarding Lebanon’s Syrian refugee crisis, in the wake of the recent murder of LF official Pascal Sleiman at the hands of a Syrian gang.
“This land is our land and if the European Union considers the Syrian refugee file to be a humanitarian issue, then let it distribute them accordingly on all European countries,” Geagea said at a press conference in Maarab.
“What are the measures that the Free Patriotic Movement has taken since 2011 regarding the Syrian refugees issue? What did the president do as of 2016 with a ministerial and parliamentary majority? Deception is the nature of the FPM and before it accuses us of anything, let it tell us what it has done in this file,” Geagea added.
“Some are voicing the excuse that the number of municipal policemen is not enough to address the Syrian refugee problem, but we are ready to offer volunteers to work on this file in all regions, and from now on we won’t remain silent over any shortcomings or negligence,” the LF leader went on to say.
Responding to caretaker Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi’s remarks about rejecting so-called “self-security,” Geagea said: “Mr. Minister, we are all against self-security, but you must do your job, and the first matter that should be addressed is resolving the case of the refugees.”
“The state’s inaction encourages the people to resort to self-security,” Geagea warned.
“We have a sovereign decision and we must take decisions that protect our country and state, instead of waiting for what the EU of the international community want,” he said, warning that the refugee crisis has become “an existential danger that is threatening our country.”

Put them on boats and autopilot them to the democracies in the West. Enough is enough.

THOSE WHO LIVE BY THE SWORD DIE BY THE SWORD. If balance of terror is here to stay, does Lebanon have a chance to escape Iran’s occupation, Hizb reign of terror, misery and hell? How can we explain to our kids why we allowed the rape of our country & culture by the Basij? How did we allow Hizb/Assad unpunished killing of Hariri, Tueni, Chatah, Slim, Sleiman & counting? Lebanon has lost many won wars from UN resolutions to International tribunal. Time to lock all traitors, political prostitutes and Hizb’s Trojan horses. No secret Netanyahu owes his election wins to Hizb & Hamas rockets. Israel radicals could only stay in power and prevent 2-state solution if Hizb keeps its rockets. Haven’t Palestinian suffered enough by Israelis, Hamas, Hizb & Vultures of Tehran. This tragedy must stop. Peace was almost signed in 2000. Germany & France fought hundred years war but became best friends after economic union, and so can the Middle East. MOST SERIOUS DISCUSSIONS CONTINUE:

SERIOUS TALK 20: THE STONE BUILDERS REJECTED HAS BECOME CORNERSTONE: Lebanon is key for permanent peace in the Middle East. No other country more important. It alone can make a difference between temporary ceasefire and permanent comprehensive peace, btw bottomless waste of money and regional golden age; btw balance of terror and socio-eco-political interdependency. Permanent peace only possible by deposing the evil trilogy: Hamas/Hizbollah/Netanyahu and rebuilding trust & economic integration that are only security for peace and 2-state solution. Lebanese army after mandate from Cedar Revolution II with Shia participation must disarm Hizbollah & Hamas, thus eliminating Iran’s tentacles & radicals breeding ground. Action coordinated with international plan to depose Netanyahu, demarcate borders, impose 2-state solution & Marshal-type aid package for Gaza/W Bank, Lebanon, Sinai & Jordan to insure prosperous economies, reconstruction & full employment.

SERIOUS TALK 21: WHERE ARE MARTYRS HARIRI & SADR WHEN WE NEED THEM: The 2024 Beirut Peace Plan described above requires the skills of Rafiq Hariri & Imam Saddr. Hariri capitalized on our strengths and diversity making Lebanon the most democratic, free and envy of the Arab world. The 2002 Beirut Arab League Peace Plan setup the principles for regional peace. A regional peace will be the end of the criminal regime in Iran that’s why they were quick to assassinate Hariri followed by assassination and imprisonment of the Leaders of Green Revolution, including past president, intellectuals, and most productive section of the Iranian society. If Imam Saddr was alive in 2010, we no doubt will be a leader of the Green Revolution and assassinated by Basij mercenaries Hizbollah. Urgent to reproduce Hariri & Saddr leadership qualities instead of this political mafia subservient to Iran’s Foreign Region to become the CORNERSTONE for regional peace.

SERIOUS TALK 22: PERFECT TIMING: Evil trilogy is exposed. Over half US Jewish students say Netanyahu committed war crimes and favor 2-state solution. Zero sympathy for racist settlers. Hizbollah exposed as Iran’s mercenaries & foreign legion like Houthis, destroying economy to make Lebanon a Banana Republic & Basij rocket base since long range missiles & drones are easy target. Despot Hamas leaders are exposed as war mongers sacrificing their own people for power & riches rejected by more & more Palestinians. Not to mention Arab, Europe and US leaders profusely hate this evil trilogy. As to the vultures of Tehran, they have zero friends, viewed as Great Satan by Iranian diaspora & surviving by blackmailing other countries. No better time to get rid of this evil trilogy with Lebanon neutralizing 2 out of 3 as no other country allows armed Hamas or militias. Without arms & camps, Hizbollah & Hamas will wither away if not hanged by their million victims.

SERIOUS TALK 23: WHAT PERMANENT PEACE IS WORTH: Ukraine War cost is already in hundreds of billion with a million victims. Hamas/Israel war direct and indirect cost is also in the hundreds of billion. Conflict can torpedo Gulf nations 2030 economic visions that depend on peace, tourism, economic outlook & credit rating; causing hundreds of billion in failed investments. UNWRA, UNIFIL, aid grants & reconstruction cost are more wasted billions. Therefore a $200 billion Marshall Plan package paid by the world community for permanent Arab-Palestinian-Israeli peace is the best investment the world can make; restoring sanity & significantly cheaper than future wars, misery, radicalism and illegal immigration. It is also a prelude to Saudi and other Arab peace accords; leaving Iran as the emperor with no cloth about to be deposed by oppressed Iranians. Lebanon deserves at least $70 billion grant package restoring its soul, culture, meaningful jobs & leading role in the region.

SERIOUS TALK 24: LEBANON FREE AT LAST: No country allows armed militias and foreign fighters. Would any Arab country allow armed Hamas? Egypt did not even let civilian Gazans cross its borders. Lebanon prime minister, cabinet, MPs & army are either complicit with Hizb/Hamas or incompetent and impotent. They are responsible for turning Lebanon into occupied Banana Republic with no sovereignty, dignity or freedom. Luckily public anger combined with capable new Diaspora will put an end to this charade by organizing Cedar Revolution II, with significant Shia participation, to get rid of political mafia and insure no arms outside army and major reforms. With domestic and foreign support, Hizb and Hamas will be disarmed in no time in exchange for border demarcation, permanent peace and $70 billion aid package to restore Lebanon economy and institutions. Peace will open borders to Israel, Jordan and Egypt making South most valuable land and pipeline preferred route.

SERIOUS TALK 25: LEBANON GOLDEN AGE: With $70 billion aid package, major reforms, investment projects & permanent peace with open southern border; Lebanon will rise like a phoenix to rebuild institutions & infrastructure; enshrine democracy, freedom, liberal economy & restore intellectual and cultural leading role in the region. The damage caused by Hizbollah, its Useful Idiots and Trojan Horses to our institutions, education, health, justice and banking system will be reversed. Public debt will be managed. Major construction projects will start as soon as political mafia replaced with honest and competent leaders to implement reforms, transparency, accountability & good governance. Projects from new airports, modern ports, monorail (Tyr-Tripoli), multiple tunnels, artificial islands, maritime fiber link to Europe, mini-silicon valleys with giga-wifi, satellite universities geared to educate remote high tech workers, digitation of public services, etc. The sky the limit!

SERIOUS TALK 26: PAL-HATERS. Most so-called Palestinian supporters are actually PAL-HATERS. They never cared about Palestinians but are full of hate towards Israelis. What have the resistance axis, Hizb, SSNP, Assad, Iran, AL-Jadid, Manar done for Palestinian refugees living in miserable conditions? How much have they contributed to their welfare, education, health, UNRWA, safety. NOTHING. They are PURE HYPOCRITS. We know how Assad & company treated refugees. Tons of hate and racism towards Israelis and not a drop of compassion toward Palestinian refugees. Stupid anyone falling for their lies or alligator tears. We need real and permanent solution that dignifies Palestinians and restore their human dignity, ability to work & support their families. Not Hamas & UNWRA model that criminally created a time bomb of overpopulation, unemployed husbands, and oppressed women & children, subject to mass hateful indoctrination while corrupt leaders live in luxury.

SERIOUS TALK 27: HIZBOLLAH IS TOAST: Hizbollah is Iran’s Foreign Legion occupying Lebanon and converting South into Basij training ground & Iranian rocket base since long range missiles have proven ineffective easily destroyed. Recent events left no doubt Hizb role has nothing to do with liberating Shebaa or Palestine. Cedar Revolution II million plus march is the process to disarm Hizb & Hamas, that will also get rid of embarrassing PM, Vichy government & army leaders and anyone not supporting full sovereignty. Permanent peace is worth hundreds of billions with Lebanon’s share around $70 billion if we succeed in disarming Hizb & Hamas, sufficient funds to fix all the damage Hizb and its puppets caused and restore Lebanon role, culture and soul. Disarming conditioned on the world deposing Netanyahu, instituting viable 2-states & Marshall Aid Plan; in addition to agreement on borders & refugees; aid package will focus on investments in South, Beqaa & North to insure full employment.

SERIOUS TALK 28: DISARMING WILL SUCCEED: If US, Europe & Gulf want permanent peace & 2-State solution no one can stop them not even Netanyahu & Nasrallah love story. Hizb & Useful Idiots are 90% responsible for Lebanon bankruptcy turning it into a beggar nation run by Basij with no dignity, honor, justice or freedom. Cedar Revolution I did not include Shia support. Shia will be prominent in Cedar Revolution II as all masks have fallen. Then army give ultimatum to Hizb to surrender its arms followed by war of liberation if Hizb objects. Yes, fourth generation Lebanese from around the world will volunteer to liberate Lebanon from this criminal militia & corrupt political mafia to restore our culture, freedom & way of life. Hizb support is a mirage, forced by arms & indoctrination not unlike 90% of Iraqi Shia voting for Saddam. As to Michel Aoun, if he & FPM do not support Army’s war against Hizb, his wars against LF will make him a war criminal. Lets hope Hizb smartly disarm.

SERIOUS TALK 29: RADICAL ISRAELIS ARE TOAST – For 18 years Gebran Sons wrote that Netanyahu and Nasrallah are 2 sides of the same coin. They depend on each others for survival and power grab. Netanyahu and his racists ministers came to power in close elections thanks to Hizbollah & Hamas rockets. His unnecessary destruction of cities, killing of civilians; and targeting hospitals, schools, NGO and media will be judged by international courts for war crimes and forced expulsion. No better opportunity for 2-state solution with demilitarized Gaza and South Lebanon. Important not to fall for Netanyahu/Nasrallah trap by maintaining balance of terror and justifying arms and radicalism. This is the perfect opportunity for permanent peace based on 2-state solution that get rid of Netanyahu and his racist ministers & settlers that the West and most Jews despise. Those who live by the sword die by the sword. No one will shed a tear. Bon Debarras!

SERIOUS TALK 30: PALESTINIANS in Gaza and West Bank deserve a permanent peace based on 2-state solution & vibrant economy integrated with Israel and the region. Arab Israeli enjoy a high standard of living, increasingly integrated within Israel society, especially young generation. Israel needs workers but cannot coexist with Hamas terrorist organization (Arab Taliban) and Iran’s mercenaries that have exploited and abused a whole generation of Palestinians while amassing power and riches for its leaders. Can Hamas fire rockets from Egypt or Jordan? We should round up and put in jail all Hamas leaders in Lebanon, confiscating their riches for rebuilding Gaza. This will bring credibility and respect to our government, becoming the cornerstone of regional peace instead of Banana Republic & Hizb’s puppets. We cannot have Hizb & Hamas criminal organizations running the show while negotiating our sovereignty and land and maritime borders with Syria & Israel.

SERIOUS TALK 31: HAMAS IS HISTORY – Hamas or Arab Taliban, is a criminal & beggar organization stealing people’s dignity, freedom & future. Under its oppressive rule, 77% of Gazans lived on foreign aid in poorest & most corrupt city. Aid stolen to build bombs and tunnels while people kept in misery and women in modern slavery, striped of dignity & dreams, reduced to birth machine in a most overpopulated, unemployed and miserable city. Clearly Hamas and UNRWA are guilty of premeditated human abuses and creation of human time bomb using people suffering and misery for political benefits. In contrast Hamas cronies & billionaires (Mashall, Hanieh, Marzook, etc) live in villas & 5-star hotels. Hamas leaders must face international tribunal for crimes against humanity and have their fortunes confiscated for rebuilding Gaza prior to any foreign aid. Lebanon must disarm Hamas and confiscate Hamas properties to compensate its victim and insure no more breeding ground for terrorism.

1. Hamas built no public shelters vs 400 km of tunnels. Generators & supply for tunnels but not hospitals or schools. Oct 7 attack insured Israeli response and heavy civilian death while Hamas fighters hiding underground.
2. Hamas connected hospitals and schools with underground tunnels insuring their attack and civilian sacrifice for political and media benefit. No more cruel crime.
3. Hamas billionaire and millionaire leaders made fortune out of people misery by taxing tunnel counterfeit and fuel, extorting valuable lands, skimming aid and reconstruction funds, and contractors kickback. These fortunes must be seized for rebuilding Gaza prior to any reconstruction aid.
4. Hamas with UNRWA complicity enabled & promoted overpopulation and certain radicalization in most dense, unemployment & miserable City. UNRWA must face justice for deliberately creating human tragedy for political benefit.

SERIOUS TALK 33: TURNING TABLES ON VULTURES OF TEHRAN: Rarely has there been a more destructive regime in human history, soiling one of the world’s greatest civilization. A pure force of evil, wasting immense natural & human resources to ferment wars and misery all around. From Suleimani’s kiss of death spreading misery, arms and radicalism to Shia communities. Destabilizing countries and destroying economies for easy occupation by setting up puppet governments controlled by armed militias. A third of Iranian society revolted in 2010 Green Revolution and were brutally suppressed, imprisoned or exiled. Iranian last year demonstrated by tens of thousands in dozen capitals against this brutal regime. However, regime worst nightmare is regional peace and 2-state solution or Arab prosperity. They killed Hariri for 2002 Beirut Arab Peace Plan and started Gaza war to torpedo Saudi peace plan. Let make sure regional peace is a reality to insure inner destruction of this Vulture Regime.

SERIOUS TALK 34: SAUDI CRITICAL ACTION: Saudi Arabia is risking Lebanon fate if not immediate actions are taken. As Iran’s assassination of Rafiq Hariri was to torpedo Beirut’s 2002 Arab’s Peace Plan & its prosperity & growing influence with Western leaders; so Iran using Hamas Oct attack to torpedo Saudi peace plan and its growing economic & political clout. Hamas is the dagger Iran used to attack Saudi Arabia and Arab interests while increasing Iran’s hegemony. Hamas enabled Gaza destruction & myriad of civilian victims while hiding underground instead of accepting defeat and exile shows Hamas criminal nature of feeding on Palestinian misery & casualties for political gain as it has used Arab and international aid to gain influence. Saudi Arabia must unequivocally condemn Hamas (and evil trilogy) and stop all aid to Palestinians as long as Hamas in charge. This will erode Hamas support enabling 2-state solution & regional peace. Otherwise, vision 2030 will certainly fail!